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Lucid Dreaming

PostPosted: Mon May 16, 2011 6:28 am
by rocklobster
My cousin Lucia managed to lucid dream recently. I was wondering if anyone here knows anything about it or has done it. For those who don't know, lucid dreaming is when you know you're dreaming and control what happens.

PostPosted: Mon May 16, 2011 6:53 am
by Atria35
Yeah, I know a few people who lucid dream. I've actually had one or two incidents where I've realized I was dreaming (and then woke up a few moments later). It's been scientifically proven at this point that it does happen, and they have discovered a few techniques to prolongue it, and are developing techniques to help induce it.

PostPosted: Mon May 16, 2011 9:02 am
by Regina Ignom.
I think I managed to realize I was dreaming while I was dreaming when I was rather young (7 or 8 years). I never managed to control what was happening, though I did try. I can't do it now, but I would love to re-learn.

PostPosted: Mon May 16, 2011 9:25 am
by broly146
I've done that before. It happened to me twice.

PostPosted: Mon May 16, 2011 9:48 am
by ShiroiHikari
This has never happened to me.

PostPosted: Mon May 16, 2011 10:21 am
by Midori
Hmm, I have had that sort of dream once or twice, but most of my dreams are sort of halfway there. I kind of fluctuate between knowing I'm creating the dream, and not realizing the dream isn't reality. I can often tell that the events in the dream are generated by my thoughts, and sometimes something unrealistic will happen in the dream and I'll think "Wait, no, that wouldn't happen" and then go back and change it. But if I keep focusing too much on "this is a dream" then I can't enjoy the dream, so I actually try not to dream lucidly too much since it pulls me away from the dream.

PostPosted: Mon May 16, 2011 10:35 am
by AnimeGirl
I've had a lucid dream before. A few times, actually. I even tried controlling it, but it's not as easy as you think. Lucid dreams really fascinate me.

PostPosted: Mon May 16, 2011 11:11 am
by aliveinHim
I do it all the time. My lucid dreams are quite strange though (like being able to eat whatever I want without gaining weight and actually choosing what ice cream I want at my all I can eat ice cream buffet).

PostPosted: Mon May 16, 2011 11:40 am
by Rewin
I did once when I was a teenager. I realized I was dreaming so stopped everything that was happening cause I didn't like the dream I was having. I wiped everything clean so it was all white so I could create a new dream that I could enjoy.... then my alarm went off and woke me up :(

PostPosted: Mon May 16, 2011 12:06 pm
by Dante
" wrote:My cousin Lucia managed to lucid dream recently. I was wondering if anyone here knows anything about it or has done it. For those who don't know, lucid dreaming is when you know you're dreaming and control what happens.

Another Oneironaut! Huzzah!

While my will-power to remember such things isn't the greatest, I've spent a good many nights attempting to gain lucidity. So far, I've only managed to pull off a few WILDs (Wake Into Lucid Dreaming). Every time I've done it, it has been outright awesome - but I've spent most of my time trying to figure out how to control the dreams and the only thing I seem to be able to do naturally is fly.

Some of my most incredible memories have come about through dreams and given how often I have thunderstorm dreams before mood drops, I've always wanted to gain lucidity in one of those (and fly into the thunderstorm to see if I could grab any unconscious imagery that would help me understand my own emotional issues better).

My biggest thing that I want to learn how to do is control my location - but firing a laser blast out of my hand would do. That's just the beginning though, the dreamworld almost has it's own set of "rules" and learning about it and why it is the way it is fascinates me.

Outside of the dreams themselves, I also would love to learn how to WILD (Wake Into Lucid Dream). I've had incredible willpower at this when I've tried it, only to find that I'm still awake staring at the back of my eyelids after 2 hours D:. Worse yet, is managing to pull off the wait, only to be startled awake from the sleep "jump" (Your whole body can literally jolt when you fall asleep... you just don't realize it) or freaked out by loud noises or the sounds as they start to come into being (after all, I'm alone in a room, there shouldn't be any sound... but the dream world is different so...)

