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inspired by...

Postby BrokenWingz » Thu Feb 03, 2005 6:20 am

yamz inspired me to write a poem with no title you can name it yourself
but tell me what you think

Should I try to change whats already done
a persons death on my heart
maybe if I wish I could restart
stabbing my mom while her back was turned
it's too late no one could forgive me
I tried my best not to kill anymore
but my heart had a blood lust that no one death could fufill
maybe I should go look for sin
It follows me anyway
maybe I wanted attention
all I received was dissension
when I stabbed her she saw me
she payed attention to me then
but it was too late I was alreay hellbound

well as I said make your own title to me this is the nameless poem alright
There are hundreds of angels, and all are willing to lend their help in the fight against chaos. However, these are the angels who were chosen by the gods to join with a human host. Already very popular with the mortals, the angels have always been the protectors of the human race
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Thus I am the speaker of truth and a true angel of god, just with brokenWingz..
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Postby Yamato145 » Thu Feb 03, 2005 6:27 am

glenn your crazy!!!
how did i inspire this maniacal thingy!!!
o well thanks either way! i am so inspirinational .... for killing!!!
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