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Blogs by your Christian artistes

PostPosted: Sun May 20, 2007 5:41 am
by Mave
I'm wondering if other Christian bands/artistes have their own blogs.

I've just realized that Jars of Clay has their own, which I've been linking and visiting regularly.

This blog has made me even more fond of the group. Their home videos are quite wacky and they always make me smile whenever I watch them. They're currently making a Christmas album, thus the emphasis on being in a Christmas mood in the middle of the year. XD


This particular post made me LOLed.

*keyboard synthesizer rap tone*

"What...what do you think of....when it's NOT Christmas time?"

Matt - "Espionage."

*Mave falls over*

:grin: I'm delighted that my all-time fav. Christian band are crazy ppl too.

PostPosted: Sun May 20, 2007 5:31 pm
by Kkun
Aaron Weiss from mewithoutYou has a journal that he updates every once in a blue moon at Typically, it's very insightful and he uses it to get out whatever is on his heart.