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Crash Poetry!

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Crash Poetry!

Postby Angel37 » Fri Dec 21, 2007 8:12 pm

well, I haven't posted any in awhile so...let the flames begin! XD



The infathomable thing.
The creature in darkness waiting to strike.
We recoil in fear from it.
We desire it not!
Yet we ignore its brilliance.

If the butterfly,
Whose beauties are so fair,
Had resisted God's changing,
No butterfly would be here.
Yet we desire the old things now,
While God does not change,
We think this means us somehow.

How can One who's perfection
Need anything more?
Already He is beautiful, yet us:
We lack in wings, colours, all.
A creepy crawly of the ground are we,
Doomed to dust, we are not beauty.

But how can we become more,
Grow in our faith and He adore,
Unless we in faith allow
The Spirit to become our shroud,
Our dark cocoon of trials and cold,
Until at last we break our mold,
And finally, in glory see,
We're butterflies in God's glory.

Why do we shun the things we see?
The changes, though hard they be?
Though friends grow on, shall we not,
And then upon them place blame?
All is rot in stasis here,
For crawling does not get us near,
To a God that is so high-we must fly!-
But to get by, first we must stop
And wait
And endure

-Crash Metallium

"The Man They Lost Last Winter"


The cold has come down,
Masked as a white enchantress.
It kisses the skin,
Tempting the fool to believe,
It is all lovely and true.

It envelops the soul,
Freezes the mind, stops veins,
And turns strength brittle.
One cannot feel it,
Yet death's embrace has come.

A shiver. A cough.
A hustle to light, to life, to warmth,
But it is too late; you are hers.
She brings you in close,
Memory now a haze.

Sun and moon set her alight,
And soon the blossoms triumph forth.
The children play upon the green ocean,
And spin their tales of what has happened,
To the man they lost last winter.

-Crash Metallium W.


My lover’s blue eyes have wings.
They pick up my heart in their arms,
And sprout wings of soft feathers,
White as dove’s down,
Strong enough to carry my very thoughts,
Gently lifting the sorrow of past,
Singing as they whisk my emotions away.
They tell me love poems of waterfalls,
Of rage at my displeasure, and joy
Of being my personal chariot.
Elijah was not as lucky as me
My own transport to paradise
Lives in the blue pools of twilight
That stare down at me from
The shining face of my lover,
Who flies me away to high places,
And sings me to sleep in safe havens.

-Crash Metallium


Praise God from Whom all blessings flow,
Those of love and life that show
The importance of us kingly beasts
Who upon sin our flesh shall feast.
Undeserving and tainted such,
Though wrath on us, of love is much
To be told of Saviour's hold
Upon our most unworthy hearts
Given everything it they have desired.
If one has Christ, one has it all,
Plethora of things from heaven's gates
Shall fall upon our eager plates,
And we must swallow what is there,
Whether pain or grief or joy or care,
For all things work to our good,
And give glory to Whom they should.

Praise Him all creatures here below,
Bellow in your shrieks and wails,
Though beautious here fail to depict
The astounding Wonder, the One of All.
Do not our gruesome, dirty souls,
Maim the singing from our lungs?
Yet the Spirit comes within
To filter out that treadful sin
And one day all us here below,
Whether or not He they know,
Shall resonate with one voice and sing,
"He is God and He is King!"

Praise Him above, ye heavenly hosts,
Blessed yet cursed are you all.
For you do sit beside His Throne,
And you do see Him and make Him known
And we do crave what you have there,
Yet you shall never know what we
Have here within our hearts and souls,
For we know God as Closest Love,
And you creatures up above,
Can only sing and sheild your eyes,
Or down in hell release your cries,
And carry out His bidding though,
As we know Him, you cannot know.
So sing for He is worthy yet,
You know this while we ponder it,
But someday you shall herald in,
Our Saviour, and we shall begin
To praise Him along with thee,
From then to all eternity.

Praise Father,
Whose will is perfect still,
Son, whose hands have wrought our hearts,
And Holy Ghost Who shall not part
From our side to show us all things
Which knowledge of Him brings.
In this Trinity we have our hope,
And with all things we now can cope,
And who shall threaten, part, or maim,
Those who praise this Great God's name?


-Crash Windthorn
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