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Here is somthing els that will appeal to most people here

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Here's somthing that will appeal to most people here

Postby CAAOutkast » Sat Jul 22, 2006 1:35 pm

A Summery of my new series:

Story: In the year 21XX,On Planet Elysian, Normal Elysians and Elysian Sorcerers lived in peace with one another..or at least tried to. one day,Prof. Abel an Normal Elysian Scientist uncovered a baby sorceress inside a cave.He named the girl,Robin and rased her up as his own. as a child,Robin learned the ways of the Elysian Sorceror from Seraphi,a master sorcerer and friend of Professor Abel. Years have past and Robin grew to be a beautiful young lady,as well as a good sorceress,who was unaware of her unlimited potential. During the moments of peace,a radical organization of Sorcerers was secretly forming. the Group called themselves the SecPro Org and they hated Normal Elysians.SecPro's goal was to oppress and kill all of the Normal Elysians,than Rule the Planet in the name of all Sorcerer kind. Months later,The SecPro Began their attacks,and since the Elysian armada {made up of normals and lower class sorcerers}was no match for them,The Elysian King decided to Create a special Task Force of Sorcerers and Sorceresses called the Warlock Killers. Led by Master Sorceress,Nefertori,The Warlock Killers were succesful in destroying the Evil Organization and its members.However months later,random Sorcerers and Sorceresses started to become Wizards and Witches{evil sorcerers and sorcereses}. The New Wizards and Witches started a rampage on the Normals and killed some of them. The Evilones were eventualy stopped and killed by the Warlock Killers. However,weeks later Nefertori became a Witch and Converted most of the Warlock Killers to her side..and before Elysian knew it ,SecPro was reborn,with Nefertori as the Leader. Expert Sorceress Ophani, Daughter of Seraphi took over as leader of the Warlock Killers,vowing to destroy the SecPro Org and save the Normals. Robin,having a strong sence of justice,decides to join up with the Warlock Killers. Robin is given her first mission: destroy the SecPro mutant minions who are terrorising the city.
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Postby CAAOutkast » Sat Jul 22, 2006 1:36 pm

After clearing the streets,Robin is confronted by Al-Jin. They,fight and Al-Jin scores a perfect victory.Al-jin mock robin's efforts and prepares to finish her. Ophani arrives to save Robin from death. Al-Jin escapes in the 'Jihad',his lamp-like hovercraft. The 2 Sorcereses talk about the threat being stronger than they thought.Ophani asighns Robin with a new task,Kill the SecPro Interns who are occupying 8 parts of the world.Ophani decides to Search the World for more Renegade Forces like the SecPro and Destroy them. The 2 Leave for WKHQ to prepare for their missions.

Later at the base,Robin is ready for her Mission and Given a Stage selection:

Jackle-Lynn: Murdered Thousand of People and is Hiding on Shadow Island.
Morggana Succubat: Suduced and Killed Millions of normal men.Hidden in the Caves of Wonder on Gem Island.
Lita Gata: Taken Over Elysian's Main Power Source,The Power Spire on Central Island.
Hotaru Nicus: Taken Over Elysian World Labs on Ameri Island,Elysian's #1 source for mutant creation.
Anna Kondah: Runs a Narcotics Factory on Lifeforce Island.
Liza Dragonfire: Plans to reactivate the powerfull Mount Volcaman on Afasika Island.
Lady Octavia: Hijacked Ocean Island's Grand Seabase.
Callisto Ursartic: Taken Over Frigiman Island.

Roin decides to battle Anna Kondah First and teleports to the Narcotics Factory. Once at the Factory,Robin gets attacked by Worker Mutants. after beating them she moves ahead.While searching the Factory for Kondah,Robin Finds a Big Strange looking MMX Capsule-like object which activates. The Universes and Robin's Creator,Jisesu appears. Jisesu tells robin that the created her to choose her own path in life,but gave her special abilities to keep the peace.He than tells her that he will help her out from time to time,starting with a boot upgrade.he tells robin that the boots are can help her run quicker and hover over obsticals.he than tells her to step into the capsule to recive the upgrade. A Shocked Robin,with a feeling that she can trust jisesu,Enters the object and recives new boots. Robin steps out of the Capsule and is amazed at her new footwear. jisesu tells robin that their are 4 more capsules like this one hidden through out the planet.Robin asks Jisesu about what her destiny is?,but the holigram disappears. Robin presses on and eventually meets Anna Kondah,who is watching the Narcotics Making Machines produce Narcotics. after a tiny conversation about the villianesses wrong-doings,the battle begins.Robin Emulates Kondah's main spell{the acid buster} and finishes her off using a fully powered Mystic Buster{robins main attack}. Robin leaves for base to begin her next mission.

