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New Beginnings

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New Beginnings

Postby SnoringFrog » Fri Feb 09, 2007 9:27 pm

I just wrote this a few minutes ago.

As the past fades away
We push forwards through the night
Into the light of a brand new day
With a brand new set of If's and Why's to ponder
And all new decisions to be made
What's done is done, regrets change nothing
So leave it behind you and begin again
Start it all over, lead a new life
Die to the old, live for the new
Beginnings that provide endless possibilities
For us to shape our lives, our selves
Into what we wish to be
UC Pseudonym wrote:For a while I wasn't sure how to answer this, and then I thought "What would Batman do?" Excuse me while I find a warehouse with a skylight...
[SIZE="7"][color="MediumTurquoise"]Cobalt Figure 8[/color][/SIZE]
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Postby Tenshi no Ai » Fri Feb 09, 2007 10:44 pm

That's nice^^ Short and sweet it be. As for me, I need to get working on my own writing projects >_<
神 は、 その 独り 子 を お与え に なった ほど に 世 お愛 された。
独り 子 を 信じる 者 が 一人 も滅 ひない で, 永遠 の 命 お得る ため で ある。

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