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Postby yog^sothoth » Thu Sep 18, 2003 4:29 am

I thought I would post this link here. What this link goes to is a community of fansubbers who offer their work for download. From what I have researched, this is a gray area as the shows that are offered for download on this site are not licensed in America and are technically not illegal here until they are. I don't know if the site will stay up but I highly suggest this link, and the show's Naruto and Sexy Commando, just to name a few.

If you're wondering about legality and the like.

Animeone are some of the most skilled fansubbers on the net right now. From what I have personally seen, companies like Bandai or Gainax will let fansubbers fansub a show legally until it is licensed in America, whereupon once it is lincensed, will track the fansubbers down to their room on their IRC server and request that future fansubbing be stopped. Animeone always complies so it has been an interesting experience watching this relationship develop. They,animeone, get the people of america ready for the next big anime, and then the companies come in with official releases.

So check out animesuki, they have a lot of neat stuff. PM me if you have any complaints or questions!

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Postby _bluerose_ » Thu Sep 18, 2003 11:18 am

Thanks for posting this, I will review it...sometime ^^

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Postby otaku » Sat Sep 27, 2003 11:32 am

great site i go all the time as for legality at least by the established anime fan code this site is ok
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