When Robin returns she is greted by Dr. Abel,who tells robin that she did well so far but has a long way to go. After a short conversation about enemy spell weaknesses,Robin decides to fight Jackyl-Lynn Next. Robin arrives on The Dark Shadow Island. Robin,not afraid of the dark,presses on. Robin gets attacked by Jackle-Lynn,and after a conversation about the villianesses wrong-doings,the fight begins. Robin Emulates Jackyl-Lynn's main spell{the dark fang} and finishes her off using her{jackyl-lynn's}spell weakness,Anna Kondah's Acid Buster. Robin decides to take Prof.Abel's advice and combat the Villianesses using their spell weaknesses. Robin remembers that Abel told her that the Dark Fang was the spell weakness of Hotaru Nicus. So robin decides to visit the Elysian World Labs and combat nicus next.

At the Lab,Robin gets attacked by mutants. After Robin Defeats the Mutants,A Giant Mutant carrying a Capsule similar to the one Robin saw earlier attacks her. The fight begins when the beast lays down his Item. Robin destroys the monster and retrieves his Item. Jisesu appears and tells robin to step into the capsule and recive some armbands that will increase the power of her Mystic Buster. Robin,who has full trust in her creator,steps into the capule and recives her upgrade. After Robin leaves the capsule,the hologram wishes her luck and disappears. Robin moves deeper into the lab and meets up with Hotaru Nicus,who is busy waching other scientists experiment with mutant enhencing chemicals on a giant screen. after a conversation about the villianesses wrong-doings,the fight begins. Robin Emulates Hotaru's main spell{the neon light} and finishes her off using her spell weakness,the Jackyl-Lynn's Dark Fang. After the battle,Robin remembers that the Neon Light is strong against Morrgana Succubat,so she leaves for the Caves of Wonder.

While Searching The Caves Of Wonder,Robin Finds Another Capsule,like the others. Jisesu tells Robin to step into the Capsule to recive a cape that will allow robin to preform a special attack called,Mystic Strike. Robin enters the capsule and recives her upgrade. Jisusu's tells robin to stay safe and disappears. robin continues on an finally finds the Succubat admiering the jewls she stole from the cave. after a conversation about the villianesses wrong-doings,the fight begins. Robin Emulates Morrgana's main spell{the sonic scream} and finishes her off using her spell weakness, Hotaru Nicus' Neon Light. Robin decides to go back to HQ and take a break.
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Postby CAAOutkast » Sat Jul 22, 2006 1:37 pm

Robin returns to WKHQ to rest up.While lying down in her quarters,Robin Wonders what her true destiny is? and what did Jisesu have planed for her?

Meanwhile,in Max City on Max Island,Ophani is battling evil mutants.after saving the city,she gets attacked by a Dragon. after she beats the dragon she gets confronted by Al-Jin,who mocks her chances at winning the war. Al-Jin Laughs at Ophani and leaves. Ohpani vows to kill Al-Jin and wonders how robins doing? after that she continues her mission. Robin leaves her quarters to continue her mission,starting with the Intern with no tolorence to loud noise,Lita Gata.

Robin Arrives at the Power Spire and,thanks to relentless worker mutants,fights her way up the tower. when she reaches the top, she finds yet another Capsule. Jisesu tells Robin to step into the Capsule to recive a special Tiara that will allow robin to use her special spells without draining their energy. Robin enters the capsule and recives her upgrade. Jisusu's tells robin to be careful and disappears. Lita Gata Attacks Robin. after a conversation about the villianesses wrong-doings,the tough fight begins. Robin Emulates Lita's main spell{clawing thunder} and finishes her off using her spell weakness, Morggana Succubat's Sonic Scream. Robin decides to go battle Lady Octavia's next,since she is the one thats most likely weak against thunder.

