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Hello, my name is Alexander. I have Asperger's Syndrome.

PostPosted: Mon Apr 23, 2007 9:00 pm
by Alexander
In the Prayer Request topic I asked for a few prayers concern myself. One of them included the request for helping me with my discovery that I've recently been diagnosed with Aspeger's Syndrome.

A few days have passed since I've learned I'm autistic, and I've found almost nothing but blessings for it.

But why is this you might ask? And what exactly is Asperger's to begin with, and how does it affect me? Well, before I begin to explain, a bit of my past and of my personal biography will have to be explained first. So you might want to make some popcorn while reading this, because it's going to be VERY long. XD

Ever since the day I was born, I've always expressed unique things about myself emotionally or physically. I don't remember, but my parents told me when I was born I would always cry and scream if I wasn't held, I was terrified of loud noises and being around an enormous group of people, and I used to be very hostile towards everyone in my family. I even at first bit my dad's hand when he first started holding me. Why did I do all this? No one knew at the time (nor will I ever know fully). We only knew that I was very uncomfortable around strangers and that I preferred being in silent, calm places.

A few years passed, and when I entered 3 years of age, I once again began showing interesting characteristics. Although the first one I'm going to mention wouldn't have even been considered unique. I had a tendency to take cans and line them up in a tower as high as I could make it. I also, (and I still do) had a love for trains. Why? Well, for quite a few reasons, but the earliest one I can remember was of how it looked. Being in a straight, connected line of cars seemed to grab my attention endlessly. Speaking of grabbing my attention, I also started to show the aspect of getting interested in one thing at one time and putting all my energy into learning about it. Something I still possess today on a daily basis (and why I'm such an in-depth Otaku, but I also have knowledge in quite a few other things too). Lastly, and this is something that's really no longer with me except on very, very rare ocassions, was my lack of receipting danger. The Church we went to at the time had a small hill behind it, which on top were some railroad tracks. This I can just vaguely remember and could quite possibly be my first memory. I would go up the hill, and start walking along the tracks. My parents were in a panic because I was lost, not to mention the incredible risk on my own life that I had no idea I was taking. Eventually my dad was able to find me on the tracks by accident and took me back to everyone's (and to my own feelings in the future) relief. But that was only the first time, I then did it a second time and went almost half a mile from our Church when I was found by a woman at a McDonald's near the tracks. I was picked up by her, and almost was going to be put into a lost-and-found list when my parents, to their relief again, found me. And THIS time they kept me under their very close watch. And I never did it again. I can also say my perception of danger has gone up quite well, to an almost over-extreme level. But that's something I'll discuss a bit later.

The years passed, I made my first friend, began homeschooling, and continued to grow with the world around me. One thing I'll always remember though, and this is one of the main struggles I've always had and will mention a few more times, was being social and keeping friends. Which, along with perhaps sin and death itself, has been the hardest struggle I have ever faced in my life. Being social, in and of itself, be it online or off, with strangers whom I know nothing about, is nearly impossible for me. I had always been shy my entire life, but after I turned 13, that shyness escalated to what I currently am. During that time, friendship was something I was desperately longing for after spending two years without any. I had decided to try going to a Christian private school that I at the time thought would help me make friends. However, I was looked at with questioning for my out of place attitude and interests. Eventually I was ignored quietly by my whole class there, which would later affect my attitude as it is today. It opened me to have an attraction with spending time with people younger or much older then myself, it brought out my interests in being a writer, but the last effect was my un-open feelings towards strangers and people. Which eventually developed into a fear so large that I couldn't even ask for simple things from strangers. Too afraid to ask a book store employee for help on finding a book I was interested in, too afraid to ask for directions or when something was happening that I was interested in. I would always look for the information myself. I even get nervous in community discussions online, which take up 70% of my life. The idea of me getting a job and having to socialize with other people has been something I haven't been able to comprehend or fully ready myself for in the future. Although I do know that I will eventually have to push myself into that fear in order to live.

People today have usually always recognize me as being different from most people. One of the largest being my androgynous tastes for my age and gender. Androgynous means, "Being of both a girl and boy at the same time and also being neither". Although in my case, this is used for my interests. Normally most boys aren't interested in sensitive stories or adorable, warming things. Although there are more sensitive boys who are, I take it the largest extreme. I have such a deep love for small girls, cute things, and sensitive stories that I can't really call myself a boy or a girl. Even if I'm physically male.
To me, this always felt perfectly normal and not odd in anyway, but to everyone else, when I would say "Awwww..." at something like this:


Most people's response would be, "Are you mentally stable"? And being at the age of 17, this was escalated ten times to the point were some people thought I needed serious mental therapy. I took no notice of this because I believed that there was nothing wrong me. Although many people did ask me again and again to seek help because I kept acting like a seven year old in seventeen year old body, which did worry me a little.