But yeah. I definitely need to get back into that.

Tell Lucia, Sweet dreams and happy explorations!

EDIT: One other thing that I would love to do more then any of the others, supposedly with enough skill at controlling your dreams you can actually control your perception of time... in other words, you can make the dream last longer in experience even though it doesn't take longer overall. Otherwise, dreams don't take too long and you have to resort to methods like "spinning" to create clarity the moment you start to see them blur (that's your mind signalling you that the dream is about to come to an end). I highly doubt their claims, but there have been individuals who have claimed to have spent a 1000 years in their own mind dreaming. If God managed to make this possible and the ability to share-dream (an event where LDs claim to share dreams with others, including close friends) you could have month long vacations with friends at some of the most awesome parties (imagine chatting with friends at a weekend-long dinner party after eating dinner with your minds creation of Mark Twain, Stephen Hawkings, Abraham Lincoln and a nobel peace-prize winning trout)

Being the scientist, I of course, doubt these claims... but one can dream. :P

PostPosted: Mon May 16, 2011 12:06 pm
by Ryn
I've known that I was dreaming a few times, but I could never control it.
In one of those dreams, I remember wishing that a train would come out of the tunnel and run me over, so I'd wake up. I always seem to wake up when I die in dreams.

I know a couple people who have actually been able to control their dreams. It seems pretty nifty, I've always wanted to be able to do it. Though I don't know what I'd do if I could make up my own dream... Probably grow wings and fly or something ^_^

I have had hypnic jerks before though. It's when you're almost asleep, and your body twitches involuntarily. I usually have it happen when I'm dreaming about falling down stairs. Though, one time it was because I dreamed that I was run over by a pink truck when I was trying to save a hamster...

PostPosted: Mon May 16, 2011 4:16 pm
by Ally-Ann
This has happened to me a few times. My only problem? I would get super mega awesome powers, and just when I think I can control it completely, it doesn't work. Then I wake up.:shady: I always try to control it, though. 'Cause man, meeting your favorite characters from anime shows is pretty darn fun! =D

PostPosted: Mon May 16, 2011 5:03 pm
by Tsukuyomi
*Walks into thread with shimmery eyes* (*__*)

I have lucid dreams quite often ^O^ It's fun and really helpful when you're drowning >_> That's how/when I started to control my dreams ^__^ I used to always have dreams where I was drowning.. I didn't like the feeling, so I decided to get out of the water. Not just get out of it, but fly out of it xD It was interesting, but one thing to remember is that it's just a dream and if you don't like it, change it ^__^

At times, I'll have dreams hat takes place at my old house. Once I realize that I'm dreaming, I'll tell myself to walk down the hall (I'm usually in my old room). I'll explore each room and such lol

They say it's not all that good to do this alot, because you're not allowing your mind to do its own thing when it's supposed to xD When I'm exploring though, I don't control what I find in cabinets or rooms, so it's still a mystery what will happen next lol

That happened in a dream recently that also took place at my old house. I was in the fireplace room (It was actually a garage that was turned into a room). I walked around the room and came upon our dresser we had in the room. It had a mirror on it and I opened the top drawer. I found a bunch of old cassette tapes lol

PostPosted: Mon May 16, 2011 5:32 pm
by armeck
often times i have a partial lucid dream, where i realize something isn't right, or that i am dreaming but only twice have i been able to control things. if i ever have a nightmare i always realize that i am dreaming and i wake myself up

PostPosted: Mon May 16, 2011 6:02 pm
by Dr.Faust
I can do it. its cool sometimes but its weird at the same time.

PostPosted: Mon May 16, 2011 6:06 pm
by Xeno
I'm pretty sure it's happened to me a couple of times, but only like when I wake up and am still really tired and I kinda fall back asleep. I'm aware of the dream and reality at the same time sort-of. I can control what happens and all, but I still can never remember them after a few hours.