On Ocean Island,Robin Prepares to Dive Into The Water and search for the Underwater Grand SeaBase. while searching,Robin finds yet another one of Jisesu's Capsules. Robin takes the capsule topside and to dry land. Once again,Jisesu's Hologram tells robin to step into the Capsule for her final Upgrade,Super Armor that will increase her defence power. Robin steps into the Capsule and recives her Final Upgrade. Jisesu disappears after he tells robin that he loves her and that he will always be looking after her. A touched robin continuse her mission. Robin fights her way underwater searching for the Seabase. when she gets there,robin is attacked by Lady Octavia Herself. after a conversation about the villianesses wrong-doings,the tough fight begins. Robin Emulates Octavia's main spell{hydro missiles} and finishes her off using her spell weakness, Lita Gata's Clawing Thunder. After the fight Robin decides to use her new water powers to Stop the Intern of Fire, Liza Dragonfire.

Robin Arrives at Afasika Island and finds 80% of the island covered in harden lava...leaving no survivors. Robin gets angry and starts to regret not coming
to the Island first. she shruggs it off and races to the volcano,after fighting her way up to the volcano's top,Robin goes in and meets Liza Dragonfire face to face. after a conversation about the villianesses wrong-doings,the tough fight begins. Robin Emulates Liza's main spell{blazing arts} and finishes her off using her spell weakness,Lady Octavia's Hydro Missile. After The Fight Robin closes the volcano and leaves to fight the final Intern.

Robin arrives on Frigiman Island and is confronted by Callisto Ursartic.after a conversation about the villianesses wrong-doings,the tough fight begins. Robin Emulates Callisto's main spell{freezing wrath} and finishes her off using her spell weakness,Liza Dragonfire's Blazing Arts. After the Battle Robin returns to HQ.
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Postby CAAOutkast » Sat Jul 22, 2006 1:37 pm

After destroying the remaining 4 bosses,Robin returns to HQ. Ophani teleports in and tells Robin that while she was on her mission she has found the location of SecPro HQ. the 2 than leave for SecPro HQ, A Fortress on ChristTradi Island.

the 2 arrive outside the Gates of SecPro HQ,and are confronted by Al-Jin,who mocks their chances of surviving the Fortress stage. Al-Jin teleports away. Ophani tells robin to search for Nefertori's chambers while she goes after Al-Jin. after Ophani leaves,Robin begins her mission.After fighting her way inside the main sector,Robin finds Ophani Fighting Al-Jin. Al-Jin hits Ophani with a stun beam,which paralizes her. Al-Jin threatens to kill ophani if Robin doesnt leave.Ophani tell Robin to for get about her and kill him. Al-Jin just laughs and hits robin with his stun beam. Al-Jin than mocks robin and is about to finish her off with an energy wave.Ophani breaks out of her paralysis and jumps infront of the energy wave. the wave hits its mark and badly damages Ophani Robin,upset about ophani's choice breaks out of her paralysis. Al-Jin Escapes. Robin checks up on her friend but its too late.after she gives Robin a few final words of encouragement,Ophani gives robin her Sabre.Ophani dies.Robin,sad and angry at the loss of her friend,presses on and vows to make Al-Jin pay. When Robin reaches deep within the main sector,she is attacked by Arukeni,a Mutant spider woman. after destroying her,Robin finds the way out of the main sector and arrives in the Outer Ring.

After fighting her way though the outer ring,robin runs into Al-Jin{in his hover tank,the jihad}who threatens her. after all of the talking is done,the fight begins. Robin destroys the hover tank.Al -Jin,angry about his hovertank being destroyed threatens robin and attacks her.Robin kills Al-Jin and heads for the Inner Ring.

Meanwhile,Inside her Quarters,Nefertori is watching Robin on her Security monitor and coments abut robin having unlimited potential. Nefertori also comments about Ophani's "Meaningless" Sacrafice. she thanclaims that she has a few suprises waiting for Robin,when she gets far enough. Nefertori laughs evily.

Robin battles through the Inner Ring. After fighting through the Inner Ring,Robin comes face to face with a giant mutant Sphinx.After killing the Sphinx Robin presses on to the Training center,where she is forced to fight clones of the SecPro Generals one after the other.