So eventually, I decided to see a therapist not for the reasons I showed above primarily, but to help with some psychological problems I had been having and still have today. Including crying many times, having spontaneous visions of images and sounds I didn't want to hear, and my fear of society. Eventually though, I was taken out because the symptoms I was showing pointed to one thing: Aspeger's.

A few months passed, and I was taken to a group that specialized in helping children discover how to use their Asperger's both positively and to assist in helping them overcome their negative side-effects. I spent over five hours there, took a few tests, met other people who had it, and just relaxed a bit. After enough time passed, I found out I had passed 90% of the test. I was diagnosed with Asperger's.

What is Asperger's? Asperger's is a condition in the brain that causes all the things I've just told you about above, and many more. It doesn't have a cure, and doesn't need one. The basic showings of asperger's include stacking or lining up objects in a neat line, being obsessed with one thing at a time and obsessing into that subject to the extreme, having a unique and very different attitude, and lacking the ability to interpret facial expressions or how a person sometimes might feel. Although there are many exceptions and such an incredible amount of differences that no two people with asperger's are alike.

At first I wasn't willing to accept the truth that I was an autistic person because I feared that I would have to go through extensive therapy to cure me of something I felt normal being the person I already was. Thankfully, the group I was with told me that they were only going to help or teach me what I wanted to go through with and nothing more, because they themselves were autistic. At that moment, I experienced the happiest feeling I had felt in a very, very long time. So many questions I had wondered had been answered for me, and I suddenly realized, "Every negative comment, complaint, or criticism put at me no longer has any basis. I'm normal in here. Nothing was every truly wrong with me." And since then, I've been re-discovering almost all of my life because of this discovery.

So, what does this mean for me and the CAA? Well, if you think you need to give me special treatment or put me in a handi-capped position, you don't need too. However, I am here to tell you all that I will be showing sometimes subtle, to immensely different feelings and in my general attitude. All that I ask from you is to respect, tolerate, and possibly support my actions. I might do many things that for me are completely natural in every aspect, but you it might be very strange. So I simply ask that you respect me for individuality, as this is the main reason I made this topic.

However, this doesn't put me in an innocent role either. I've had to re-learn how to interact with normal people and expect how they're going to be different from myself. So I too, am going to have to respect, tolerate, and support your actions.

To end this, and to rest from all the work I had to do to write this and the work you had to do to read this, I will add my final decoration. "ahem".


I hope you can welcome me here again with open arms, as I hope to do the same with you.


PostPosted: Mon Apr 23, 2007 11:18 pm
by K. Ayato
Wow, thanks for sharing that. Just so you know, I never did think you as weird, even before you mentioned Asperger's, which (and this is from a psych major) is categorized with autism, but is now being researched as a different disorder altogether.

PostPosted: Tue Apr 24, 2007 12:00 am
by Fish and Chips
Alexander wrote:It doesn't have a cure, and doesn't need one.

I was waiting for that line to come up.

Alexander, you are a unique person with your own tastes and habits. You need no excuse for that. Just be yourself. You like sensitive, warm stories? Guess what? I'm a closet fan of 5 Centimeters Per Second. I love that short film. I enjoyed them just as much as some of my more mature series.

So sit back and relax. And if anyone makes a big deal about it, forget them. Personal taste is too valuable to let it be ruined by others.

PostPosted: Tue Apr 24, 2007 3:59 am
by rocklobster
BTW< Alexander, I have it too, so I feel for you.

PostPosted: Tue Apr 24, 2007 4:30 am
by Mr. SmartyPants
Fish and Chips wrote:Alexander, you are a unique person with your own tastes and habits. You need no excuse for that. Just be yourself. You like sensitive, warm stories? Guess what? I'm a closet fan of 5 Centimeters Per Second. I love that short film. Ouran Host Club. His and Her Circumstances. I enjoyed them just as much as some of my more mature series.

So sit back and relax. And if anyone makes a big deal about it, forget them. Personal taste is too valuable to let it be ruined by others.

Quoted for Truth, my friend.

As for me, I have my share of mental problems, so I know where you're coming from. They aren't Social Disorders per-se, but I suppose I understand in a semi-similar light.

PostPosted: Tue Apr 24, 2007 6:50 am
by rsnumber2
We'll be here for you and with you.

On a side note, the more I researched Asperger's, the more I felt I had in common with it! Like you said, it can be as much a blessing. As for the more touching series, I like Azumanga Diaoh, and My Neighbors the Yamadas. Both are more slice of life and make me feel good about life in general. But I digress, if you need anything at all, just let us know.

