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Time's River

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Time's River

Postby kryptech » Fri Sep 29, 2006 6:11 am

Last week Monday was a rainy day (at least where I live!) As I gazed through the wet windows into the evening's darkness and listened to the falling rain, I felt like writing. I was also affected by the fact that one of my friends could be leaving to live out west sometime in the not-so-distant future.

This short story is a departure from my usual style, as I haven't really written any narrative concerning relationships of this nature. Having never gone out with a young lady myself, I lack much real-life experience in this field. However, I do share some common emotions with the main character, even if they are to a lesser degree.

I would be open to feedback on realism or other points.


Time's River
By Chris M. Sissons

Light drizzle dotted the windshield while Corey waited for the light to change. He switched his wipers to intermittent and they dragged a smear across the wet glass. The traffic light overhead shone a blurry green through the windshield and Corey eased the car forward. He turned left into the next street and drove slowly past the identical houses. The late afternoon was quiet; the cool autumn day would keep the neighbourhood kids playing inside. Corey pulled up to the curb in front of a plain white house and put the vehicle in park. He twisted the ignition to off but let his hand rest on the key, still in the ignition. He didn't even know exactly why he was there. He and Claire had drifted apart over the last year. He hadn't formally said goodbye but he wasn't sure she would really notice anyway, with all the other farewells plus the excitement of starting out in a new place. Deep down he hoped she wanted him to show up, even if it seemed improbable. He yanked the keys from the ignition and climbed out. He was afraid that he might talk himself out of his whole purpose in coming if he stayed in the car any longer.

The door shut with a rattle and his eye fell on the light pink box tied with a white ribbon and tucked behind the front passenger seat. Claire had always adored puppies and a few weeks back Corey had seen a cute picture frame at a gift shop that featured a bunch of puppies wrestling, sleeping, and generally looking lovable. He had immediately thought of Claire and purchased it but hadn't known what photo to place inside. Finally he had chosen a photo from a couple years back that showed Claire and him each holding one of Claire's puppies. He had thought it would be a nice image of their time together, something to remember him by. But while he had taken the gift along, the more he had thought about it over the past few days, the more it seemed a little too friendly and affectionate. She was moving on to other things and he didn't want to imply that they still had that kind of relationship when it had, in reality, faded to a mere acquaintance.

Corey was halfway up the driveway when he noticed that Claire's car was missing. At first he thought she was out and paused, thinking he might as well go home, but then he remembered that she had planned to sell her car. He tapped the bottom doorbell beside the door in the carport and waited, listening to the rain drumming steadily on the corrugated plastic roof. He was shaking the rain out of his hair when he heard footfalls coming up the stairs from the basement apartment. The inside door swung away and Corey opened the screen door. Claire stood on the landing at the top of the stairs, her face framed by shoulder-length brown hair. When she saw it was Corey she smiled slightly.

There was a brief silence. "Hi, Corey."

Claire's smile faded somewhat as Corey stood rather dumbly, still holding the handle of the screen door and water dripping from his blonde hair.


He wondered why he couldn't think of anything to say. It wasn't like they were strangers. Then he considered the fact that they really hadn't been in contact much lately. How could he talk about what was going on in her life if he didn't have a clue himself?

Corey looked down at his sneakers and back up at Claire's questioning face. "So, I guess you sold your car, huh?"

Claire put on a sad face. "Yes... The dear old Ford has a new owner." She brightened and continued, "Actually, I get to drive it one more time. Dad's took it away this morning to get a few things fixed so it'll be ready for the new owner, and then he'll come by bright and early with it tomorrow and we'll head to the airport. Sort of a farewell ride."

"That's cool... Ya, I didn't really get a chance to say 'bye' on Sunday so I just thought I'd pop by." It wasn't entirely true; Corey had walked by Claire a few times on Sunday but hadn't really known what to say, even though he had wanted to speak to her before she left. Claire didn't reply immediately so Corey continued, "I guess you are pretty much packed and ready to go?"

"I've got a couple items to put together yet, but nothing major. Most of what I'm leaving behind has already gone back to my parents' place but there are a few final items I've got to pack up tonight. Hopefully I've not forgotten anything; I feel ready to go."