After beating the Generals,Robin leaves the Training room and arrives in Nefertori's Chamber. Robin is confronted by Nefertori and an Ophani Clone. The Villianess congratulates Robin for surviving the fortress.after a nasty conversation between the 2 enemies ends,Nefetori has the Ophani Clone attack robin.

After Robin destroys the clone,Nefertori,impressed with robins abilities,offers her a chance to join her. robin rejects the offer and vows to fight to keep her kind out of power. this angers Nefetori. after a having a few nasty words to say to robin,she attacks her. after getten beatin',nefetori transforms into a giant Woman-Sphinx monster. the transformed Nefetori vows to kill every Normal on the planet after she kills Robin.Robin kills the monster. Robin mouns Nefertoris death saying that she could've avoided living a life of corruption. robin teleports out of the fortress.

Robin is standing on a cliff,watching WK jets destroy the fortress with their missiles. while watching,robin reflects on her past missions and the friend she has lost. she than continues to wonder what her true purpous in life is?,and what Jisesu has planned for her? Until she gets the answers she's looking for,Robin decides to keep fighting global corruption.
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Postby CAAOutkast » Sun Jul 23, 2006 6:44 am

I want to know what you think. I'm also lookin' for a manga artist who can turn this into a Manga series.
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Postby CAAOutkast » Wed Jul 26, 2006 10:27 am

No Replies huh? Dang I was sure that this series would've appealed to the people.
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Postby CAAOutkast » Thu Jul 27, 2006 7:06 am

all those people viewing my thread and there still is no answer? C'mon my series ain't that bad is it?
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Postby CAAOutkast » Sun Jul 30, 2006 7:48 am

I know,It's the 1 misspelled word in the thread title,isn't it? Don't let that stop ya from replying. C'mon I hate being alone.
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Postby QtheQreater » Mon Jul 31, 2006 8:51 pm

Hey, I think people aren't responding because this is a plot summary(a really long one) and not a story, per say. Sounds like a neat idea, but my brain went into info overload after the first couple of paragraphs. It's hard to get through. Maybe if you wrote it script style? Or made it shorter? Hope my post helps...:)
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Postby CAAOutkast » Tue Aug 01, 2006 6:18 am

Character Bio's and Robin's abilities:

Robin X: A Sorceress who has hidden potential. Robin is unsure of her destiny as well as her history. Robin also has a strong sence of justice and will fight for peace between Normals and Sorcerers. Robin is a member of the Warlock Killers.Her Attack is Mystic Plasma,plasma balls that she can shoot out of her hands.Robin can also charge up her attack and emulate others spells.

Ophani: A strong sorceress and longtime friend of Robin.Ophani is the Leader of the Warlock Killers. Armed with the powerful Mystic Sabre.

Professer Eric Abel: A normal scientist who found and adopted robin when she was an baby.

Nefertori, Queen of the SecPro Org: a pharaoh-like villianess,who commands many mutants,witches,and warlocks.she was once good,but now she's evil. her very goal is to destroy or enslave the Insignificant ones{the elysian normals}and allow the Mysics to rain supreme.

Al-Jin: An evil genie-like Wizard that joined the ranks of The SecPro Org,and was eventualy promoted to Nefertori's right-hand man. Travels in a giant hovercraft shaped like a Magic Lamp.

Warlock Killers:An Organization of sorcerers and sorceresses that hunt down and punish Witches and Wizards.

Jisesu: God,Basically. he created the universe and everything in it. he created Robin to maintain peace on earth. gives Robin her enhencements.

SecPro Interns{8 in all}: The Interns are 8 High Ranking Colonels of the Warlock Hunters. But when Nefertori offered them a better deal,they quit the Warlock Hunters and Joined the SecPro as Generals. Each General is an animal-human mutant. The 8 Generals are -
Jackle-Lynn,a jackle girl with the power of darkness.
Morggana Succubat,a bat-woman succubus that can generate sonic waves.
Lita Gata,a cat girl with the power of thunder.
Hotaru Nicus,a firefly girl with the power of light.
Anna Kondah,a python girl with poisonus blasts.
Liza Dragonfire,a dragon girl with the power of flame.
Lady Octavia,an octopus girl with the power of water.
Callisto Ursartic,a polarbear girl with the power of ice.
Each of these have taken over parts of the world.

