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Creed4 Poems

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Postby Anna Mae » Sun Sep 17, 2006 2:30 pm

My Dream Won't Die

Some say my head
Is up in the clouds
Because I dream
Of my home on high. Oh, so do I (dream, anyway)!
For I follow the one
Who on the earth died. I think in this instance that you should capitalize Earth.

But my dream won't die
For it's held in the hands
Of the King that rose.
But my heart does cry
For those who do not know Him
Who wander this world alone
With out his guide
To bring them home. I hear you.

No longer my own.
For my life is surrendered
Tho He who lives What do you mean by "Tho?"
His Life is my life
For I died in Him.
But I've never lied so greatly. I assume that you mean "lived" instead of "lied?"
This mind blowing peace you can know
By calling on His name.

And my Dream won't die...

I follow the Lord
Creator of all.
Who died and rose
Who save the soul Double check that your tenses match up here.
The Giver of Dreams
Jesus the Lord.

Now my Dream can't die.

I love how you write so many uplifting, worshipful poems.
[SIZE="4"][color="DarkSlateBlue"]God has called me to mission work in Paraguay and Brazil. I may return to CAA someday. God bless all of you![/color][/SIZE]

[i]Two vast and trunk-less legs of stone stand in the desert. Near them, on the sand, half sunk, a shattered visage lies. Round the decay of that colossal wreck, boundless and bare the lone and level sands stretch far away. On the pedestal these words are inscribed:

“My name is Ozymandias, king of kings:
look on my works, ye mighty, and despair!â€
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Anna Mae
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Postby creed4 » Sun Sep 17, 2006 6:32 pm

thank you
Tis No Fool to lose what he can not keep to gain what he can never lose.
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Postby creed4 » Wed Sep 20, 2006 4:04 pm

I've seen

I've seen the best intentions
Fall to the ground
I've been on top
And then watched the bottom fall
I've learn that even our best plans
Fall apart and leave us broken

But I've seen
The Best
For the Lord who holds me
Has brought me though
The terrible storms
And I know He still holds me

I've been at the edge of my dreams
And watched the fall away
I've made mistakes that have put me back
And left falling
I've learned that my hands
Cannot build the home
I wish for.

But I've know
A palace waits for me
For the Lord who holds me
Is the only one who can build
And he says it is so.
Tis No Fool to lose what he can not keep to gain what he can never lose.
What does it profit a man to gain the World yet lose his soul.
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Postby creed4 » Fri Sep 22, 2006 8:02 am

Here is another one

Adonai I Love You

I sing my heart
Before a lovely Lord
I shout and praise
Adonai I love you
Adonai I love you
Adonai I love you.

I am your servant
I trust you
And send out my Praise
Adonai I adore you
Adonai I adore you
Adonai I adore you.

I am so small
Yet you adopted me
As a son.
Adonai I praise you
Adonai I praise you
Adonai I praise you.
Tis No Fool to lose what he can not keep to gain what he can never lose.
What does it profit a man to gain the World yet lose his soul.
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Postby Anna Mae » Sun Oct 01, 2006 4:48 pm

I liked the vivid image you drew in my head (first stanza of "I've Seen") of the bottom of the tower just falling away.

I just love the name Adonai. I know the feeling of words just not being enough to describe how great and awesome our God is.
[SIZE="4"][color="DarkSlateBlue"]God has called me to mission work in Paraguay and Brazil. I may return to CAA someday. God bless all of you![/color][/SIZE]

[i]Two vast and trunk-less legs of stone stand in the desert. Near them, on the sand, half sunk, a shattered visage lies. Round the decay of that colossal wreck, boundless and bare the lone and level sands stretch far away. On the pedestal these words are inscribed:

“My name is Ozymandias, king of kings:
look on my works, ye mighty, and despair!â€
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Postby creed4 » Sun Oct 01, 2006 5:26 pm

Adonai.... I agree, but so much is said in the word. I was intersting in that poem I wanted to do some alternings But when I wrote Adonai I love You, that was enough
Tis No Fool to lose what he can not keep to gain what he can never lose.
What does it profit a man to gain the World yet lose his soul.
Choose Life that you Might live.
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Postby creed4 » Sun Oct 08, 2006 6:00 pm

What does luck got to do with it

Today was a good day
I was in a near miss,
I did not lose my shirt,
And I'm still breathing.

