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Jedi Nites: Adventures of the Lite Side (Star Wars Humor Fan Fic)

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Jedi Nites: Adventures of the Lite Side (Star Wars Humor Fan Fic)

Postby Mister Frodo » Wed Jun 11, 2008 6:01 pm

This comedy fan fic is actually fairly old. I wrote it in 2006, and it was originally posted on The main reason I'm bringing it over to CAA is because I'm infatuated with it. I consider it some of my best work, joke-wise. (Though that's not really saying much...) It is not written especially well and can be hard to follow, but hey, it's readable. (The grammar is above average, thankfully.)

Basically, this fan fic is somewhat of a parody on the events of Star Wars: Episode III. It veers from that film's story considerably, so it's not really a direct parody. Anyone who is not a Star Wars fan or who hasn't seen the movies in recent history may be somewhat confused. I apologize for that.

Anyway, I'm copying-and-pasting this chapter from This is only chapter 1. If people are interested in the story, I may either copy it chapter-by-chapter, or just provide a link to the website where you can read it all. (I decided not to do that in this first post because the story is fairly long.) So, please read and review! I'm open to comments, but please note that this is not intended to be very detailed in its writing. Alright, without further ado, enjoy!

Disclaimer: I do not own the following disclaimer.

Disclaimer: I don’t own pretty much any of the stuff I use in this story.

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Postby oro! » Wed Jun 11, 2008 9:37 pm

Wow! *applause* Very funny; randomness does that XD *Encore* Or rather, can you give me a link or put up more chapters?
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Postby RobinSena » Thu Jun 12, 2008 1:33 pm

Very nice. I'd definitely love to read more, although is probably blocked by the filter. :P

I just finished reading Star Warped today, so this was quite cool. =)
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