If you're bored and have a few minutes to kill, put your iPod on shuffle (or your non-Apple-spawned MP3 player on whatever the equivalent function is) and post the first lines of the first five songs that come up. Don't post the song or artist name! The object is to figure out what the songs everyone else's lists are.
(Ground rule/suggestion: It's probably best to skip foreign-language songs or anything like that.)
I'll get things started with my eclectic selections...
1. I can hear the wind whispering my name, telling me it's time to head out again...
2. Tied to a wheel, our fingers got to feel...
3. Your love's a heartache that's torn me apart...
4. Talking to the mirror, whispering your name...
5. Well the moon moved past Nebraska and spilled laughter on them cold Dakota hills...