PostPosted: Mon May 16, 2011 6:08 pm
by Ally-Ann
Also, I dreamed I was a mermaid once and controlled it. And I breathed under water! =D I also flew one time. And then I also controlled that I could water bend! I wanna do it again! *Jumps into bed and starts snoring*

Lucid dreaming is fun. Honestly, when I lucid dream, I never want to wake up. Never. And when I do wake up, I try to go back to sleep and get the dream back. But that rarely happens. :(

PostPosted: Mon May 16, 2011 7:47 pm
by Nate
Ryn wrote:pink truck

That sounds hideous.

Very rarely do I ever realize I'm dreaming, though it's happened on more than one occasion. I tend to not really be the most well-behaved person when I realize I'm dreaming, on account of "It's a dream so there's no consequences for my actions."

I don't know what that says about me psychologically.

PostPosted: Mon May 16, 2011 8:11 pm
by Yuki-Anne
I've realized I'm dreaming before but usually that's when something bad is happening. Like, I'm drowning and suddenly I realize I'm breathing underwater, which is cool but is also inevitably followed by the realization that I'm asleep, and then I wake up. Sometimes when something really terrifyingly awful is happening, I realize I'm asleep, and think, "wake up wake up WAKE UP" but other than that, I haven't really been able to control the dream.

Wake into lucid dreaming...? What is that exactly? I do have this thing I do where I let my mind wander and I realize I'm about to fall asleep when my thoughts don't make any sense at all. Sometimes I do it halfway on purpose, where I will myself to follow every single bizarre thought strand in the hopes that I will fall asleep more quickly. Sometimes it works.

PostPosted: Mon May 16, 2011 8:31 pm
by Okami
Nate (post: 1479426) wrote:
Very rarely do I ever realize I'm dreaming, though it's happened on more than one occasion. I tend to not really be the most well-behaved person when I realize I'm dreaming, on account of "It's a dream so there's no consequences for my actions."

I don't know what that says about me psychologically.

This...describes my thoughts pretty well.... :shake:

Uh...there are two topics that are consistently laced through every dream and nightmare (and what distinguishes a dream/nightmare is often my own emotional/psychological state of being.)

PostPosted: Mon May 16, 2011 9:26 pm
by PrincessZelda
Every time I realize I'm dreaming I wake up. :|

PostPosted: Mon May 16, 2011 10:51 pm
by DangoDaikazoku
I have never exactly been able to control my dreams, but if they end up in a place that I don't want them to I pick up the remote and rewind it back to a previous part of the story line to edit the stay a little bit. I cut out the zombies or change myslef into an older figure, or gender change (I do this all the time without even thinking). I have complete control over what I do, but never the other characters or events.... actually that is not completely true. Occasionally, I am not a main character, and so there fore, am writing a story, it's so much fun to write a story in my head. Sometimes I wake up, turn off the alarm, struggle to remember evey detail of my dream, then dive back into it to resolve the plot-line (by falling back asleep). Then the second alarm goes off and I end up thinking about it all day, resulting in my having the same dream the next night. I have actually had a few dreams that were so completely random... oh wait that is all of my dreams.... A couple nights ago I had a dream so real I thought it actually happened... until I woke up and mumbled "aww I thought that was real.." I could go on an on about dreams so I will stop now... One more thing though, I seem to have an ability to choose whether I dream in anime style or reality style. Weird...

PostPosted: Tue May 17, 2011 9:33 am
by TopazRaven
Nate (post: 1479426) wrote:That sounds hideous.

Very rarely do I ever realize I'm dreaming, though it's happened on more than one occasion. I tend to not really be the most well-behaved person when I realize I'm dreaming, on account of "It's a dream so there's no consequences for my actions."

I don't know what that says about me psychologically.

