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Best Pranks!

PostPosted: Wed Aug 17, 2011 3:56 pm
by christianfriend
Hey, we've all done's just too tempting not to! So, what's the best prank you or someone you know has pulled on an unsuspecting victim? Or, you could even tell us about a prank someone pulled on YOU! X3

I for one, have done a pretty fun one. XD When my brother went into his room, I ran over with Saran wrap and quickly covered the doorway in it. When he came out he ran right into it and fell back with a very dumbfounded look on his face XD it was priceless!

PostPosted: Wed Aug 17, 2011 5:16 pm
by Okami
My high school Journalism/American Literature teacher once told us how in college, she knew a girl who had put grape kool-aid mix in the dorm showerheads. Awesome purple mess! :lol:

PostPosted: Wed Aug 17, 2011 5:37 pm
by Atria35
My friend once decorated her mom's birthday cake for her- switchd the cake out for a pile of paper plates, put on some frosting, and waited for it to be cut.

PostPosted: Wed Aug 17, 2011 6:11 pm
by Furen
some friends worked at a camp, when they pulled a prank on the girls, the girls got back by setting many many alarm clocks to go off every 5 minutes an alarm would go off and they'd have to find it... kept them up all night.

PostPosted: Wed Aug 17, 2011 7:15 pm
by Mr. SmartyPants
Once at camp some people saran wrapped a toilet bowl so that when someone went over to go pee his feet were covered in his own urine.

PostPosted: Wed Aug 17, 2011 7:19 pm
by Atria35
Mr. SmartyPants (post: 1497985) wrote:Once at camp some people saran wrapped a toilet bowl so that when someone went over to go pee his feet were covered in his own urine.

Someone fell for that one?! xD Awesome.

PostPosted: Wed Aug 17, 2011 9:29 pm
by Furen
Atria35 (post: 1497987) wrote:Someone fell for that one?! xD Awesome.

Well if you don't look first, you just don't know, like some people when they're sitting in the bathroom screaming for toilet paper...

PostPosted: Wed Aug 17, 2011 9:40 pm
by Tenchi
Heh, over at STE we'd always be stealing each other's doors at the fraternity house. We'd literally unscrew the doors to each others' rooms, and take them, and hide them. Ah, good times... good times... XD

PostPosted: Thu Aug 18, 2011 12:25 am
by Furen
Tenchi (post: 1498043) wrote:Heh, over at STE we'd always be stealing each other's doors at the fraternity house. We'd literally unscrew the doors to each others' rooms, and take them, and hide them. Ah, good times... good times... XD

What, lucky, my house doors just have hinges you can hit out...

my dad took my door away when I was younger because of a fight with my sister and me :(

PostPosted: Thu Aug 18, 2011 6:26 am
by seaglass27
I replaced the salt with the sugar and the cinnamon with the cayan pepper once. It backfired on me though because my mom made us all breakfast before she realized what happened and I had the worst tasting eggs and cinnamon toast ever.

Another fun one was wrapping a rubber band tightly around the nozzle of the sprayer on the sink. When people turned the water on they got sprayed. I got two people that way.

My parents are big conspiracy theorists and believe that Obama is going to take over the Internet, so I made it so that whenever one of them opened a browser it would redirect them to a page saying the Internet had been taken over by the government. It didn't work on my dad but it freaked my mom out.

I also made a program once that created five little dialog boxes onscreen. When you tried to click them they would run away from the mouse. It was really annoying 'cause they covered up a lot of the screen and you couldn't get them to close.

PostPosted: Thu Aug 18, 2011 6:31 am
by Sheenar
I have a friend who put a bullion cube in the showerhead --his roommate smelled like soup after his shower.

This same friend would break into his roommate's bedroom, rearrange his stuff and then lock the door back. His roommate was very particular about where things were supposed to be, so it annoyed him greatly.

Some friends and I got an industrial kitchen -sized roll of Saran wrap and wrapped a friend's car (roll it under the car and toss it over --repeat until entire roll is used up.)

PostPosted: Thu Aug 18, 2011 8:19 am
by Asuka Neko
Every year, my school does an April Fools issue for the newspaper. The first time they did it, though, no one knew that it was a joke. I go to an all-girls' school, and they said that the school was going co-ed in 2013... the year after I graduate. Needless to say, the classes below us freaked and we figured out it was a prank.

Once, when I was on a retreat with my Junior High youth group, the guys locked all of the girls' sleeping bags in the bathroom. We just picked the lock. And they got in trouble for it XD

ALSO. Worst prank ever pulled on me. At my school, it's a huuuge tradition for the seniors to have senior prank day. But lately, they have been doing really wild things that mess stuff up (like stacking a huge pyramid of cups filled with water in a classroom so that they had to be removed one by one and thus delaying classes by a LOT) and so they get in trouble. Well, last year, there was an announcement at the end of the day that the seniors had done something that they weren't allowed to do and because of this, the tradition of senior prank would be cancelled. MY CLASS WAS SO MAD. The next morning, they told us that it was all part of the prank!

PostPosted: Thu Aug 18, 2011 5:03 pm
by christianfriend
Mr. SmartyPants (post: 1497985) wrote:Once at camp some people saran wrapped a toilet bowl so that when someone went over to go pee his feet were covered in his own urine.

