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Postby Riku777 » Mon Sep 13, 2004 4:37 pm

sorry :red: didn't mean to blow my top. after all he IS only 12... so i guess it's ok. but u hve to agree there's no room on this site for blasting Christianity....................................

but stepping OFF this toppic... i think if you don't like something... stay away from it. if u don't like tap, stay away from rap. that's what i've been doing all my life and i've been good. but i agree with loch... u can't really tell other ppl what to like and dislike, though it would be nice... :evil:
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The Streets

Postby Zane » Tue Sep 14, 2004 1:14 am

Nice guys,

Back to the origin of this thread. Im semi with the Pumkin guy :)
Obviously rap has many faces, and u guys in the US usually only hear the Us ghetto rap and 50 cent and whatever, that stuff.
I don't like their stuff but I dont mind 'people talking and rhyming words' (ie rap, just not the black cultural context, underground, sex, drugs everything that Pumpkin metioned)

Have you guys heard of "The Streets" a UK dude?
see he has looping pianos in the background and a jazzy feel to his rap, so pretty differnet to the popular US stuff atm, so is similar but these songs here are the nice ones I mean.

[INDENT]Turn the Page
Has it come to this
Weak become Heros (this is the jazzy one)
Its too Late[/INDENT]
And for those (see 4 songs) i can't say I 'hate' rap.
And I'll ignore Zip's notions so that this thread stays open,.... but different people praise God in different ways, and I think he loves that, thats why theres so many variations in nature, skin colour, animals, taste, and music God is an artist.
Hopefully you guys can have a listen to one of those tunes (go the weak become heros first, its my fav out of the lot) Cheers guys.
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    Postby shooraijin » Tue Sep 14, 2004 6:54 am

    didn't mean to blow my top. after all he IS only 12...

    No need to point out other people's ages, either. Drop the issue entirely and get on with it.
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    Postby Hitokiri » Tue Sep 14, 2004 12:15 pm

    One thing that I hate about rap is how it changes people.

    I got to a college where every single person listens to rap and thus acts ghetto. Even th epeople who i know are stinkin rich and gets rather annoying. I'm not trying to get the racism argument going but it's like if you're not ghetto, you're not cool or whatever. If you listen to rap, you have to be ghetto. That's waht my view is when looking at school.

    Plus I hate and I repeat HATE it when your driving and all you can hear in the car behidn you is "bum-bum-bum..". When they have thier stero so loud and playing rap. Erks me alot.

    I dont have athing wrong with Christian Rap. I mean, they're prasing God so it's cool with me but I still can't stand rap.

    I know you guys stopped this debate and I dont want to make it so this topic gets locked up. It's not about rap but about worship in general.

    Worship can be anything and if it's praise worthy, God delights in hearing it.

    So you can worship while rapping, screaming, humming, dancing, read the bible, praying, talking to God. Whatever that you do that is directed towards God and his Majesty is considered worship. That's my piece. I just felt like I needed to say that.
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    Postby PumpkinKoRn52 » Tue Sep 14, 2004 12:18 pm

    I just got back on this site after one day, and this has gotten huge. All I'm going to say is this: Anything can be used to praise God, but that doesn't mean the Bible is the only way too. I don't think I said anything wrong there, so please don't lock this thread. Anyways, Riku, I can't stay away from rap. That's what bugs me. And Kae, I wasn't raised well. My parents hate everything I listen too, because they only like christian stuff or lite rock.
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    Postby PumpkinKoRn52 » Tue Sep 14, 2004 12:20 pm

    I completely agree with you Hitokiri.
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    "Now the world is gone, I'm just one. Oh please God help me." Metallica
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    Postby ZiP » Tue Sep 14, 2004 4:19 pm

    I just want to say one thing,
    I don't object to people trying to praise God through other methods, I just don't think rap is a good one.

    adn also to the person you says I "thrash God",
    I don't think the holy spirit is inactive.
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    Postby panegryst » Tue Sep 14, 2004 4:30 pm

    I think that it is important to remember decorum and honor whenever you are praising God. We do not get drunk in church; we do not wear overly casual clothes in church (i.e., nothing that might be considered shameful: nothing dirty, smelly or immodest). In the same way, while we can praise God with many different styles of music (rap included, I think), it's important not to say that 'anything that praises God is acceptable'. The line between 'acceptable worship' and 'unacceptable worship' is not drawn at Scripture, it is drawn at the combined limits of decorum and intent. Rap can be an acceptable form of worship; please don't forget that traditional forms and the Psalms are still the best kinds of worship (due to their being rooted directly in Scripture, as well as their long and excellent history and deep meaning).
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    Postby Riku777 » Tue Sep 14, 2004 4:42 pm

    well... i sort of disagree and agree with u panegryst (however that's possible) yes some forms of worship may be unacceptable, but if u were to do the same form of worship, type i mean, same type of worship, but truly submit urself to god then it would be ok. i think it's how u go about worship and how much of u is TRULY worshiping god that's important.
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    Postby ZiP » Tue Sep 14, 2004 5:51 pm

    Since the arguement appears to be over, i'm going to post,

    I think it is Good if you are trying to praise God fully and wholey, and I'm not saying christian rap is evil, but I just don't prefer it, seeing as rap in and of itself stems from
    the black race expressing the trials they suffered, and seeing as what rap is generaly about these days, btu I am nto here to make the claim it's hell-spawn.
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