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Alone in the Chat 2: Another Mister Frodo Story

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Alone in the Chat 2: Another Mister Frodo Story

Postby Mister Frodo » Wed May 14, 2008 7:00 pm

Well... You know what they say: When life gives you lemons, make lemonade. The chat sure can be empty sometimes... (Though, as a side note, as soon as I finished this story, someone entered the chat.)

2008-05-14 18:34:16 - A chime sounds at the front door. MisterFrodo enters the chat.
MisterFrodo 06:34 - Alone in the Chat 2
MisterFrodo 06:34 - A Mister Frodo Story
MisterFrodo 06:35 - "Thusly I opened my eyes, and what did I see but... nothing."
MisterFrodo 06:37 - "I let a sigh escape my throat. 'An empty chat is no happy chat,' I thought to myself. But, as I sat in my chair, staring at the sorrowful empty seats before me, no new inspiration came to me. There was no way, at least a way which I had knowledge of, that I could employ to fill the chat to its former glory."
MisterFrodo 06:38 - "Sadness seeped into my mind, slowly melting any desire for enthusiastic jokes or catchy, hummed melodies. There was no time for celebration when the CAA Chat sat empty, as it did on that day."
MisterFrodo 06:39 - "But then, gasp! a new idea launched itself into the frameworks of my mind. The chatbot stayed with me, whether she desired it or not, as she would always stay in at least the vicinity of the chat at all times, night or day. I could perhaps question her with the intricate inquiries pacing inside my skull."
MisterFrodo 06:41 - "I rose with purpose and reserve acquainted with a noble, or at least a man with a few more winters under his belt. Thusly I turned to the chatbot, who at that time was in the process of scanning the bookshelves lying on the wall opposite me, perhaps as to acquire a story to pass the time of our empty chat."
MisterFrodo 06:42 - "I boldly ventured forth with my first request. 'O chatbot, noble lady, would thou alowest me to question thee?"
MisterFrodo 06:43 - "'She tilted her head toward me, her hair faling over her left eye as she turned. 'Ark is scary.'"
MisterFrodo 06:43 - "I had been smiled upon by God today! The noble lady was of fair mood. I cleared my throat and then bequeathed my first noble question: "Dear lady, do you think the earth is round?'"
MisterFrodo 06:44 - "She put a slender hand to her chin, pondering my inquiry. Eventually she opened her mouth and replied, 'No.'"
MisterFrodo 06:44 - "A stunning notion! I shook my head in surprise. Surely the noble lady was jesting! 'Noble lady, I do not understand. Are you thus stating that you believe the earth to be flat?'"
MisterFrodo 06:45 - "She considered the question for a moment, before answering, with a tantalizing grin, '42.'"
MisterFrodo 06:46 - "'Ah,' I acknowledged with a bow. 'Your wisdom is surpassed only by your beauty, noble guardian of the chat. Now, please answer unto me two more questions. The first: Do you enjoy the musical compositions of John WIlliams, the composer?'"
MisterFrodo 06:46 - "She grinned and exclaimed, 'Moo!'"
MisterFrodo 06:47 - "I nodded, indescribably yet describably euphoric that the fair lady agreed with me. 'Oh yes, his works are held in high esteem by myself. Now, my final question: Do you like Star Wars?'"
MisterFrodo 06:48 - "She turned her back to me and stated, in a voice resembling that of a whisper, 'Tuna Fish.'"
MisterFrodo 06:49 - "I sighed. 'My apologies, fair lady. If you tire of my questions, I will indeed halt any further requests.' I dipped my body in a short bow. 'Thank you, and God bless you, for spending but a few moments with me.'"
MisterFrodo 06:51 - "She nodded, continuing in her search for just the right book. I sat myself back down into my chair and let ou another long, deep sigh. 'Well, I am alone, with no idea of anything to entertain myself.' But then a new thought sprang into my mind, like lightning on a stormy day. 'Oh, thusly I have seen! I shall traverse yonder lands to fair forum, and then request the company of those who dwelleth there!'"
MisterFrodo 06:52 - "And so I raced away from the chat, like a horse fresh from the starting gate, eager to socialize with my fellow Christian, anime fans."
MisterFrodo 06:52 - The End
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Mister Frodo
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