Hah, I attempted that one as well, but my brother didn't fall for it. XP So I got him back with the saran wrap to the face one, lol. Seems like saran wrap is a popular item for pranks!

PostPosted: Thu Aug 18, 2011 7:02 pm
by Tenchi
Otaku Jordan (post: 1498090) wrote:I also made a program once that created five little dialog boxes onscreen. When you tried to click them they would run away from the mouse. It was really annoying 'cause they covered up a lot of the screen and you couldn't get them to close.

Heh, computer program pranks are fun, too. I once created a program that made a really loud ringing noise and constantly moved your mouse to the top-left corner of the screen and select the window that the program was running in. Because of this, the only way to stop the really annoying ringing noise was to either unplug the computer and press ctrl-alt-dlt. Not only this, but even pressing ctrl-alt-dlt didn't stop the noise, and even if you opened task manager you couldn't reach the "end-program" button. Shutting it down was the only option. I annoyed someone really badly with this. XD

PostPosted: Thu Aug 18, 2011 7:37 pm
by Vii
I once rigged my brothers computer so that very loud guns and explosion sounds would play whenever he logged on, and I set his speaker volume to MAX.
Sadly I was out of the house when it went off, I was hoping to catch it on video.

PostPosted: Thu Aug 18, 2011 7:43 pm
by Phantom_Sorano
>_> I will not say that I did these.....but....

1. Place a thin layer of Saran Wrap over the toilet and put the lid back down in a public restroom. (Looks like that's popular...)

2. Label 3 animals 1,2, and 4 and let them loose in a friend's house.

3. Put laxative in brownies.....(don't suggest it btw)

4. Putting sticky notes on your professor's car and then saran wrapping it....

5. Stuffing locks with playdoh.

6. Bringing gourmet dog treats to a potluck.

7. Setting all the alarm clocks in a department store to go off one minute from another.

8. (Bad one...) Taking a bottle of deeply concentrated raspberry koolaid and dripping it all across the store into the women's restroom.

9. Replacing the gender signs for the bathroom with "caution" and "hazard"....

PostPosted: Thu Aug 18, 2011 9:14 pm
by seaglass27
Phantom_Sorano (post: 1498196) wrote:>_> I will not say that I did these.....but....

1. Place a thin layer of Saran Wrap over the toilet and put the lid back down in a public restroom. (Looks like that's popular...)

2. Label 3 animals 1,2, and 4 and let them loose in a friend's house.

3. Put laxative in brownies.....(don't suggest it btw)

4. Putting sticky notes on your professor's car and then saran wrapping it....

5. Stuffing locks with playdoh.

6. Bringing gourmet dog treats to a potluck.

7. Setting all the alarm clocks in a department store to go off one minute from another.

8. (Bad one...) Taking a bottle of deeply concentrated raspberry koolaid and dripping it all across the store into the women's restroom.

9. Replacing the gender signs for the bathroom with "caution" and "hazard"....

Um, a lot of those sound like vandalism and others sound dangerous. And if by #8 you are trying to suggest...

PostPosted: Thu Aug 18, 2011 10:29 pm
by Furen
Phantom_Sorano (post: 1498196) wrote:>_> I will not say that I did these.....but....

1. Place a thin layer of Saran Wrap over the toilet and put the lid back down in a public restroom. (Looks like that's popular...)

7. Setting all the alarm clocks in a department store to go off one minute from another.

Friends have done these XD so bad

Also, I just found out two guys from my church put a dead Porcupine in the toilet in one of the restrooms at camp... hilarity ensued... I feel bad that the staff said it was the best thing all summer, and they had to fish it out and everything.

PostPosted: Fri Aug 19, 2011 1:25 am
by Slater
I was never much of a prankster, but...

When I was in university, I was sitting in a lecture with a teacher who I had become aquaintences with. He was teaching us about mysql as part of his PHP lectures and had just taught us how to log in to the system with a sample account. We were watching him on the projector, pressing buttons on the page and having results polled from the database come up.

Well, me with my laptop, decided to have a bit of fun in that moment. I went into the database, ran a quick update statement, and stifled laughter as the results that came up on the projector were not what the instructor expected. Of course, I quickly pointed out my mischief before too much time was spent hunting down bugs that didn't exist in his code, but it was quite humorous.

PostPosted: Fri Aug 19, 2011 3:30 am
by Warrior4Christ
At high school some of my classmates swapped door numbers around at the beginning of the year so the new students would go to the wrong classroom... (the proper room numbers were printed in the student diary). One time one person wound the clock forward about 40 mins while the teacher was out of the room, and we all went along with it and everyone was let out 40 mins early. We got caught by another teacher after a few minutes and had to go back to class.

In year 12, our specialist maths class played so many pranks on our teacher - it was hilarious! He'd arrive late most of the time (5 - 20 mins), so we had plenty of time to conjure up what we were going to do. One time we set up the whole classroom to face the back and silently/diligently worked like everything was normal. Another time everyone hid in the small side-room and put one of his funny quotes/saying on the whiteboard. Other times we'd probably take something from the teacher's desk or the teacher's seat.

PostPosted: Fri Aug 19, 2011 11:37 am
by TopazRaven
I'm generally a boring person and don't do this whole prank thing. Most of the pranks that have been pulled on me are to inappropriate to post here. My friends are gross. xD