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Naruto: On a sugar rush!

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Naruto: On a sugar rush!

Postby Pan Chan » Sat Aug 12, 2006 2:35 pm

I was bored and on a sugar rush one day and decided to write something about Naruto instead of Gohan or Goten for once.
I sorta failed but it was still it was fun.
I like to writ fanfics in script and not in the story form so just so you know it's a script.
Anyways I thought I'd share it just because I want to for some reason... lol
Anyways... here.
Please don't hurt me! T.T

Naruto on a sugar rush!

Sakura: "Oh My goodness! It's so beautiful today!!"
Naruto: "Yah! it's so beautiful! Nothing bad ever happens when it's beautiful!"
Kakashi: "lol That's right!"
*Bang! Boom! Yaaaahhh!!!!*
Strange Ninjas apear.
Strange Ninja 1: "We are the Mighty Morphin Power Rangers Ninja Force!!"
Naruto: "MMPRN! Cool!!"
Susuke: "F."
Naruto: "What?"
Susuke: "F."
Naruto: "Huh?"
Susuke: "F"
Naruto: "Wha??!!!"
Susuke: "F!!! F!!! F!!!! You forgot the f!!!"
Naruto: "What f?"
MMPRNF: "We have come to proove we are stronger than you!"
Naruto: "Well I'm the strongest! Believe it!"
Ino: "Why in the world do you always say believe it? I mean it's like so anoying"
Naruto: "Because I grew up in a tirreble place with no family where no one ever believed me!!!"
Freeza: "You grew up in a terrible place? What about me????!!!"
Freeza: "I told Kakarot I'd be good but he killed me anyways! I died and came back to proove to people I was good! But what do they do? They blow me up agin!!!!" ::brakes down and crys::
Freeza: "I've died so many times I bet I've been killed more than Kakarot!"
Goku: "No you haven't!"
Freeza: "Yes I have!"
Goku: "No you haven't!"
Freeza: "Yes I have! Nwa!" ::Sticks his tongue out.::
Goku: "No one sticks thier Tongue out at me!"
Goku and freeza start fighting. *Bang boom bam! Yaaaah!!! Swoof!!*
Gohan: "You know simple math could solve this problem, you know?"
Larry the dinosaur: "Yah! Go ahead talk about your simple math but I never even got a education!!!"
Mahoko: "That's because you were too stupid to know what a education was."
Sakura: "Oh my goodness this ground is messing up my dress I gotta get up."
Goten, Naruto: *Gasp!!!!!!!*
Naruto: "I gotta get up!"
Goten: "I gotta get going!"
Goten, Naruto: "I'm ginna see a friend of mine."
Goten: "He's round and he's fuzzy!"
Naruto: "We all love him because he's just,"
Goten, Naruto: "Pooh Bear! Whinny the Pooh Bear!"
Sakura: "Will you two cut that out???!!"
Ash: "I'm confused...."
Pan: "I like icecream!"
Goten: "I scream!"
Pan: "You scream!"
Naruto: "We all scream for Icecream!!!"
Kakashi: "That Goku guy intiminates me..."
Naruto: "He doesn't intiminate me!"
Kakashi: "Ofcourse not."
Ash: "Hey how'd you know his real name?"
Kakashi: "Oh. Lab top."
Ash: "Ooooh.."
Mahoko: "Sweet."
Kakashi: "Yah."
Naruto: "Hey Kakashi! Look what I can do!!!"
Naruto: ::goes super saiyan::
Kakashi: "Inpressive."
Naruto: "Yah and check this out too!"
Naruto: "Kame-Hame-Haaaaaaa!" ::does a Kame-Hame-Ha::
Sakura: "Naruto!!! you just blew up the person we were trying to save!!!!"
Naruto: "Oops..."
Goten: "Don't worry. We can bring him back with the dragonballs!"
Naruto, Sakura: "Realy??!"
Naruto: "Then lets go!!"

::Goten, Sakura and Naruto have set out on a dangirous quest to find all 7 dragonballs so they can bring back the person Naruto accedently killed with his Kame-hame-ha.
Will they find them all in time or will they be too late?
Find out next time on the non-exsistent next episode of Naruto! On a sugar rush!!::
Naruto: "That guy talks alot."
Goten: "I know..."
Sakura: "Ok the show's over you know!!"
Goten: "The script."
Sakura: "Whatever! Just shush!!"
Goten: "Ok what ever!"
THE END!!!!!
Naruto: "NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!"
Whatever... lol
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Pan Chan
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Postby Tigerchu » Sun Aug 20, 2006 8:09 am

That was good!
Have faith
-From somewhere in the Bible, and I agree with it

-God will only give you what you can take. He will not overwhelm you.
-From somewhere in the Bible

-Your faith becomes stronger when it's tested.
-I saw a Chinese guy with a cross on his restaurant desk in America. That's so cool. You can do that here. Not so much China.

I've recently been learning that I don't need to be "loud and pushy" to Evangelize; just living it out is enough witness. The problem was that I grew up around strong Evangelists (Korean Christians) and they were really into getting people involved and setting out to Evangelize, and me being a a yes-man (or yes woman) I was into trying to convert people.
I've been learning this lesson over the years, but have been trying to be pushy. Now I'm trying to ease off.
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Postby For_Him » Mon Sep 18, 2006 10:16 am

Weird, yet entertaining. Have you thought Hollywood?
Brother of Sparx00.

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Postby Sparx00 » Tue Dec 04, 2007 10:40 pm

Wow, I can't believe I found this place.
By the Way, That was Awesome! Or in other words.....Excelent!!! *Rock guitar sounds*
You wish you could shred like me.
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