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Trilogy of Reflection

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Trilogy of Reflection

Postby Jaltus-bot » Tue Mar 01, 2005 4:30 pm

A Sinner’s Lesson

I cannot listen
To those demons any more
Each time that I fall
I see more how much I fell

I cannot listen
To those lies that drag me down
Each time that I do
I’m so far from what is right

I cannot stay here
Living in this foolishness
Each time that I am
I am nothing good or right

I must cease this path
That leads me so far away
Each time I am not
What God wants for me to be

I must remember
I must always turn to God
Each time that I’ve fallen
Though I fall, He takes me back

I am nothing good
But what He makes good in me
Each time I have hope
Because He rose and loves me

I must surrender
To the one whose path is good
Each time those moments
And He’ll make me more like Him

Untitled Prayer

Dear Heavenly Father,
I have sinned again,
Against You, myself, and others.
I am not able to change myself,
But change me please,
Because You are stronger than my sinful heart.
I have nothing of my own,
But the love and mercy You’ve shown me.
Father forgive me,
Restore me to You and as a member of Your flock,
Keep me from this sin
And in Your mercy remember it no more.
I am a sinner in everything I do,
But Your Son died and rose for me.
Christ is my only hope.
Make me again now forgiven and set free.
Though I am weak,
I wish repentance as I turn now back to Thee.
Thank You and amen

Fallen Child

A fallen angel
A perfect child no more
She held herself in bondage
No more set free
Blind to all that she could see
Her tears and sobs
Sweet forgiveness’ bosom still to know
But give her time and she will grow
When I feel blue, I start breathing again.

Asdvadz hedut ullah! (W. Armenian, "May God bless you!")

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Postby Esoteric » Wed Mar 02, 2005 10:58 am

Very nice, Joan of Arc. Long time no see. :hug:
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