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"The Game" a story based very loosly on reality...

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"The Game" a story based very loosly on reality...

Postby Scribs » Thu Aug 26, 2004 7:32 pm

I wrote this a few months back when I was bored and I am posting it because if someone besides me dosn't read it I will feel that I wasted several hours of my life for no reason. this is based very loosly on a real experience I had about a year ago. This contains no hidden mesages or themes so don't look for them, cause you will just be confused.

Here It goes!

The Game

As soon as I entered into the gymnasium it was plain to me that the crowd was not in a particularly good mood. On one side of the gym the supporters of the home team were rabidly cursing at the players of the previously mentioned home team and requesting that they acquire some talent immediately. The supporters of the opposing team were all participating in a rather annoying synchronized chant that seemed to suggest that the referee should be dismembered and then fed to hungry wolverines. The referee it seems had just awarded the home team seven points for a touch down however due to the fact that the teams were in the middle of a basketball game this call may not have been overly prudent. As I walked over to the concession stand a large man in a muskrat costume (he was the opposing team’s mascot) bumped headlong into me. As I was politely asking him where he had left his cerebral cortex this morning I noticed that his breath smelled strongly of whiskey mixed with gin and a little touch of Budweiser. I left him standing and starring blankly into space while I went off to tell the proper authorities. The proper authorities were not in their seats, by the side of the court or mulling about the concession stand. When I did find them they were in the janitors closet drowning their sorrows with a concoction that judging by the empty bottles on the floor was a mixture of whiskey, gin and Budweiser. They were wearing mops on their heads like wigs and sing a medley of what sounded like “row row row your boatâ€
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Postby shadowblade » Fri Sep 24, 2004 12:00 pm

Hmm, sounds a little like my sister's school... Lol. If that was me, I don't think I'd go as far as getting the 'proper authorities'. I'd probably just give the guy a really strong breath mint. Lol. Well anyway, cool story! :)

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Are deeper than the ones your clinging to
Let the old dreams die
Like stars that fade from view
And take the cup I offer
And drink deeply of the dreams I dream for you

[color=Navy]Bill: Ted, you and I have witnessed many things, but nothing as bodacious as what just happened.
Besides, we told ourselves to listen to this guy...
Ted: But what if we were lying?
Bill: Why would we lie to ourselves?
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