"Do you need help with any last things?" He didn't figure she would need any assistance at this point, and he wondered if she would say so even if she did need a hand. Regardless, he felt he should offer.

Claire wrinkled her eyebrows thoughtfully, glanced at Corey, and then looked away, hesitant. "Nah. I was going to pick up a couple things from the convenience store but then the rain started up and my umbrella is one of the items that went to my parents' place. No problem - I can always pick them up at the airport too, before my flight."

"Hey, why don't I give you a ride," suggested Corey, glad to think that he might be able to help her and get to spend a few minutes together in the process.

Claire opened her mouth to reply but closed it again without speaking. Corey thought she might turn down his offer but then she said, "If you are sure it wouldn't be inconvenient for you, it would be nice."

Corey wondered if 'nice' referred to simply getting the items she wanted or riding with him. He tried not to sound too eager. "No problem. I don't have any plans tonight or anything."

"Everybody's weird in their own special way." - P.V.
"Never refuse a breath mint." - my dad
"The UAC is making safer worlds through superior firepower." - Doom 3
"This world is a great sculptor's shop. We are the statues and there is a rumour going round the shop that some of us are some day going to come to life." - C.S. Lewis, Mere Christianity

"I'm too cool to scroll. -- MOES."
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Postby kryptech » Fri Sep 29, 2006 6:13 am

"OK. Lemme grab my purse and I'll be out." Claire hurried down the stairs and shortly reappeared with her purse and wearing a jacket. Corey had wanted to bring the car up under the carport roof so Claire wouldn't have to step out into the rain but she immediately followed him and he thought it would sound silly asking her to stop and wait. Besides, she would probably shrug it off as unnecessary anyway. He did, however, open the passenger door for her and shut it gently once she was inside. As he was getting in himself, he noticed the gift in the back again but decided that that moment wouldn't be the best time.

The way to the convenience store was well-known to both of them and they rode in silence, each staring out at the damp, bleary world around them and wrapped in their own thoughts. Corey didn't find the silence uncomfortable in and of itself, except that he knew he wanted to say a proper goodbye to Claire before they returned to her driveway but still hadn't formulated the words to convey the feelings he had inside. He wasn't even sure he should convey those feelings. The thought of the impending task diminished the simple enjoyment of the present time together with her. He stole a glance over at Claire and saw a faint smile on her lips and a look of reminiscence in her eyes. She had nineteen years of memories in this neighbourhood and tomorrow her hometown would be thousands of kilometers away.

It was only a few minutes before Corey steered into one of the three parking spaces in front of the convenience store, which doubled as a gas station. Corey was going to open Claire's door for her but she got out as soon as he did, though she did let him open the store's door for her. Corey trailed Claire as she picked up a couple items and took them to the counter. Noting Corey's questioning glance at the stack of gum packages, Claire explained, "My ears always give me trouble when I fly so I wanted gum this time. I'll have enough to chew from the time I board the plane to the time I step off!"

"And then some!" Corey teased.

When they returned to the car Corey made sure that he unlocked Claire's door first and held it open for her. She flashed him a grateful smile and his mind instantly went back to the many times in the past when they had gone places together and he'd opened her door. He hoped she too was thinking of those same special times.

Before he pulled out onto the road, Corey noticed the stoplight just turned yellow. It was usually a long light so he stopped before making the turn. He faced Claire and asked, "Do you want to wait or take the scenic route?"

Claire smiled. "It would be nice to see the river once more."

Corey merged left and drove away from the red light. He know Claire had many fond memories by the river, some of them shared with him. While he enjoyed relaxing at the water's edge or swimming in the slow current, Claire had a deeper connection with it. She could simply stare at the ever-changing ripples and eddies for minutes on end. There was just something about it that she found enigmatic but soothing. It was a favourite refuge for her when she needed to sort something out or regain her focus.

In a minute the river came into view on their right, the lazy water a dull pewter tint in the late afternoon light. Claire put her hand on the cool side window and gazed out at the familiar sight. Corey slowed down so that they wouldn't pass the scene too quickly but then noticed that there were a couple vehicles fairly close behind them. He wasn't sure he should stop, but he didn't want to hold up people behind them. His eyes jumped between the rearview mirror and Claire, but she was looking away.