Worker Mutants: Worker Mutants created from The Mystic Arts.these things come in all shapes and sizes.

SecPro Org: An Evil Mystic Supremesy Organization led by Nefertori. The Goal of this Org. is simple,enslave or kill the Normals and let the world be the perfect place for Mystics.Located on ChristTradi Island. has 5 sections: the courtyard main sector,the outer ring,the inner ring,the Generals training room,and Nefertori's lair.

Witchs and Wizards: The term that describes Sorcerers and Sorceresses gone Evil.

Sorcerers and Sorceresses: Mystical Beings of the Planet Elysian.also known as the Mystic Elysians.

Male and Female Elyisians: The normal humans of the Planet Elysian.

Seraphi: a master of the mystic arts,taught Robin how to use her powers.good friends with Prof. Abel.
Robins Spell Emulation Abilities and Mystical Enhencements{5 in all}: Robin has the ability to copy the Main Spells of Dead S.P. Interns.
Robin also has 5 Enhencements that she can get from Jisesu,The Eternal Creator. These items are - Boots,Armor,Tiara,Cape,and Armbands.
The Boots allow Robin to hover for a couple of seconds,they also make her move quicker. The Armor allows Robin to take more enemy damage.The Tiara allows Robin to use her 'learned spells' long as she doesn't charge them up. The Cape allows Robin to preform the rushing attack,called Mystic attack that can be used infinitly and in midair. The Armbands allow Robin to Charge up her 'learned spells',it also increses the power of her Myistic Plasma.Robin can also scale walls by preforming a wall kick.....just like Megaman X.

The Emulated spells Are:
Jackle-Lynn's Dark Fang-------------------------A Purple energy spike that moves slowly.when charged,it produces a faster,stronger version of the Fang.
Morggana Succubat's Sonic Scream-----------------sonic waves that damage enemies by shaking them.when charged,it produces sonic waves that shake enemies to pieces,killing them instantly.
Lita Gata's Clawing Thunder-----------------------A thunder-elemental claw that travels strait.when charged,robin will stab her enemies with an electric claw-shaped energy blade.
Hotaru Nicus' Neon Light-----------------a Neon light that can be guided after its fired{use the d-pad to control the beam}.when charged,it produces a neon orb that explodes on contact..
Anna Kondah's Acid Buster------------------Acid pellets that can be fired rapidly. when charged,it produces a giant acid blob that flies foward and fast.
Liza Dragonfire's Blazing Arts--------------------------Energy balls made of flame. when charged,Robin attacks with a fiery punch/kick combo.
Lady Octavia's Hydro Missiles-----------------------------Homing Missiles made of Water. when charged,Robin gains a bubble sheild.
Callisto Ursartic's Freezing Wrath-------------------------A barrage of ice and snow. when charged,it produces a massive ice and snow storm that damages any enemy in its path.
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Postby QtheQreater » Tue Aug 01, 2006 8:38 am

Whoa! Much better!!! I'm interested now...but it sounds more like a video game than a manga series...course, I'm definitely not an expert on manga, since I've only read, like, 1 novel... :sweat:
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Postby CAAOutkast » Tue Aug 01, 2006 9:03 am

Thanks,I hope other members of this board will reconize this as well. and It does sound like a video game doesn't it?

My Insperations were Witch Hunter Robin Anime Series and the Megaman X Game Series.
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Postby CAAOutkast » Mon Aug 07, 2006 10:07 am

I plan to put this in script format soon.
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Postby CAAOutkast » Mon Aug 07, 2006 3:23 pm

BTW,Jisesu=Jesus. Just take off the 'U' and sound it out.
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Postby CAAOutkast » Fri Mar 09, 2007 11:50 pm

Here's a sample of the script.

