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Unleash your creative writing skills here.


Postby Erin » Tue Dec 27, 2005 1:45 pm

ok so this is an older one of my poems I wrote it a about a month or so ago and I'd just like your guyses opinions on it or whatever...

"Lost Respect"

I'll never understand you
I don't want to try
If I did than I know
I'd just get sucked
Deeper into you lie
You say that you love her
But if she left tomarrow
Would you really care?
You sit there with
That blank pathetic stare
Wondering what
You've done wrong
You need to grow up and
Fix the problems of your own
Your hurting them
And it's killing me
Do you just not care or
Can you really not see??

this poem is dedicated to one of my best friends who's just been pretty screwed up latley
The scars will last forever, but nothing compares to the pain that put them there.
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Postby creed4 » Thu Dec 29, 2005 8:47 am

Seen this story a few times, I even wrote a pome simular about someone close. It's hard from any angle. Good Poem though keep it up.
Tis No Fool to lose what he can not keep to gain what he can never lose.
What does it profit a man to gain the World yet lose his soul.
Choose Life that you Might live.
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Postby Erin » Thu Dec 29, 2005 11:47 am

The scars will last forever, but nothing compares to the pain that put them there.
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