BLEACH... one of the most popular manga and anime series to hit this earth. But the spiritual content of the series bothers me. At first, I liked the series. I liked the action, it made me laugh, and it wasn't really all that scary. But then I hit volume 20. Before that point, the spirituality was questionable but not to the point that I wouldn't read it anymore. Then the villain's plot was revealed, and after that it began to delve into areas of spirituality that were beyond fantasy and can truly influence people. Though the villain is bad, some Christians could be spiritual damaged by his speech, though very short, about how no one stands above the heavens on the throne of God; not kami, not Soul Reapers, not Hollows, and not shinigami-- and how HE planned to fill the void in heaven. And also, there's the whole thing about how if a Soul Reaper wishes to become even stronger, he must break down his internal "breaking point" and join with the Soul Reaper's opposite being-- the Hollow, through "hollowfication". WHOA BIG RED FLAG GOING UP HERE!!!:?: You guys have to to me-- what do you think- does the series get better as time progresses, or does the bad spirituality come up more and more frequently? I would appreciate your comments-be nice plz.
[Edited for spoilers. I'd rather no one have the series' best twist ruined.]