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N-Everlight Plays

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N-Everlight Plays

Postby CobaltAngel » Fri Aug 27, 2004 9:19 pm

N-Everlight Olympics

By COBY-CHAN! Bwhahaha.

Coby has fun making fun of the Olympics!

Nellas: WOW! I can’t believe Miwa won us those 13 lucky plane tickets to Athens for the 2004 Olympics!

Miwa: Well, Lady Nellas, it was only because I was the 2004th caller… I got lucky, that’s all.

Caliel: Too bad Faelon couldn’t come. He seemed really disappointed.

Nellas: You call jumping up and down in joy ‘really disappointed’?

Caliel: Well… I’m sure… deep down inside he… misses us…

Anison: Well maybe… he did seem to be under the impression that we weren’t coming back.

Nellas: I wonder where he got that idea…

Miwa: Well, you see at first I was… *ahem*… a little confused…

Caliel: Dang goat. I’ll show him what we’re worth… I’ve got it! We’re all gonna be in the Olympics and he’ll see us on TV!

Nellas: But... we… he… what did he…why do we… how do we…WHAAAT?!

Caliel: Everyone is to meet at the soccer field in fifteen minutes. Where are Blade and Rame?

Marcus: I believe I saw them headed for the track.

Xi: Woah…. Marcus came with us?

Marcus: >.>;;;

Anison: Uhm… yeah. So Nellas and I will go to the track and get them.

Nellas: *starry eyed* We will? I mean! Yes, we will!

Anison: …

(The Track)

Rame: If it was a real race, you’d be disqualified if you threw a hurdle. O.o

Blade: But it was in my way! What was I supposed to do, jump over it?

Anison: Hey guys! *waves* I hate to interrupt anything…. *ahem*… but uhm, Caliel’s gone mad and she wants us all to meet in the soccer field in 15 minutes for a meeting of some master plan she thought up in the course of, like, 5 seconds…

Rame: That sure doesn’t sound like Caliel!

Anison: Well, as they say, ‘when in Greece’… no, wait… its Rome… well anyway! Soccer field. Fifteen.

Blade: Gotcha.

Rame: Me too… I think.

Nellas: *has been standing next to Anison blushing the entire time* Me too…

Anison: Uhm… yeah. Nellas, let’s head to the soccer field.

(35 minutes later, the soccer field)

Caliel: Uhm… okay so now that everyone is here, I have an announcement to make. We have agreed to participate in the Olympics as Team Alexandria.

Blade: …say what?

Caliel: The girls will all work together to form a soccer team. All the boys will form a volleyball team.

Blade: Do we have enough boys to do that?

Nellas: Sure we do… Marcus, Pippin, Blade, Anison, Zack, and Cid…

Anison: Barely...

Caliel: An-y-way! Rame will be doing some swimming events, whichever ones she wants, Anison and Marcus will do synchronized diving, Blade will do the 110m hurdles…

Rame: Uhm… you shouldn’t give him anything involving hurdles.

Blade: Yeah, those things are annoying! And they don’t let you throw them!

Nellas: Hahaha… you’re kidding right?

Rame: *shakes head*

Nellas: …oh…

Caliel: Focus, people, focus! I’ll change Blade’s events to the 100m dash, and the 200m dash…

Blade: Why do I have to run?

Caliel: *ignores Blade* …Pippin will do gymnastics, Xi and Kuri will do beach volleyball, I will be on a rowing team with Siran, Miwa, and Nellas, Cid will do spring board, and Zack will do tennis singles. Any questions from anyone other than Blade?

Blade: Can we –

Caliel: No? Good! Here are your uniforms! *hands them black basketball shorts and plain red T-shirts* And for the swimmers, the shorts are swimming trunks for the guys, and Rame here is your swimsuit. *hands her plain red swimsuit* …and then beach volleyball, sorry I know they suck but its requirement… *hands Xi and Kuri the typical beach volleyball uniform in plain red*

Xi: Is this outfit legal?

Caliel: Uhm… anyway, on your t-shirts and swimsuits, please print “Alexandriaâ€
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Postby GzusRcks » Fri Aug 27, 2004 9:33 pm

ROTF!!!!!!! dude thats like the raddest play ever! *stand ovation* I cracked up so hard!!! mad props yo! *does handshake, highfives, hugs, hands cookies and busts out with the little known Alexandria national anthem which sounds vaguely familar to Strongbad's Dangeresque theme u.u* xD completely and utterly rad and Nellas rocks my socks in this! ^_^
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Postby Icarus » Fri Aug 27, 2004 10:02 pm

Volley ball. In an ET exclusive, the real story of the Alexandrian teams making it to the semi's. Here's Pat.

Anonymous athelete *looks Russian*: Every time that "Marcus"guy went up to spike, his eyes started to glow. I think he was on something.

AA2*Oriental*: And his teeth are definitely a health hazard.

// end expose

I always loved the plays.
Oh, and you spelled Greco right.
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Postby Taslin_Jewel » Sat Aug 28, 2004 4:08 am

>Kuri: I'm just going to scribble on mine and say it's cursive.

ROFTL! That is hilarious! Yet another WONDERFUL play by Coby-chan! *glomps* Good job, and welcome home!!!
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Postby Bunny » Sat Aug 28, 2004 9:21 am

"Anison: Hey guys! *waves* I hate to interrupt anything…. *ahem*… but uhm, Caliel’s gone mad and she wants us all to meet in the soccer field in 15 minutes for a meeting of some master plan she thought up in the course of, like, 5 seconds…

Rame: That sure doesn’t sound like Caliel!"

ROTF! This is great!
*Newsflash* Cali's always crazy. <.<;;
"So David said to Michal, "It was before the LORD, who chose me instead of your father and all his house, to appoint me ruler over the people of the LORD, over Israel. Therefore I will play music before the LORD. And I will be even more undignified than this, and will be humble in my own sight. But as for the maidservants of whom you have spoken, by them I will be held in honor."

2 Samuel 6: 21&22

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