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Twilight Memories-Fanfic from Final Fantasy IX-Kuja's story

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Twilight Memories-Fanfic from Final Fantasy IX-Kuja's story

Postby churchgirl111 » Thu Jan 08, 2004 7:33 pm

This is an fanfic from the squaresoft game Final Fantasy IX for those of you who play video games...this is Kuja's story. In Final Fantasy, Kuja is viewed as just the bad guy..I think that he was just hurt emotionally and probably a little mentally. This is his story before he is judged to harshly...just like the rest of us...a man in need of a Savior...

Twilight memories


Blood trickled out of the corner of his already bruised mouth. Silver hair, tossled and splattered with his own blood, was messily plastered on his face.

"You worthless, good-for-nothing..." another hit to the face accenturated the voice's boom. His head spinning, he struggled to stand in the slight chance that he could defend himself.

What's the point? It never stops, he thought grimly, it has become a nightly ritual. Our nightly ritual. Father and son quality time. He chuckled at this thought.

Struggling to right himself, he prepared for the other blows that wood soon come and began their torment. His father came towards him, again another hit. As he struggled to breath, his thoughts drifted to why he was being abused this night.

Oh yes, he remembered, I had offended father once again for being less then perfect.Earlier today, his master's had been training him on a diffucult skill. he had failed to master it the first day, now he pays. Tomorrow it will be for another reason and the same for the days to come.

"Can you do nothing? You little-" another sentence ended with a punch to the face.

Stars exploded inside the young lad's head. Darkness threatened to envelop the brightness as white flashing pain reverberated through his bones. He could no longer raise himself. The towering figure lumbered towards this misfortuned and beaten boy like a dragon catching its prey.

[quote] If not now then when? If not me then who?- anonymous

:thumb: LOVE AND PEACE!!!- Vash the Stampede

This is His testimony: God has given us eternal life and this life is in His Son, He who has the Son of God has Life. He who does not have the Son of God does not have Life.-John

Why am i crying in French??- Vash the Stampede
:thumb: :P :jump:
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Postby churchgirl111 » Sun Jan 11, 2004 6:05 pm

MOre of the story!!! This makes me cry...:(

The boy laid helpless. Perhaps it will be quick tonight, he dared to hope, perhaps the darkness will come quickly.

As the dark shadow fell over the beaten body, a knock was heard on the chamber door.

"What is it?!" his father yelled irritated at being interrupted during their bonding time. A expressionless faced girl timidly walked up to him and began to whisper in his ear.

The boy gazed at her as his body told him to cease. When she spotted him she quickly turned away from the huddled mass on the floor. She does not return my gaze, he thought, she fears my father's hand.

"Good," his father smiled, "Leave." The girl bowed and left as two more expressionless faces entered.

His father turned to the boy in digust and walked over. "Get up, boy," giving him a hard kick with his boot causing the lad to groan, "Go and fetch your brother. Clean up, i don't want your blood everywhere." With this command the father walked out the chamber door with a loud thud that resounded throught the walls.

The two expressionless assistants started helping the lad to his feet. Angrily brushing them off, he spat out the blood in his mouth. "Commanded? Am I a dog?" he rasped through gritted teeth.

"Kuja?" a soft voice piped up as the lad was limping out of his father's chamber. Kuja stopped walking and turned to see a young boy, eyes wide in concern.

"Zidane..."Kuja's anger softened at seeing the lad's face. He was about 10 years younger with spiky, blond hair. He was wearing a white robe that was far to long. He is almost like a little brother, Kuja smiled bitterly, Almost. How i wish we were normal.

"Are you ok?" Zidane walked over and carefully touched his leg. Kuja tried not to wince. Zidane noticed and his eyes glazed, "Did father do this?"

Kuja shook his head, "It's nothing. Don't worry. Your big bro's tough!"

Zidane broke off into a naiive smile, "Yeah! Big bro's tough!"

Kuja knelt down,"Father wants you to go to see him. And do what he says ok?"

Zidane gave a sour face," Alright...if i have to. See you later Kuja!" Hugging his big brother, the boy ran off to redevous with their father.
[quote] If not now then when? If not me then who?- anonymous

:thumb: LOVE AND PEACE!!!- Vash the Stampede

This is His testimony: God has given us eternal life and this life is in His Son, He who has the Son of God has Life. He who does not have the Son of God does not have Life.-John

Why am i crying in French??- Vash the Stampede
:thumb: :P :jump:
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