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New Funny Lyrics!!

For all the music-lovers out there, this is your place to swap lyrics, talk about new bands and jazz about concerts. All things related to the audio world belong here.

New Funny Lyrics!!

Postby c-girl » Mon Jan 17, 2005 1:32 pm

You know when you change the lyrics to a song, but the rythm stays the same? Well if you have any of those songs! Post them here! I'll start us off! >^.^<

~ Dashing through the Snow~

Dashing through the snow on a pair of broken skiis
Over the hills I go! Bashing into trees! (Ow ow ow ow)
The snow is turning red, I think I'm almost dead!
I'm lying in the hospital with stitches in my head!

Lol! >^.^<
I live to love and love to live! >^.^<
I am part of The No Group.. Group.. >"<.. >0.o<
~Real guys go for real down to Mars girls ~ "Roses" by Outkast
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Postby SilverFang » Mon Jan 17, 2005 2:23 pm

LOL that was so funny in.. a gross kind of way.... lol

I will try to come up with one a little later. :thumb:
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