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How to Create You Own Nuclear Sol Cannon of Doom

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How to Create You Own Nuclear Sol Cannon of Doom

Postby Dante » Wed Oct 18, 2006 8:24 am

Ok, so Zarn says that I haven't posted much on the internet these days in writing, mosltly this is because my writing class moved from poetry to non-fiction... I mean fiction. Well, this is actually possible... given enough energy and supplies, but maybe it is a little enjoyable. I actually want to build this thing in Nations and States. Thus some (non)-fiction for your reading pleasure (the non part is optional)

To: Academy of Inasnum Scientia and Mundus Victum

How to Create Your Own Nuclear Sol Cannon of Doom
By: Dr. Ivan Ruslan Loony

As I ponder over my many dark musings oe’r my imaginary Earth Sphere so blue, I am often left with the impression that there is little new under the sun within the world. Dimmer still, would be those few trinkets that would bring a smile or kackle to an evil genius such as myself. So often our inspiration within our dark lairs comes far too late, even sadder is when our future subjects manage in their stupidity to bring about the end themselves. Or worse, when we are beaten to the punch by a colleague or dare I say “competitorâ€
FKA Pascal
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Postby Dante » Wed Oct 18, 2006 8:25 am

The design calls for the production of a large scale Einzel lens orbiting near the sun, but far enough away to avoid the destruction of critical components. An Einzel lens acts like its equivalent in light (normal lenses) but instead of acting on photons it focuses a stream of electrons and ions into a focused beam. The energy to produce this focusing is intense but with a large enough period of time any evil scientist should be able to collect enough power to produce a single shot. Now, as this is built we should pay strict attention to the weather… no not of the terrestrial sky above (that would produce as quizzical a look from me as it just did to you), but rather that of the solar system as a whole. For what we are looking to predict is the potential existence of a pair of sunspots capable of produce a coronal mass ejection. These bursts of electrons and ions from the sun can pack a massive punch whose more intense bursts can knock out satellites, turn off power and produce incredible aura borealis down to the lower latitudes of the Earth. What do these incredible actions in space have to do with our humble albeit large space station? The inconsequential result of a properly placed Einzel lens with a focus on the Earth would result in the power of the entire solar flare being focused on the Earth itself producing an intensity increase beyond anything ever seen, that I take great pleasure in likening to a large ion cannon… Oh wait, was I having a bit too much fun saying that? Yes I suppose I was, but back to the scheme, if we assume that our focus is always on the Earth, when is the optimal time to prepare for the flare? The answer is that flares will most likely occur during the peak in the solar cycle when the magnetic field lines of the solar sunspots go from the northern most sunspots to the southern most sunspots. This means that the most likely fields to causes coronal mass ejections are those parallel to the north south lines of the sun. When this situation arises there is a likelihood that solar flares occurring between the two field can create magnetic reconstruction. What magnetic reconstruction does is it releases all of the energy stored in the suns local magnetic field (the sunspots) in the form of a large coronal mass ejection. In particular these reconstructions may be predicted shortly before the ejection occurs by looking for current fields within the solar surface flare which oft occur just before magnetic reconstruction occurs. Of course, once the flare goes off the Einzel lens goes to work and well… you can imagine the consequences. The bad news is, is that it is rather hard to control these CMEs, although some of my colleagues have suggested the creation of large tungsten solenoids which they float along the solar “riversâ€
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