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Utada and Jesus!

PostPosted: Thu Jan 08, 2004 6:25 pm
by DAlpha
Utada should be a Christian, then she would be even awesomer...

Hey, does anyone know how to get their hands on some Christian Jpop style music? Nothing Morning Masume-ish, but like, quality stuff :). The stuff that you can learn to sound the Japanese words out too and not feel like a total boob because you know that in another language it has a real worshipful message. :sweat:


PostPosted: Thu Jan 08, 2004 10:53 pm
by kaze
Yes I agree...

I know this jpop artist, Onituka Chihiro, and she is a Christian, I'm pretty sure. One of her songs, Little Beat Rifle, has the lyrics: "God is watching you / God is holding your grief / God is watching all shadow" And if you look in the place where she thanks people, she thanks God... :)

PostPosted: Fri Jan 09, 2004 9:27 pm
by kawahime
Yep Onizuka Chihiro is awesome! Her piano is beautiful (although I'm not sure if she plays the piano herself). I'd love to get a hold of a CD but I'm not sure where to buy them!

Have you heard the song "Gekkou"? The lyrics are... "I am God's child/I was born into this decaying world/How am I able to live here?" Or that sort of meaning. I'm really bad at Japanese translation! But it's a beautiful song, nevertheless.


PostPosted: Fri Jan 09, 2004 10:52 pm
by kaze
Thats so cool! I'll have to listen to Gekkou. My cousin actually burned me her Onitsuka Chihiro CD, but I dont know where she got it...I'll ask the next time I see her.

PostPosted: Thu Jan 15, 2004 12:18 pm
by Bobtheduck
less than 1 percent of Japanese people are Christians (partly because of a racist attitude that the christians in missionary producing countries (US, Canada, Mexico, UK, most european countries, Korea, etc...) has had towards Japan... Most of them view Japan "inpenatrable" and the rest of the people with problems have a more direct racism... I feel this will change, and is changing. We'll see more of Japan turn to Jesus in the near Future.

My Japanese Teacher (who I think is Catholic) said that in the US, among visiting Japanese, there is a much bigger percentage of Christians. It may be a prime place for Japanese Christians to visit because there are good Christian Universities and a lot of Churches and Christians in the US (though I'd always been one for Quality over quantity *cough*)

What I think should happen is that the Christians in Japan should stop leaving Japan! I'm happy for the ones that are here that I can get to know right now, but if the Japanese Christians keep coming to the US, they'll have no hold in Japan... I know there is musical talent among those many many Christian Japanese visitors, so if they'd get together and go back to Japan with their teams and such, they could make a big impact...

Many of the Japanese Christians I know here want to reach the non-christian Japanese students who come here for university (international study which, of course, looks GREAT on resumeés) That's a very worth cause, and they should stick with it if that's what God has for them, but I still feel there should be people with musical talent that go back to Japan... I have no clue how the recording industry works in Japan, but is it possible for there to be independent artists cutting their own albums? That may be a more plausible outlet than going with a big company that may frown on religious material.

I don't have any Christian J-pop to give, but I know how to find Japanese praise music...

PostPosted: Tue Jan 27, 2004 2:26 am
by DAlpha
I think it would be really awesome to go to Japan and encourage the churches out there!