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Further Proof that I'm Going Insane

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Further Proof that I'm Going Insane

Postby Peanut » Tue May 20, 2008 7:15 pm

In an attempt to keep myself writing, I started to write poetry again earlier this year. However I have always been stronger at writing prose. The sad thing was, I had no inspiration to write anything. That is, until I a few nights ago when I finally forced myself to write a series of stories that is too random for me to ever post on CAA. However, while I was writing that I got an idea for another series of stories. This idea I decided to start working on and actually post on here. So without further, useless introduction, here is the first part of "Further Proof that I'm Going Insane."

Our new roommate Jack

Hello, my name is Chris, though I guess you already know that. And I guess introducing myself to you really isn’t that important anyway, even if you didn’t know my name you surely would by the end of this story and besides, it’s not me you want to know about, it’s Jack. Our old roommate moved out early last summer and since rent was killing us, my other roommate, Dan, put up some posters at several local colleges with the hopes of attracting someone our age. The only person who answered it was Jack, a friend of Dan’s supposedly. I never was sure if they were friends, besides me Dan doesn’t really have any friends because of how socially awkward he can be at times, but Dan thought they were friends and I guess that was all that matter.

My friend Dan has a tendency to do and say stupid things. He’s of average build, with long blond hair pulled back into a pony tail. He always wears shirts with metal bands on them and jeans; he says he likes the “unkempt and slightly sketchyâ€
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Postby animewarrior » Tue May 20, 2008 7:33 pm

YAY for Peanut's slow side to insanity!!! XDD lol its ok I've had moments like these....all the time, actually
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Postby Peanut » Thu May 22, 2008 9:18 pm

Taking over the World and Rubber Chickens

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goldenspines wrote:Its only stealing if you don't get caught.
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