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Somewhat obtuse, totally odd, possibly deplorable, yet entirely adorable story idea

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Somewhat obtuse, totally odd, possibly deplorable, yet entirely adorable story idea

Postby heero yuy 95 » Mon Nov 26, 2007 7:33 pm

Okay, so i was watching Angel Tales, and the basic premise of the story is that this guy is sent guardian angels in the form of beautiful maidens that are actually reincarnations of his pets. They share the qualities of the animals they formerly were and whatnot, it's a bit clihced yet somewhat endearing. Well, i got an epic story idea. Why not take it a little further? I thought it would be pretty epic to make a manga story about a bumbling yet determined young male protagonist, who is sent female assistant as a female reincarnation of his beloved first car, a battered '81 El Camino('twas my first car, hint hint) Like, I don't think they'd be living together cuz i dunno, the idea of a guy and a girl living together like that, even if it is harmless misadventures, is a little unsettling, but they could have some epic misadventures, share a little romance, maybe a little falling in love. She could share charastics of a crappy old car, i dunno, i know it sounds incredibly odd, maybe even kinda stupid, but i think i could make it pretty funny. Tell me what you think.
'listen to me, Grel, these constant failures have been causing me to lose face, and if you keep it up i shan't spare yours!" -Khyron the Destroyer

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^ My Manga!!! Check it out!
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heero yuy 95
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Postby USSRGirl » Fri Nov 30, 2007 1:41 pm

XD In a really weird way... that sounds really cute. It reminds me of Oh My Goddess. I think it could turn into a good/light-hearted kinda story if you worked on it. But I gotta wonder, I mean fantasy angels with animal characteristics I can see, but what in the world would a junky car's human persona be? Motor oil for hair? o.0 Tires for eyes?
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Postby heero yuy 95 » Sat Dec 01, 2007 7:41 pm

XD In a really weird way... that sounds really cute. It reminds me of Oh My Goddess. I think it could turn into a good/light-hearted kinda story if you worked on it. But I gotta wonder, I mean fantasy angels with animal characteristics I can see, but what in the world would a junky car's human persona be? Motor oil for hair? o.0 Tires for eyes?

*high fives* YES!!!! Thank you for replying. Not so much her actuall physical attributes as much as her actions. Like, she'd be really slow/lethargic in the cold('cuz anyone who's ever driven an old carb'd car knows they're worthless in the cold) and perhaps she'd have a mullet ('twas an El Camino, business up front, party in the back) and she'd run pretty fast(350 power, holmes!) stuff like that... if that makes a lick of sense.
'listen to me, Grel, these constant failures have been causing me to lose face, and if you keep it up i shan't spare yours!" -Khyron the Destroyer

"why throw away your life so recklessly!"
"that's a question you should be asking yourself, megatron."
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^ My Manga!!! Check it out!
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heero yuy 95
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Postby USSRGirl » Sun Dec 02, 2007 8:28 am

XD Reminds me of an old junky car my family used to have. The door was literally falling off it by the time it got trashed. Anyway, that sounds really cute/funny/weirdly intriguing twist to the old magical girl manga genre. Hope you get around to writing up a story for it!
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Postby heero yuy 95 » Sun Dec 02, 2007 10:26 am

Thank you, USSR Girl, If I can find some time I just might do that.
'listen to me, Grel, these constant failures have been causing me to lose face, and if you keep it up i shan't spare yours!" -Khyron the Destroyer

"why throw away your life so recklessly!"
"that's a question you should be asking yourself, megatron."
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^ My Manga!!! Check it out!
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