Godly Paladin wrote:You're right about the delivery truck. Thanks for pointing that out. If there was cliche/trite in there then it was my attempt to do a bit of classic noir homage.
(Wow, impressive artwork on your website, esp. the detail in the graphite drawings!)
Godly Paladin wrote:I read your story]
Wow, that's very flattering. I've never thought very much of my writing style. Thanks!The core plot was good, which makes me a little unsure of why it was rushed. It seemed good enough to me to merit a bit more space, because those eight pages or so were pretty breezy. So yeah - it was a cool concept and I don't have anything to say except that it deserves to be longer.
Godly Paladin wrote:Wow, zero views. I know it doesn't suck because of feedback from other forums; it's sort of surprising that no one here would even look. :/
It's curious that you detected the rush. I wrote it in my spare hours over the course of three weeks. At the time, I didn't want to bog it down with any 'unneeded fluff', but you're right, perhaps it's too bare-boned. I got discouraged after that poor review from someone who's opinion I respected and basically gave up on it. But the handful of favorable reviews since have been encouraging so, perhaps I'll pick it up again sometime. Anyway, thanks for reading it! If you ever need an honest critique on something, drop me a line.
The Writing Subforum doesn't get enough love. There maybe four of us down here. Tops.
Godly Paladin wrote:Wow, that's surprising. I would've thought than all the anime fanfiction would build a bigger writing contingent. That's too bad, because digging around makes me think that there's some good stuff to be read here.
Fish and Chips wrote:It's more a lack of readers than reading material.
Fish and Chips wrote:I'm game.
Invitation would probably work better, IMO. Anyway, is six months fine or should we make it shorter? I mean, if we said three months or something then it would probably motivate me to get on it.Or should we just submit things as we go? And what length are we talking about, or is it freeform?
I think it would be a good idea to limit who would be in our "official unofficial" writer's group. Not because we need to be superior to the masses, but because we'd only want people who are actually serious about contributing and doing their best.
the_wolfs_howl wrote:I think it would be a good idea to limit who would be in our "official unofficial" writer's group. Not because we need to be superior to the masses, but because we'd only want people who are actually serious about contributing and doing their best.
As for what we'd write, I think it would be interesting to try giving ourselves some kind of deadline, to see if that's possible (if we decide we can't do it, we could always resort to just producing bits of writing when we do them). Maybe for the first time, we could set a three-month deadline to write a short story?
So basically no limits on length, but deadlines to keep us motivated sound like the way to go. It would actually be fun if we all released at the same time, IMO - it would be like a party every few months.
And maybe we could come up with some kind of prompt to start us off, like...I don't know, "starlight" or something *denies the suggestion that this idea came from staring listlessly at the Christmas tree*
I "Publish" all my writing on DeviantArt under the Creative Commons licence, which gives me the freedom to share my work publically without the risk of it being stolen. Good move.
So...I suppose it's probably too early to come up with a name, right?
Esoteric wrote:The three month deadline seems awfully popular. Aw heck, what's another deadline breathing down my neck? *exhales deeply and crosses fingers* Okay, I'll try my best to write something decent in the next three months. March 31st then?
Prompt? Do you mean like a theme? Ehh, I dunno. Themes are good exercises, yes, but they can also be rather inhibiting. If we each already have a story in mind, then we shouldn't need a prompt.
:lol: It depends. What did you have in mind?
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