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"You're not here" (SH3) offends my mom

PostPosted: Sat May 01, 2004 1:25 pm
by Bobtheduck
I have the music video for the Silent Hill 3 theme song, "You're not here." I had set it up at one time as my wake up call. Well, I was gone getting a haircut, and it turned on, and my mom walked in on it (just the music, I hope.) :?:

She was appaerently very bothered by it... She doesn't really want me listening to anything but Christian music in the house, though Game music and Japanese music are usually ignored. She listened to the words, and of course heard them wrong. I came home, and she comes in with a very worried sound in her voice. "What exactly is that song that was playing on your computer?" I told her it was a song from a video game, and she said "Your love stips me bare?" I said "It didn't say that, Mom..." I didn't even realize where she could have gotten that from... I looked up the lyrics to show to her, but I was worried even about the line "my body aches" even though it was just a continuation of the drug metaphor (though, she may not appreciate that either) I assured her she didnt' hear what she thought, and told her the line she thought she heard was "Love was never meant to be such a crazy affair." She looked at me funny and said "This is a song in a video game?"


I sure hope she didnt' turn the monitor on... There are some scenes out of the game, of course... She'd have nightmares for a while... Valtiel and the closer, and some random Jacob's Ladderesque moments... The funny thing is, I'd be more scared by Claudia than by Valtiel.

I talked to my brother, and he had this to say about the situation:
Bobtheduck's Brother wrote:yeah, i've had a few encounters kind of like that
playing Christian music at Bible College
older people don't like it when they don't understand words in a song
i got my dean really good one time
i had to go to his office to explain Jars of Clay and DC Talk
I played a few songs of Jars of Clay for him, and he told me there was nothing wrong with them because he could understand the words

i played another song of JOC and he said "I didn't understand that word right can't have this CD in your possession because somebody might visit the dorm and think you're playing secular music if they don't understand it
I nodded and pulled out a Spanish CD and played it for him
He said it was okay because it was Spanish P&W
I asked him if he spoke Spanish, and he said "not a word."
so I said, "so that music is okay even though you can't understand a single word."
he never talked to me about music again

PostPosted: Sun May 09, 2004 11:45 am
by Heart of Sword
That would be annoying. Though the only songs I ever listen to are Rurouni Kenshin theme songs (I LOVE Rainbow and Endless Future from the movie), soundtracks from Lion King (oro), and Christian music that I hear occasionally.

But yeah, I've misunderstood lyrics, I think it's just because when someone hears a song, they warp the lyrics to what they thought they were going to hear.

Strange really.

PostPosted: Sun May 09, 2004 5:39 pm
by Zilch
(reads Bobtheduck's post)(runs to try it out on his principal)

PostPosted: Wed May 12, 2004 6:49 am
by cbwing0
My parents never bother me about music (then again, I listen to all of mine through headphones ;) ).

I have looked at some of the codes of conduct for Christian colleges/universities, and in most cases they are quite franly draconian. For example, Liberty University (to use a local example) does not allow students to listen to secular music, or watch R-rated movies (even if they live off-campus!).

PostPosted: Wed May 12, 2004 8:58 am
by shooraijin
Liberty, eh? *knows a Liberty student ;) *

I worked for Point Loma Nazarene University for many years, and I don't remember policies like that there (although I wasn't a student, I was a staff member and later an independent contractor). However, within the Nazbo college system, we were definitely considered the most "liberal" which was something I always found amusing.

PostPosted: Wed May 12, 2004 9:13 am
by Retten
Yeah I know what you mean my mom doesn't like me listening to any secular music but she stands it when I listen to video game and techno she didn't used to though -_-
I usually just turn my music down when she is in my room if I think she isn't going to like anything, its not like I listen to anything offensive but she just would misunderstand it. I like your brother response I'll have to remember that if I ever run into that problem someday :)

PostPosted: Wed May 12, 2004 9:18 am
by cbwing0
[quote="Shoorajin"]Liberty, eh? *knows a Liberty student ]
Liberty is in my state, about 90 minutes from my house. There are a few people from my church who go there; but I attend the University of Virginia.

If you want to see the actual codes of conduct, you can find it here:

I find them amusing, except for the fact that they actually make the students live by them.

PostPosted: Wed May 12, 2004 9:51 am
by kaji
CBWing0 wrote: have looked at some of the codes of conduct for Christian colleges/universities, and in most cases they are quite franly draconian. For example, Liberty University (to use a local example) does not allow students to listen to secular music, or watch R-rated movies (even if they live off-campus!).

I would consider Liberty University to be one of the extremes when it comes to rules like that. Their rules are extra consirvative.

For intance, you cant even sit on the same couch as some one of the opisite sex. That's right, there are only certain locations where you can, and they are under constant survailance.

Good luck trying to get away with holding hands or hugging, other big no-no's :eyebrow:

PostPosted: Sat May 15, 2004 5:01 pm
by Kisa
WOW! I see all of your cmments on Liberty and I am shocked! I go to Liberty and none of that is true at all, except watching R rated movies! We can and do listen to secular music and we sit on the same couches wih the opposite sex and its not as conservative as you think. Its actually pretty lax compared to colleges like Pensecola Christian Collage (which is prob what your thinking of) where they even have seprate elavators for girls and guys. At Libert you can hold hands and hug too! Off campus they really cant enforce anything anyway, but they like to try and put rules on commuters anyway . . . but like I said the rules are very lax and sometimes the RAs and all who are supposed to watch people out of dress code dont even writre people up! Theres some girls in my class who walk in looking like they only got half dressed when they woke up. lol So don't go bashing what you dont know, I mean, if you have any questions ask me! I'd be happy to let you all know! ^_^

PostPosted: Sat May 15, 2004 8:23 pm
by Bobtheduck
No "horseplay"? How on earth can a College student survive without "horseplay"? I think APU (the Christian university right across the street from me) has much looser rules... They may even host dances (the code thing on the liberty site made it wrong to attend a dance.) If I was going to go to a Christian university, I'd go there. I mean, I actually go to their chapels from time to time because I enjoy them. They are actually good chapels for college age, and they teach right out of the Bible, so it's not like some fluffy "inspirational" message.

Completely off topic, but I've never been to a dance... I did, however, dance with a girl for the first time in my life this year. My college group leader has been teaching some of us swing. Yay! So, yeah.

I have to be carefull what I do at my house... I probably won't be playing Silent Hill here anymore (have to stay at my friends house when SH4 comes out), and I'll only play Final Fantasy at night, and only until I beat it. Then it goes back to my friend. I've just gotta accept the rules in the house no matter how much I disagree with them, until I can move out...

PostPosted: Mon May 17, 2004 7:12 pm
by Yamato145
this reminds me of a time when me and my brother were listening to korn
the line was
Ya'll wanna single say F*** that (repeat last 2 words several times)
now i know this aint a good line but apparently my mom heard a reference to anal sex (no clue how) and got all mad at us ... she was actually relieved when we told her the real words!!! lol

PostPosted: Sun May 23, 2004 2:13 pm
by Six
the general rule in my house is that if its questionable keep it quiet or in headphones so my little sisters dont hear it... my parents are kinda odd... i can play any video game as long as its not rated M if it has an M on it for any reason they dont want it in the house.... which i find odd since we watch R rated movies all the time... so yeah, i just sneak it in my bedroom, hide the cover... and turn down the blood and gore and its all good... but yeah i know how u feel dude... before i started using headphones i had lots of awkward conversations over music and stuff.