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how do i get money for my works???

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how do i get money for my works???

Postby fairyprincess90 » Tue Aug 29, 2006 9:37 am

i read somewhere that you can send your poems and lyrics to companies and they will pay you for them if they use it for anything.
i saw an article for edlee music company and i was going to send my stuff to them and i looked them up online, i found out they were a big scam and stuff...
so, i was wondering if any of you knew of any companies or any ways i can get money for my stuff.

i was just wondering. thanx


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Postby martinloyola » Tue Aug 29, 2006 7:49 pm

i read somewhere that you can send your poems and lyrics to companies and they will pay you for them if they use it for anything.

where did you see that? there are poetry contests and such for prizes but most companies that need that kind of service most likely hire someone to write a tailored work, not pre-existing ones
of course you could get published in a poetry anthology or some such I'm sure and recieve royalties that way

all this being said, I am no authority on mainstream publishing but I do have a small poetry/fantasy/sci-fi site myself, but I require a submission fee to ensure authentic interest and avoid the garbage

in order to submitt works to mainstream publishers, an agent is good but not neccesary, they have pre-established connections and hook up companies with prospective writers
article for edlee music company and i was going to send my stuff to them and i looked them up online, i found out they were a big scam and stuff...

I would be wary of anything online like that site or similar to it. Period. If they have a mailing address that is a first clue that they might be for real. Look for a mailing address and see if they accept by snail mail first. If they don't, I wouldn't bother too much. Not to say they couldn't be for "real" but I mean that I would be careful. Scope out the layout of the site: is it really "flashy" or sensationalistic like they are trying to sell you a bill of goods, or is it neat, simple, proffesionally done etc. do they offer a newsletter or a free ebook or other information so you can get to know the site first before submitting something... these are all just suggestions on what to look for
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