Story: In the year 21XX,On Planet Elysian, Normal Elysians and Elysian Sorcerers lived in peace with one another..or at least tried to. one day,Prof. Abel an Normal Elysian Scientist uncovered a baby sorceress inside a cave.He named the girl,Robin and rased her up as his own. as a child,Robin learned the ways of the Elysian Sorceror from Seraphi,a master sorcerer and friend of Professor Abel. Years have past and Robin grew to be a beautiful young lady,as well as a good sorceress,who was unaware of her unlimited potential.Robin also had the uncanny ability to emulate her opponent's main spell just by touching them. During the moments of peace,a radical organization of Sorcerers was secretly forming. the Group called themselves the SecPro Org and they hated Normal Elysians.SecPro's goal was to oppress and kill all of the Normal Elysians,than Rule the Planet in the name of all Sorcerer kind. Months later,The SecPro Began their attacks,and since the Elysian armada {made up of normals and lower class sorcerers}was no match for them,The Elysian King decided to Create a special Task Force of Sorcerers and Sorceresses called the Warlock Killers. Led by Master Sorceress,Nefertori,The Warlock Killers were succesful in destroying the Evil Organization and its members.However months later,random Sorcerers and Sorceresses started to become Wizards and Witches{evil sorcerers and sorcereses}. The New Wizards and Witches started a rampage on the Normals and killed some of them. The Evilones were eventualy stopped and killed by the Warlock Killers. However,weeks later Nefertori became a Witch and Converted most of the Warlock Killers to her side..and before Elysian knew it ,SecPro was reborn,with Nefertori as the Leader. Expert Sorceress Ophani, Daughter of Seraphi took over as leader of the Warlock Killers,vowing to destroy the SecPro Org and save the Normals. Robin,having a strong sence of justice,decides to join up with the Warlock Killers. Robin is given her first mission: destroy the SecPro mutant minions who are terrorising the city.

Robin teleports to her destination and sees a bunch of cars racing away from the city.

Robin: they must be fleeing the city due to the SecPro Attack. Better get goin'.

Robin presses on and gets attacked by a giant mutant hornet. Robin recovers from the attack and attacks the hornet. Robin kills the hornet.

Robin: that was a nice little warm to find out who is behind this.

Robin presses on and gets attacked by a bunch of worker mutants. robin destroys them all. she than gets attacked by a giant scorpion mutant. Robin fights it and kills it.

Robin: I think that was the last of them.{looks up and sees a m-lamp shaped hover tank about to land} What is that?

The Hover-Tank lands and a fat Genie-Like man comes out.

Robin abit surprised: Al-Jin? Why are you here?

Al-Jin with an evil smile: Why,I'm here to kill you by Orders of Queen Nefertori.

Robin shocked: What? you mean you sold your soul to the SecPro?How could you?

Al-Jin laughing: that's right,girl. I have gotten sick of the Warlock Killers and joined the SecPro,as mistress nefertori's right hand man.infact the Nefertori has also made the same deal to the 8 Worlock Hunter Colonels,who are now SecPro Generals.

Robin: So,It's true after all. The 8 Womanimals Have become SecPro servants.Whatever,I'll stop them.

Al-Jin laughs evily:Sure thing,but Only if you beat me. which I can assure you,isn't going to happen.

Robin: We'll see.

Al-Jin attacks Robin and the fight Begins. However Robins Mystic Buster is inaffective against the Fat Genie. Al jin manages to flawlessly beat Robin.

Al-jin laughing: See girly,you are no match for me. Now to send you to hell.

As Al-Jin is about to finish robin off, Ophani arrives.

Al-Jin smiling: Ah,Ophani. So have you come to except my offer and join the SecPro?

Ophani: In your dreams,lardo.{puls out her Mystic Sabre and prepares to use it}You have 10 seconds to leave here or else.

Al-Jin chuckling: Or Else What? your gonna slice me up.HA,your Sabre is not strong enough to cut me. If you like,I shall proove it to you.

Ophani: you know,I've always suspected that you were a traitor from day one,but i was unsure of my suspisions.Now I know that my suspisions were on the mark.You never really liked the Normals,did you? then why did you join the Warlock Killers in the First Place?

Al-Jin chuckling: I was sent by the old Leader of the SecPro as a Spy and Recruiter.

Ophan angry: You *******.

Al-Jin: Enough of this chit-chat,let's see if my theory is correct.

Female Voice: Al-Jin,that's enough.

Al-Jin looking around confused: Mistress Nefertori? is that you? where are you?

