Do any of you have songs that you link in your minds to certain points in your life, or certain key experiences? I do.
"What if I stumble" by DC Talk always makes me think of my trip to Washington DC in the eighth grade. It directly corresponded with my fears of messing up and looking like a fool infront of the rest of my class.
"Something More" by Switchfoot reminds me of my trip to Europe, specifically the long ride through France. It was a point in my life where I was experiencing one of my biggest dreams, and yet, I wasnt happy, I was looking for something more, just like the song said.
"The Luckiest" by Ben Folds reminds me of my missions trip to Nicaragua.
All three of these are things I was listening to at the times I assosiate them with, but they also correspond with my feelings at each of those times. I find this interesting. Do any of you have simmilar memories attached to songs?