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Led from darkness

PostPosted: Tue Jan 13, 2004 5:37 pm
by churchgirl111
This is my testimony of what the Lord has done for me...


PostPosted: Tue Jan 13, 2004 5:40 pm
by churchgirl111
I started to do witchcraft in seventh grade. Levetation and everything. I knew that there is a God but i never truly believed. So i started to get deeper involved. I hit rock bottom. My aunt had given me a Bible a little before this and i read some of the New Testament. The Lord showed me the Truth and now i'm free!

If you want me to embellish more then i can explain more...i'm kinda doing this in a hurry... :thumb:

PostPosted: Tue Jan 13, 2004 7:47 pm
by ice122985
wow...thank God you're free from that. Can't say i've ever had any dealings with stuff of that nature, but rejoice in the fact that you're free. that's all i have to say. god bless churchgirl

PostPosted: Wed Jan 14, 2004 4:56 pm
by churchgirl111
Arigato!! YEs praise the Lord God! Thankyou very much :) The Lord is so merciful!

PostPosted: Wed Jan 14, 2004 6:39 pm
by cbwing0
I'm glad that you have been freed from witchcraft, and led to the CAA. :)

PostPosted: Thu Jan 15, 2004 11:17 pm
by true_noir_chloe
I'm glad you were freed from that, as well. My sister was very heavily into witchcraft in high school. She used to chant above me in our bunkbed, just to scare me. She would call out all kinds of things. It only made me rely more on God. She finally stopped. This is actually another long story, so I won't bother you with it. I'm just thankful you're out of it and here with us. ^_^

PostPosted: Mon Jan 19, 2004 5:04 pm
by Kisa
Thank the Lord you are free from the witchcraft . . . I have a cousin who is into it and He seems to think it is normal and nothing wrong. We try to tell him but he just blows us off and says that its just different opinions. I am glad you were able to be free from it though! Now you are a member of CAA! ;)

PostPosted: Thu Feb 12, 2004 8:10 pm
by churchgirl111
i didn't know so many people cared...thankyou it makes me feel good and i praise the Lord that he freed me...

IF you know someone in witchcraft, they probably wont think it is wrong...i didn't even associate what i was doing with witchcraft until i know better..

true witchcraft will leave you with a sense of power but will draw you deeper and deeper into despair and is sad and scary..

i was getting suicide thoughts (not major but voices were there) and i saw demons and had dreams about was not cool..

the person who does witchcraft is almost on a power trip until the person hits rock bottom and looks up or just realizes that it is empty most likely will continue in our society doesn't really teach witchcraft is wrong beacause many people *(secular and Christian alike) do not believe it is real....which is a dangerous notion..that or they think that it is just a phase that will pas...wrong on both counts...

Witchcraft is real, dangerous and definetly needs to be confronted and treated as being demon related..

that's my 2 cents anyways God bless and thanks for taking the time to read...

BANANA!! :dance: :dance: :dance: :dance:

PostPosted: Thu Feb 12, 2004 9:06 pm
by Zilch

Anyway, this is very powerful stuff. It actually take courage to walk away from your own understanding and follow God and lean only on Him.

PostPosted: Sat Feb 14, 2004 6:23 am
by Kisa
It is so good that God has freed you from this. Now think of how many you can relate to and help because of your own experience! :)

PostPosted: Sat Feb 14, 2004 12:13 pm
by churchgirl111
amen to that!

and yes the banana's mwahahaha

actually in seriousness, i have met many who have gone through witchcraft and the Lord has abled me to plant seeds which maybe will bear fruit down the road... :)