Nefertori's Voice: I'm contacting you telepathically,nimrod. now look,I know how much you want to beat ophani up,but do it on your own time,I have work for you. Return to base imediatly for further details.

Al-jin: Yes,my mistress.On my way. {to ophani} we will finish our battle another time Mistress Nefertori beckons me.

Al-Jin jumps back into his MagicLamp-like hovercraft and flies away in it.

Ophani looking at al-jin fly away: We will meet again,Al-Jin. {turns to the beaten robin} Robin,Are you ok? How badly did that ******* hurt you?

Robin slowly getting up: I'm fine,It's just my ego thats damaged. I really thought that I could've won.

Ophani: Sorry to burst your bubble,but Al-Jin is a Master of the Mystic Arts,you need more strength and experience to stand a chance against a mystical fighter like him.{puts hand on robins shoulder,smiling with hope} look,you have yet to reach your full potenial, and when that day comes you will be ready to take down Al-Jin as his equal,you might be even stronger than Nefertori.{removes hand,gets serious} Ok,enough of this female bonding,we have work to do.I'm gonna scout the world looking for more Renagade forces like the SecPro,while you deal with the 8 Turncoat Generals. I know you can do it. See Ya.

Ophani teleprts away.

Robin sighs: well I'd better get back to HQ and prepare for my mission. {teleports away}

Robin teleports into WHHQ's Command Center,a room with many computers including a master computer.

Robin sees Seraphi near the super computer and walks to him: Hey,Master Seraphi..

Seraphi: Hello Robin,are you ready for your next mission?

Robin: yeah,But Um,just to refresh my memory,can you give me some breif info about the villians that i'm gonna take down?

Seraphi to the master computer: Magiranger,give us some info about the Traitorous Generals.

Magiranger the Master Computer: Right Away,sir.{Jackle-Lynn's mugshot appears on its huge flatscreen moniter} Jackle-Lynn is a jackle girl with the power of darkness. she Murdered Thousand of People and is Hiding on Shadow Island..{Morggana Succubat's mugshot appears on its huge flatscreen moniter} Morggana Succubat is a bat-woman succubus that can generate sonic waves.she Suduced and Killed Millions of normal men.she's Hidden in the Caves of Wonder on Gem Island. { Lita Gata's mugshot appears on its huge flatscreen moniter} Lita Gata is a cat girl with the power of thunder. she has Taken Over Elysian's Main Power Source,The Power Spire on Central Island.{Hotaru Nicus' mugshot appears on its huge flatscreen moniter} Hotaru Nicus is a firefly girl with the power of light.she has Taken Over Elysian World Labs on Ameri Island,Elysian's #1 source for mutant creation. {Anna Kondah's mugshot appears on its huge flatscreen moniter} Anna Kondah is a python girl with poisonus blasts.she Runs a Narcotics Factory on Lifeforce Island. .{Liza Dragonfire's mugshot appears on its huge flatscreen moniter} Liza Dragonfire is a dragon girl with the power of flame. She Plans to reactivate the powerful Mount Volcaman on Afasika Island..{Lady Octavia's mugshot appears on its huge flatscreen moniter} Lady Octavia is an octopus girl with the power of water.She Hijacked Ocean Island's Grand Seabase. {Callisto Ursartic's mugshot appears on its huge flatscreen moniter} Callisto Ursartic is a polarbear girl with the power of ice. she has Taken Over Frigiman Island. And there you have it,the 8 Evil Generals in a nutshell.

Robin: Cool. I'll take on Liza Dragonfire first,since Afasika Island is in the most danger.

Seraphi: Sorry,Robin. but Liza Dragonfire is Way out of your leauge. besides,I have already sent the Dark Destroyers Task Force to handle Afasika's problem.They'll get the job done,I know they will.

Robin: Lets hope so. I guess I'll challange Anna Kondah then.

Seraphi: Wise choice.Since Kondah is has a weaker defence than the other 7.

Robin teleports to her destination.

Robin Teleports to the Narcotics Factory and is assaulted by worker mutants. Robin beats the workermutants and continues through the factory. While continuing,Robin Finds a Strange Humansized Capsule.

Ok,Tell Me what you think. I want to hear from you.

Sorry for the light swearing.
Eternal Fan of Sailor Moon and the Original Mega Man!
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