"Uh, Claire? I'll just pull over for a sec and let these people past, K?" The tires crunched on the gravel bordering the pavement and the vehicle rolled to a stop. The idling engine and periodic glide of the windshield wipers blended with the patter of raindrops on the roof.

"It's beautiful, isn't it? It's beautiful even when the weather is terrible." Claire let her hand slide down the glass and faced Corey. "I am truly going to miss this special place. I know there will be rivers by my new home too, but..." Her voice trailed off and she turned to stare out the front window, her profile a silhouette against the radiant clouds on the western horizon. "I guess it is all the memories here that make it so dear to me. Every time I sit at the river's edge, a thousand vivid memories rush back. Some are unpleasant, granted, but they are far outweighed by the many joyous ones. I'm afraid that when I can no longer visit this touchstone to the past all those memories will start to fade."

Corey waited until he was certain she was finished. Quietly he said, "Then stay as long as you wish now. Just let me know when you want to head out."

"Oh, thank-you, Corey!" Claire hesitated for a second. "Could... uh, would it be OK to sit by the bank for a minute? It looks like the rain has nearly stopped."

It still appeared quite wet outside to Corey, but the rustic wooden bench near the water was sheltered by a willow, which likely impeded most of the rain. "As long as you don't catch a cold just before your trip," he warned with mock sternness.

"Everybody's weird in their own special way." - P.V.
"Never refuse a breath mint." - my dad
"The UAC is making safer worlds through superior firepower." - Doom 3
"This world is a great sculptor's shop. We are the statues and there is a rumour going round the shop that some of us are some day going to come to life." - C.S. Lewis, Mere Christianity

"I'm too cool to scroll. -- MOES."
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Postby kryptech » Fri Sep 29, 2006 6:14 am

Claire stepped out as Corey killed the engine and then sat back in his seat. Claire went to shut the door but stopped when she saw Corey hadn't moved. She tilted her head, causing a brown lock of hair to slide down over her eye. She tucked it back behind her ear and asked, "Aren't you coming?"

Corey felt a little embarrassed. He hadn't expected Claire to want his company. He hastily explained, "Well, I kinda thought you might want to be alone with your memories here."

"It would be rude to just leave you in the car. And, honestly, I've been alone with my memories all day."

It was definitely still raining but Claire didn't seem inclined to hurry as the two walked beside each other to the old bench. It had gone through a number of repairs over the years and not much more than the wrought iron frame was still original. The wood was a bit damp but they sat down regardless. Corey made sure to leave some space between them. Much as he hoped Claire would think back to the times they'd shared at that very place, he didn't want to push those thoughts on Claire.

Wordlessly they watched the steady flow before them. The ripples of fallen raindrops expanded through each other to weave an elaborate, ever-changing pattern that caught and scattered the fading light. A lone leaf, shining with autumn's crimson, rested lightly on the river's surface, the current drawing it along on its journey to waters unknown. Although the weather made Corey feel melancholy he had to admit that Claire was right; the river was still beautiful.

Eventually Corey glanced over at Claire. She was staring straight ahead and her eyes glistened more than they ought to have. She became aware of his observation and quickly ducked her head and blinked hard a couple times.

"Why am I leaving this behind?" she asked with a tremulous voice.

This time Corey didn't have to think; the words came to him naturally. "I guess sometimes you have to leave the good times you've had behind and make a new future with new good times." He thought of the leaf on the river. "Life keeps moving forward; you can't go back. But there are always beautiful things on the horizon."

"No, we can't go back..." Claire repeated softly and caught Corey's eye. He grasped her meaning. Their relationship would never return to what it once was, to the state it had been when some of Corey's fondest memories were forged at that very river’s side. Those hours of simple laughter, shared sorrows, and silent understanding were gone. Time had carried them past that point forever.

"But we can remember." Corey unclasped his hands from between his knees and rested his right hand on Claire's left, where it lay on the damp bench between them. She didn't withdraw her hand and Corey felt relief at the confirmation that he still knew her well enough to see that she would accept his gesture of comfort. He strongly wished to put his arm around her shoulders and assure her that he was there for her now, but he knew that would be going too far. Yet, the simple connection and shared stillness stirred a deep contentment and peace in Corey. Claire's cold hand slowly warmed under Corey's and together they gazed back at the dark, mysterious water.