I'm going to admit, I can only recall once or twice having been able to control a dream and I certainly wasn't on my best behavior either. :lol: I disturb myself sometimes, honestly.

PostPosted: Tue May 17, 2011 10:52 am
by Sapphire225
I recall lucid dreaming on occasion and knowing the situation wasn't real, but I don't believe I've truly had any control of the dream, or if I have, I do not remember. I usually don't remember my dreams well (unless it was a nightmare or seemed to be relevant to my life). If I had complete control over my dreams, I probably would create entire dream worlds from scratch from the original dream I was having instead of continue going through the original dream with complete awareness unless it is a good dream I'm having.

Fun fact: Did you know Alice in Wonderland was made from a lucid dream?

PostPosted: Tue May 17, 2011 10:57 am
by Rewin
Yuki-Anne (post: 1479430) wrote:I do have this thing I do where I let my mind wander and I realize I'm about to fall asleep when my thoughts don't make any sense at all. Sometimes I do it halfway on purpose, where I will myself to follow every single bizarre thought strand in the hopes that I will fall asleep more quickly. Sometimes it works.

I have this as well and it can get quite bizarre.

DangoDaikazoku wrote:I have never exactly been able to control my dreams, but if they end up in a place that I don't want them to I pick up the remote and rewind it back to a previous part of the story line to edit the stay a little bit.

Have you ever been so bored with a dream that you "changed the channel" to another dream? I did it once, got bored by the second dream and switched back to find that the first dream had progressed normally despite my absence.

PostPosted: Tue May 17, 2011 11:42 am
by GeneD
I don't know if I have ever changed or controlled the events of my dreams, but I realise that I'm dreaming quite a lot actually. If the dream is going bad (nightmares never start as such) and I realise it's a dream I can usually wake myself up. I generally due this by concentrating on opening my eyes.

One thing I like to do when I grasp it's a dream is think over the events that occurred and then try and remember them. I am then usually able remember them when I wake up and they're usually interesting and weird and worth remembering.

PostPosted: Tue May 17, 2011 12:51 pm
by Rewin
Sapphire225 (post: 1479519) wrote:Fun fact: Did you know Alice in Wonderland was made from a lucid dream?

I thought it was drugs....

PostPosted: Tue May 17, 2011 2:10 pm
by Nate
I thought it was philosophy and mathematics and history.

PostPosted: Tue May 17, 2011 3:24 pm
by That Dude
Rewin (post: 1479520) wrote:Have you ever been so bored with a dream that you "changed the channel" to another dream? I did it once, got bored by the second dream and switched back to find that the first dream had progressed normally despite my absence.

I often do that. I actually am often "Lucid" in my dreams. But since I'm more of a storyteller by heart I rarely change things, and haven't ever really tried, besides the whole "changing of the channels." Basically many times I watch my dreams like movies, and kinda sit back and let the story go, and every once in a while I'll change the details or something to be a better story.

Nate wrote:Very rarely do I ever realize I'm dreaming, though it's happened on more than one occasion. I tend to not really be the most well-behaved person when I realize I'm dreaming, on account of "It's a dream so there's no consequences for my actions."

I don't know what that says about me psychologically.

Must mean you need more Jesus :). 'Course we all do. Actually I have those dreams as well, though I usually try and change the channel on them if they start getting to messed up.

PostPosted: Tue May 17, 2011 6:08 pm
by Yuki-Anne
Nate (post: 1479426) wrote:That sounds hideous.

Very rarely do I ever realize I'm dreaming, though it's happened on more than one occasion. I tend to not really be the most well-behaved person when I realize I'm dreaming, on account of "It's a dream so there's no consequences for my actions."

I don't know what that says about me psychologically.

See, I think I'm actually kind of the opposite. I usually dream about doing something I would normally have strong moral objections to, and then I wake up and realize (to my relief) that it was just a dream, and I didn't actually do those things.