Some would say I'm lucky
But I know where every good gift comes.
So what's luck got to do with it.
I'm blessed for
Every good gift comes
From the Father above.

It's not that I'm crazy
I want to give honor
Where it is due.
Every Good gift comes from God
Why would I want to give honor to luck.

I serve a living God
Not made of stone or wood.
He gives good things to his children.
So why when he gives something
Good to my life,
Would I take the honor
And give it to an idol.
I want to thank the Lord.
Tis No Fool to lose what he can not keep to gain what he can never lose.
What does it profit a man to gain the World yet lose his soul.
Choose Life that you Might live.
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Postby Anna Mae » Mon Oct 09, 2006 10:14 am

What does luck got to do with it I assume that the grammatical structure here is intentional.

Today was a good day
I was in a near miss,
I did not lose my shirt,
And I'm still breathing. An interesting definition of a good day.

Some would say I'm lucky
But I know where every good gift comes. I should probably be "from where."
So what's luck got to do with it. Is there a particular reason that this line is punctuated with a period as opposed to a question mark?
I blessed for This line does not quite make sense.
Every good gift comes
From the Father above.

It's not that I'm crazy
I want to give honor
Where it is due.
Every Good gift comes from God
Why would I want to give honor to luck.

I serve a living God
Not made of stone or wood.
He gives good things to his children.
So why when he gives something
Good to my life,
Would I take the honor
And give it to an idol.
I want to thank the Lord. Good poem. I like how you recognize God's sovereignty. I especially appreciate the part at the end where you mention the idol. That is a particularly good point to include.
[SIZE="4"][color="DarkSlateBlue"]God has called me to mission work in Paraguay and Brazil. I may return to CAA someday. God bless all of you![/color][/SIZE]

[i]Two vast and trunk-less legs of stone stand in the desert. Near them, on the sand, half sunk, a shattered visage lies. Round the decay of that colossal wreck, boundless and bare the lone and level sands stretch far away. On the pedestal these words are inscribed:

“My name is Ozymandias, king of kings:
look on my works, ye mighty, and despair!â€
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Anna Mae
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Postby creed4 » Sun Oct 15, 2006 6:15 pm

this ones a couple years old

Heart Like David.

Rip through me.
Tare out My Heart
Rock Hard
replace it with a
Heart like David’s.

One man in History
Whose heart
Was your
Though flawed
He follow you all his day.

Give me that heart
That seek you alone
The only devotion
Father to you.

He made many mistakes
I have too
But your cleansing blood.
Give the deepest acid wash.
That burn away the worse
Leaving diamond
Pure gold

Give me a heart like David’s
Tis No Fool to lose what he can not keep to gain what he can never lose.
What does it profit a man to gain the World yet lose his soul.
Choose Life that you Might live.
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Postby Anna Mae » Sun Oct 15, 2006 6:25 pm

Heart Like David.

Rip through me.
Tare out My Heart Do you really mean to use that spelling of 'tare?'
Rock Hard Interesting choice of line break.
replace it with a
Heart like David’s.

One man in History
Whose heart
Was yours.
Though flawed,
He followed you all his days.

Give me that heart
That seek you alone I would suggest changing 'that' to 'to.'
The only devotion
Father to you.

He made many mistakes
I have too
But your cleansing blood. Why do you have a period here? Also, the subject-verb in this line does not match up with that of the next.
Give the deepest acid wash.
That burns away the worst
Leaving diamond
Pure gold

Give me a heart like David’s

Nice poem. You express a very admirable sentiment. I also appreciate how you aknowledge David's faults as opposed to ingoring them for the purposes of sentiment. This gives the poem more depth.
[SIZE="4"][color="DarkSlateBlue"]God has called me to mission work in Paraguay and Brazil. I may return to CAA someday. God bless all of you![/color][/SIZE]

[i]Two vast and trunk-less legs of stone stand in the desert. Near them, on the sand, half sunk, a shattered visage lies. Round the decay of that colossal wreck, boundless and bare the lone and level sands stretch far away. On the pedestal these words are inscribed:

“My name is Ozymandias, king of kings:
look on my works, ye mighty, and despair!â€
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Anna Mae
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Postby creed4 » Sun Oct 15, 2006 6:27 pm

thank you
Tis No Fool to lose what he can not keep to gain what he can never lose.
What does it profit a man to gain the World yet lose his soul.
Choose Life that you Might live.
Posts: 1162
Joined: Sat Mar 19, 2005 12:40 pm
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