PostPosted: Tue Apr 24, 2007 9:26 am
by EireWolf
Welcome, Alexander! :hug:

I don't think you're weird for liking cute things and sensitive stories, even though you're a guy. I don't think it makes you any less male, just more sensitive. And that's a good thing. :)

A family that we're close with in our church has a couple of members with Asperger's. Come to think of it, that whole family is Otaku too. :grin: They're also all very talented and interesting people that we love to be around.

PostPosted: Tue May 01, 2007 10:41 pm
by Alexander
Awww. You're all the best! *hugs all*

I've recently met a group of people who live in my city who are normal families. Some of them were both parents who had it along with their children or just parents.

It was really enlightening for me to talk to other people who understood everything about how I felt and how I saw the world around me. From the question every aspie asks, "What is friendship, how do people do it so easily, and how do I make friends?" to talking to other people about our obsessions from thing to thing.

It was perhaps the first time I also joined in small group conversation willingly. It was also one of the first times I felt more normal then ever before.

This September me, my dad and my mom are going to a giant aspie group assembly in Chicago. Around 1,200 people attend every year. And who knows? Maybe I'll make my first real world friend in 2 years without any.

P.S. And I will to all of your requests and suggestions. I might even make this into a topic just to talk about Asperger's in general. (Ever since making the discovery about it myself, all I've wanted to do is discover more and more about it).

PostPosted: Wed May 02, 2007 1:34 pm
by Tenshi no Ai
Wow... and yet I thought Aspergers' was moreso a non-social (well, not really anyways), eccentric person, who happens to be super-smart, in which my psych text calls it "Little Professor Syndrome" (since I'm guessing the signs come up early in age with the intelligence portion of it). A classic example that would fit that description is totally L from Death Note. But I guess as you've said, 'no two people with Aspergers' are the same'.

PostPosted: Wed May 02, 2007 3:59 pm
by Sheol777
Fish and Chips wrote:So sit back and relax. And if anyone makes a big deal about it, forget them. Personal taste is too valuable to let it be ruined by others.

This is profound.
rsnumber2 wrote: As for the more touching series, I like Azumanga Diaoh

Alex, please tell me you have seen Azumanga Diaoh! The whole time I read your story I thought "Wow! Azumanga Diaoh would be perfect for him!"...and uh yeah, I like it a lot too rsnumber2.
Tenshi no Ai wrote:A classic example that would fit that description is totally L from Death Note. But I guess as you've said, 'no two people with Aspergers' are the same'.

Wow, I never thought about that. Great connection Tenshi.

Alex I for one am glad to see you here. I took notice of you before this life story was posted (I even visited your blog). I am glad you are here, in a way I wish I had the fowardness you have in your life, thanks for sharing with us. I hope you like it here.

If I have said anything in the past that rubbed you the wrong way, think of me and my opinions as sandpaper. I am coarse but I eventually make things smoother.

PostPosted: Sun May 13, 2007 10:16 pm
by USSRGirl
Haven't had the pleasure of meeting you yet, Alex, but I'm glad you decided to share your story. I know a bit about Autism in general, but I actually learned a lot more just by reading your testimonial. Glad to hear that you're enjoying the group meetings. You seem like a very interesting person, and believe it or not (yes, I know I sound cheesy) but the slight quirks you mentioned are the things that make you interesting. You're not 'weird' and you don't have 'problems' - you're exactly the way God intended you to be. Everyone has different things they'd like to change about themselves - shyness, quirks, nervousness ect, but when you think about it if everyone was what society calls "normal" the world would be a pretty boring place.

Anywho, nice to meet ya. If you ever wanna chat just drop me a PM.

Your comrade in Christ,


PostPosted: Mon May 14, 2007 5:32 am
by Hotarubi
Alexander wrote:It doesn't have a cure, and doesn't need one.

This might sound stupid, but that is one powerful line. ^^

PostPosted: Mon May 14, 2007 10:51 am
by K. Ayato
Amen to that.

PostPosted: Tue May 15, 2007 7:19 pm
by Master-Chief
Hmm...Autistic,eh? I don't see NOTHING weird or wrong with you, so you'll fight right in,chap!

