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The Chronicles: The Beginning

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The Chronicles: The Beginning

Postby Kunoichi » Mon Jun 23, 2008 2:32 pm


My name is Lord Erewan the Fourth. I am heir to the throne of Lord Guaron and Prince of the realm Isancraft. I am also guardian of the Pendant. Guardian of the Five Elements and to the Code. The entire realm and race of Isancraft resides on me to be its protector against all forces that wish it harm.

I'm not making a whole of sense you say? Well perhaps I should start at the beginning. Before I was Lord and Master of an entire race and before I had to fight for my life! But I am getting ahead of myself.

You would know me as Seth on Earth. This was before I had reached the age of Maturity and I was entrusted with the Five Elements. Before I had to know about Issachar and The Darkness.

Yes, even before I knew who I was to become.

Chapter 1 Later
I am on the forefront of battle against the demons of earth. All Praise and Glory be given to God Forever and Ever!

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Postby Kunoichi » Tue Jun 24, 2008 7:13 am

Chapter One

"Yo Seth! Seth!"

Who is that? Leave me alone!

"Come on Seth...wake up!"

Didn't I just say to leave me alone?

BAM! I sat up, my mind not fully comprehending the morning light that trickled in through my blinds or the fact my little brother was grinning ear from ear.

"I told you to wake up." he whined in penance, clutching the pillow tight as if he was going to pounce again.

I shook my head. He was not worth running around the house and getting yelled at...again.

BAM! Again the pillow came down on my head like a stealth bomber in Iraq. Now he was worth it.

"Luke!" I screamed, not just jumping off the bed but tackling the twelve year old body before me. I grabbed the pillow, hitting him an extra three times for good measure. He protested and he yelled. I ignored.

More later...
I am on the forefront of battle against the demons of earth. All Praise and Glory be given to God Forever and Ever!

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