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Non-Anime OSTs...

PostPosted: Sat Apr 03, 2004 6:53 am
by Pantakrator
Hey guys,

This thread is for your absolute favorite non-anime OSTs! Here's the rules;

No anime.
No video games.
List only your favorites.
You may list up to three(3) favorites.
It has to be from a live action movie or series.
Make sure you tell who the (main) composer is and why it's your favorite.

1. Black Hawk Down- Hans Zimmer

This ST is insane! My brother bought it a few nights ago and I think I've listend to it more than he has. :lol: Hans Zimmer really came through on this one... You can feel the personal, political, cultural, and violent struggles all intertwined yet seperate on all the songs. Completely insane...

Neat tracks; They're all great, butt Barra Barra is really something...

That's all for now. I think I'll get the Passion soundtrack tomarrow... That one is supposed to be really good.

PostPosted: Sat Apr 03, 2004 7:11 am
by Zilch
If I had to pick...I would say...

Freaky Friday's Soundtrack...

PostPosted: Sat Apr 03, 2004 8:01 am
by ShiroiHikari
Ooh! OOH! Good thread!

· The original Star Wars soundtracks. John the MAN!
· The Lord of the Rings soundtracks. Soooooo good.
· The Moulin Rouge soundtrack. :grin:
· Some of you might laugh at me for this one, but I really like The Sound of Music soundtrack. ^_^;

That's all I can think of for now.

PostPosted: Sat Apr 03, 2004 8:55 am
by Pantakrator
Whoa! How'd I forget about Star Wars? Those scores are on the verge of perfection.

PostPosted: Sat Apr 03, 2004 1:53 pm
by DrNic

1.The Mission Impossible 2 soundtrack. I've heard that the film was bad but it has tracks such as I Disappear by Metallica and Take a Look Around by Limp Bizkit (vertually the ONLY decent song on Chocolate Starfish)

2.The Bladerunner soundtrack. I know this is a bit wierd coming from me as this has no rock music on it at all but I just find it relaxing and very chilled out.

3.The Resident Evil soundtrack because the score was written by Maryilyn Manson and sounds so kool and because it contains my personal favourite moshing/headbanging track ever, My Plague by Slipknot.

PostPosted: Sun Apr 04, 2004 9:25 am
by shooraijin
Is this for *scores* or *soundtracks*? Nowadays there's a difference.

Myself, I liked (in no particular order):

Danny Elfman's score for the first Mission: Impossible movie (even though as a fan of the original Mission: Impossible series, the movies stink, stink, STINK!). His "Zoom B" redux of the title theme, plus how he worked in the "Plot" theme into some of the tracks invisibly, is great. So is "The Train"

I'm one of the three people who saw this movie, and probably the only one who liked it, but the score for "The Avengers" movie by Joel McNeely has some of the best high-flying music, particularly the portion where the killer robotic bees are pursuing Steed and Mrs Peel.

Carter Burwell did a very ethereal, haunting soundtrack for "Being John Malkovich" -- one of the most original, bizarre and chilling movies ever written (although rated R and deserves it). The theme music for the very creepy ending (stuck for all eternity) always puts chills down my spine. The CD also includes the John Malkovich song from the John Malkovich parallel universe (the one John Malkovich is singing while John Malkovich is playing piano and John Malkovich is ordering John Malkovich from the John Malkovich menu, the order being taken by John Malkovich).

Okay, I'm sorry, I have to do a couple more. Wendy (Walter -- don't ask) gets a two-for-one here. (S)he did a great job on the TRON soundtrack, which has some of the best synth work you'll ever hear from this composer (I always loved the TRON main theme and the Scherzo). The second entry from Carlos is the theme to "A Clockwork Orange" (a movie I find hard to recommend for content reasons, but still a cinematic landmark), which is another exceptional synth-classic fusion.

The soundtrack for 2001 is very good (not original, but a nice collection of classical and post-modernist music), and of course we love Henry Mancini's work in the Pink Panther movies (the best one is probably from "The Pink Panther Strikes Again").

John Williams always does good soundtracks (I have a "Star Wars" anthology and "Raiders of the Lost Ark" and "The Last Crusade"), but no one here has mentioned John Barry. I loved the weird hazy feel from "Diamonds Are Forever" (1971), as well as "The Living Daylights" with its Eurobeat score.

PostPosted: Sun Apr 04, 2004 9:53 am
by skynes
I liked the DareDevil soundtrack. Especially the Evanescence and 12 stones songs.

PostPosted: Sun Apr 04, 2004 12:37 pm
by Pantakrator
Shooraijin wrote:Is this for *scores* or *soundtracks*? Nowadays there's a difference.

Yeah, I guess I should have clarified that one... I was looking for *scores*. I've learned a bit more since I started the thread and relize the difference now. For anyone reading]ONLY LIST FILM SCORES. NOT SOUNDTRACKS. [/color]

Sorry for the confusion. Can't turn back the clock, but from now on only list scores. Thanks!

And for those of you that dig scores you might want to check out

PostPosted: Sat Apr 10, 2004 9:07 am
by thalia
Um...since the rules have suddenly changed it seems, my fav. SCORES are:

Star Wars by John Williams-I have the song book and am addicted to pounding out Darth Vader's theme on the piano!

LOTR by Howard Shore-It is awesome and I actually have all three albums!

And, even though it's changed to scores only, I HAVE to mention the Queen of the Damned soundtrack. The movie might have bitten majorly, but the soundtrack is one of the best ever!

PostPosted: Sat Apr 10, 2004 9:46 am
by Spencer
- The Italian Job by John Powell. All these songs are so awesome. Gotta hear it.

- Star Wars by John Williams. This is also really cool.

I don't think I really know any others that I liked very much.

PostPosted: Sat Apr 10, 2004 10:50 am
by Gypsy
Dragon Heart had an excellent score.