PostPosted: Thu May 17, 2007 12:13 am
by Wave
Oh what to say. I have been thinking about it all after noon and I still have no idea. Oh out with it. I was diagnosed with AS four years ago. I can’t begin to describe all the memories that came rushing back into my mind after I read this thread. All the feelings came back with force. I totally envy you, when you say that learning that you have AS has brought nothing but blessings. For me it was the exact opposite. It seemed at first to bring nothing but pain. I showrly hope and parry that the next few years are not as difficult for you as they where for me. Boy how much more encouraging can you get? (sarcasm)

Ok, some thing that I hope really will encourage you. There is a page in my diary. It has one sentence written on it. It says “God takes extra special care of his children with special needsâ€

PostPosted: Fri May 18, 2007 6:00 pm
by rocklobster
What do you know, that's four people with this disorder on this site!

PostPosted: Sun May 27, 2007 9:07 pm
by Danderson
Actually five and a half.....

Though I don't (or didnt) have all the symptoms, I've had some symptoms that definetly point in that direction. Some of the symptoms I've grown out of or overcame (like the sensitivity to loud noises), but there are some that are still left within me (going off into another world while doing school). I must say it is encouraging to know that there others here that that are like me in that way....

I don't if anyone else has noticed this but, I've noticed that alot of people with asburgers seem to get into anime more then "normal" people. I say this becuase the two people that got me into anime both have it (one of them has just a smidget of it though).

PostPosted: Sun May 27, 2007 11:47 pm
by Alexander
Danderson wrote:I don't if anyone else has noticed this but, I've noticed that alot of people with asburgers seem to get into anime more then "normal" people. I say this becuase the two people that got me into anime both have it (one of them has just a smidget of it though).

I actually went into some research about that, and it's actually very interesting for us.

People with Asperger's have a very to impossibly hard time reading people's emotions with their facial expressions, me being one of them. I actually use body language, hand gestures, tones of voice and even complete silence to tell how someone feels.

I've noticed that when I watch anime or read manga, I tend to have almost no trouble reading how a character feels just by looking at their eyes.

The difference? The eyes are much bigger and thusly make it far easier for people like me to read it. Another reason being that I'm able to connect myself with a fictional looking character then with a real person in a film far better. I actually only like about a dozen live-action films because they depend not very much on the facial expressions of the characters.

There are also other connections to my anime love and Asperger's, but I'd have to go into further research.

Thank you very much for your comments everyone! I'll be sure to answer any questions you give me as soon as I have some more spare time. XD

Also, to add something interesting I learned a few days ago:

I was listening to the radio when a Christian man who worked with children who had autism and sever mental disabilities came to talk about his experiences with them.

One part that stood out for me was when he talked about how sometimes he thinks these people are the closet example of what God wants us to be.

He gave an example when he was playing Monopoly with a 12 year old boy, one of his patients. They set up everything until they found out one piece was missing. The dice. The boy said, "Don't worry. We can still play." He made the motion of rolling the dice, threw it on the board and said, "five." And moved five spaces. Feeling confused, the man asked, "But how do I know you rolled a five when there wasn't any dice?" The boy replied, "I don't cheat."

He compared this experience to how God works. We don't always know why he does what he does, but we can faith that he "won't cheat" on us.

I felt very flattered by the comments he made for people like me. And it made me feel really special to be the person who I am.

PostPosted: Tue May 29, 2007 9:16 am
by Wave
ops I hit enter and it posted

PostPosted: Mon Jul 30, 2007 1:46 pm
by Keckhs
I just wanted to post to say that I also have Asperger's, and I can relate to almost all of what Alex said. It makes me really, really happy to know that there are others out there who have my condition, and I think it would be a great idea to start a group for people with AS so that others can also know that they are not alone. We can befriend each other and lift each other up as we learn to live with AS. I've joined some other Aspie groups online, but unfortunately none of them are Christian. You'll be in my prayers, Alex.

PostPosted: Mon Jul 30, 2007 2:22 pm
by silverSky
My four year old brother has autism as well, hearing your story Alex and others as well was very inspirational.

My brother is somewhat high functioning, where he loves to be hug, kiss, cuddled, and praise by others. And at times he does try to relate and interact.

However right now he is having difficulty with his speaking, without using for so long he has become content in not speak to convey his needs. Although he is using simple phrases right now.

He is also is very into steming where he does one repeative motion for quite some time, we are working on him doing more interactive play instead of steming.

We constantly pray that one day the barriers of speech would broken and he will be able to fully speak in full sentences.

He is a wonderful and beautiful boy whose smile alone could melt the coldest of hearts. ^_^


PostPosted: Thu Aug 02, 2007 10:28 pm
by Alexander
Great idea Keckhs. I've actually made an aspie topic for all of outsiders to come in and talk.

*makes sign*

In fact, it is right...


It doesn't have many replies, but this is where the conversation needs to be attended at. But thank you for your replies and prayers! I love to talk about myself and with other people about it. I'm always open for a three hour conversation as I'm not very busy. XD