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Love Poem

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Love Poem

Postby thorn1ofmany » Tue Jan 27, 2004 12:45 am

True Love

The search for true love haunts us all
For this grand prize many seek, fight and fall
We gain it; we lose it, and then try for it again
This mysterious thing called love eludes us till our end

Some search for it like treasure, concealed and hidden
Scrounging and scraping the world unbidden
Silver skin and ruby lips, eyes like diamonds and golden hips
For these they quest and hope to discover
But true love remains a mystery to yet uncover

Others hunt it like a buck or doe
Pursuing and chasing it as a worthy foe
A tender kiss and a warm embrace, a soft caress upon a beautiful face
Things to be gained as prizes of the hunt
But by their achievement true love is shunt

Those who seek love in honest sincerity
Will find that it gives no earthly guarantee
Open ears and a caring tongue, giving all and expecting none
These are the tools of true love’s desire
To serve another until life expires

This is the love you cannot seek out
Or hope to capture while searching about
A sharing of self so deep and true
That the heart is won and the spirit wooed

Comments anyone?
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