Corey had no idea how long they sat beside one another, absorbed in their own contemplations. A gust of cool air tugged at Claire's hair and she stirred. "Oh! It is growing dark! I'd better get home."

They rose and walked briskly back to the waiting car. Corey let Claire in and hopped into the driver's seat. The engine came to life and Corey slowly pulled unto the road. As they moved off into the gathering dusk, Claire stole one final look back at the river, all but invisible in the shadows. After driving on for a couple minutes they eased into Claire's driveway and presently Corey and Claire stood by the door in the carport. Corey held open the screen door and suddenly felt awkward again. It had come down the last farewell and exact words for the occasion escaped him.

"Bye, Claire. Have a good trip tomorrow and I wish you the richest blessings in your new life. I hope we can stay in touch." As soon as he had spoken he chided himself for sounding so formal.

"Bye, Corey. And thank-you for this afternoon. I'm--" Her voice broke off suddenly but Corey couldn't read her expression in the shadows. "I'm glad that we could say goodbye this way. One last memory..." Her face turned towards the door and the light above it illuminated her slight smile.

"I'm glad too."

There was a brief pause and then Claire pushed open the inside door and, with a final smile back at Corey, closed it behind her. Corey eased the screen door shut but let his hand linger on the handle for a moment before letting it fall to his side. Slowly he walked back to his car and opened the door. When the interior light came on he noticed the light pink box still lying behind the passenger seat. For a moment he considered running back to the door and ringing the bell but then dismissed the idea. They had parted in the best way and he wasn't sure that the gift would improve that ending any.

He released a bittersweet sigh as he backed out of the driveway. The beautiful afternoon was fading to a memory. Instead of retracing his prior tracks home, he headed the opposite direction. In a couple minutes the tires crunched on the gravel at the side of the quiet road. His ears picked up the burble of running water as he crossed the pavement. Pale moonlight shone on the small pink box under his left arm. A few moments later Corey carefully slid off the ribbon enclosing the package and placed the lid beside him on the bench. He brushed aside the tissue paper and took out the item it had cushioned. The soft light filtering through the willow overhead sparkled off the frolicking puppies framing the photograph. Corey tilted the frame to catch Claire's familiar face in the photo, suspended forever in a gentle smile.

"But we can remember..."
"Everybody's weird in their own special way." - P.V.
"Never refuse a breath mint." - my dad
"The UAC is making safer worlds through superior firepower." - Doom 3
"This world is a great sculptor's shop. We are the statues and there is a rumour going round the shop that some of us are some day going to come to life." - C.S. Lewis, Mere Christianity

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Postby Anna Mae » Mon Oct 09, 2006 12:33 pm

Well, I've never been in a romantic relationship either, but I like this. The misty day sets the tone perfectly. This story makes a good one-shot as it leaves mystery but still draws conclusions. I also liked the way you described things; the part where Corey goes back to the river is done especially well in that you don't just say, "He drove back to the river," but instead mention little details like the gravel. The tone is very reflective and leaves the reader with something about which to think.
[SIZE="4"][color="DarkSlateBlue"]God has called me to mission work in Paraguay and Brazil. I may return to CAA someday. God bless all of you![/color][/SIZE]

[i]Two vast and trunk-less legs of stone stand in the desert. Near them, on the sand, half sunk, a shattered visage lies. Round the decay of that colossal wreck, boundless and bare the lone and level sands stretch far away. On the pedestal these words are inscribed:

“My name is Ozymandias, king of kings:
look on my works, ye mighty, and despair!â€
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Postby kryptech » Wed Oct 11, 2006 7:28 pm

Thanks for your feedback, Anna! Your impressions closely match the feelings I wanted to convey.
"Everybody's weird in their own special way." - P.V.
"Never refuse a breath mint." - my dad
"The UAC is making safer worlds through superior firepower." - Doom 3
"This world is a great sculptor's shop. We are the statues and there is a rumour going round the shop that some of us are some day going to come to life." - C.S. Lewis, Mere Christianity

"I'm too cool to scroll. -- MOES."
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