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Healthy Eating: Atkins Diet and more

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Healthy Eating: Atkins Diet and more

Postby Mave » Sat Feb 14, 2004 4:02 pm

Bobtheduck wrote:
Oh, and for overrated? The atkins diet... It's not right for everyone, and I personally think it's not right for ANYONE... I think it's hurting the bread industry and if millions of weight-obsesed dieters cost me my whole wheat bread, I'm going to be very angry...

Bob, hope you don't mind me quoting you.

*food scientist mode*

I would discourage anyone from taking on this food plan especially you young ones. There are still many debates as to how effective this diet is and the fact that this diet doesn't agree with USDA recommendations [U.S Dept of Agriculture].

EDIT: For those who have success stories or are on the diet, are very much welcomed to share your experience. Please. :)

Please accept the fact, "To have a healthy life and good body shape/weight, exercise regularly and eat well". There are no shortcuts.

What's "Eating well"?
1) Follow the USDA food pyramid.
2) Watch the salt and oil intake (especially when eating out coz you have no control over the amount of salt and oil in the food).
3) Eat a variety of foods. Don't you get bored of eating the same thing everyday?
4) Eat 5 servings of fruits and vegetables (see USDA for definition of serving sizes) and no, french fries (potato) does NOT count!

Effective weight reduction is really a permanent change of eating habits. Pls pls don't starve yourself or try to cut down on something overnight. There's no universal diet plan for everyone, you should get familiar with how your body reacts to your eating habits.

Pls don't rely on body weight as the sole indicator of how "healthy" you are or how effective your diet is. Body fluid (water) affects your weight and fluctuates throughout the day. Many diet fads cash on water loss, not fat loss.

I'm no dietetic but I do pay attention to food topics. ^^

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Postby cbwing0 » Sat Feb 14, 2004 5:33 pm

Here's my advice on eating well and general nutrition:

1.Calories-It is important to watch the number of calories that you ingest in a give day. The number may surprise you, especially if you typically eat a lot. From there, you can think about cutting calories, especially in snacks and such. Whenever you are about to eat something, ask yourself "Why am I eating this?" If it is just out of habit, if it is mostly junkfood, and/or if you are not very hungry, then don't eat it. Of course, you also want to keep it above 2000, and probably closer to 2500+; in other words, I am not advocating starvation. :P

2.Dessert-This can be a big one for many people. Just don't get dessert, or don't get it all the time. Certainly don't get it at every meal. It would be better to eat more quality food rather than eating less so that you can eat something that is loaded with carbs and fat.

3.Sleep-Are you getting enough sleep? Perhaps you only "need" 5-6 hours, or less. Well, why not try getting one or two hours more? This is especially important if you are doing some sort of exercise program. Include in this the fact that you should stop eating about 2-3 hours before you go to sleep.

4.Exercise-This is good for so many different reasons. Even as little as thirty minutes of semi-vigorous exercise each day can be enough. What this does not mean is that you do only cardio, or only weight training, although if you have to choose, definitely do weight training. Cardio exercise will decrease muscle mass if not coupled with weight training, making it even harder for you to lose weight. You might need to do less than you think. ;)

If you do decide to take up weight training, the best way to do it is to use progressive (yet with incrementally increasing) poundages, perfect form, and dedication. Also keep in mind that although the tougher exercises (i.e. squats, deadlifts, leg presses, etc.) are draining, they are also great full-body motions that will burn a lot of calories.

I hope that helps. :)
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I agree....

Postby Omega Amen » Sat Feb 14, 2004 5:49 pm

Mave and cbwing0, I basically agree with what you presented on this thread. I essentially followed the advice you gave here and I was able to lose about 15 pounds of basically body fat during the course of six months. I ate right, lifted weights, and did serious cardio workouts on an exercise bike. I greatly increased my strength and my endurance and felt a whole lot better. (And I ate whole wheat bread while I was at it, Bobtheduck.)

Basically, in my opinion, the key is what Mave says here:
Mave wrote:Effective weight reduction is really a permanent change of eating habits. Pls pls don't starve yourself or try to cut down on something overnight. There's no universal diet plan for everyone, you should get familiar with how your body reacts to your eating habits.

I want to emphasize the "permanent" part. You have to change your eating and exercising lifestyles permanently.

In other words, I believe losing weight in a healthy manner is really a test of self-discipline and control. What has to be done in order to lose weight is not hard at all, but where most people fail is that they are just not willing to make a change and stick with it.

The people that I have met who have followed the Atkins diet really do not have good endurance and lack strength. I just do not see it as a healthy way to become fit.
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Postby supa dupa ninja » Sat Feb 14, 2004 7:15 pm

here's my problem with the atkins diet...
I'm asian and almost everybody knows that the asian staple food is rice.

I was in the wrestling team, my coach gave me a lecture on atkin' low carb-high protein diet, I tried it for a few days eating more meat than rice and I felt alot weaker.
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Postby shooraijin » Sat Feb 14, 2004 7:21 pm

If people are interested, there was a study on the Atkins diet a few months ago (I think it was either in the New England Journal of Medicine or Journal of the American Medical Association). I could dig up the reference if people like. It had a few problems, notably a poor sample size, but it's still the first attempt at trying to see if the Atkins diet could complete its goals. In some endpoints, such as serum cholesterol, the results were very surprising.
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Postby Shao Feng-Li » Sat Feb 14, 2004 7:23 pm

ive heard those that REALLY stick with the atkins and disaplin themselves do effectivley lose weight.
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Postby Kite » Sat Feb 14, 2004 7:54 pm

Iam on the atkins diet and Iam more in-shape then I have been in my life. I also exercise about every other day.
I was in the wrestling team, my coach gave me a lecture on atkin' low carb-high protein diet, I tried it for a few days eating more meat than rice and I felt alot weaker.

That happens at the beggining when you start to get rid of sugar and high-carbs. I felt that way for a few days and now Iam fine.
ive heard those that REALLY stick with the atkins and disaplin themselves do effectivley lose weight.
Living proof. I have stuck with it for about 4 months now and I have lost 40 pounds. Down from 220 to 180.
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Postby Fsiphskilm » Sat Feb 14, 2004 7:55 pm

W00t W00t. Down wit
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Postby Kite » Sat Feb 14, 2004 7:59 pm

Nutrionists don't know there head from a hole in the ground. I still eat grain. Heck my tortillas are grain. I eat veggies still. My chips are soy and flax. The problem is people think the atkins diet is mostly meat. Fact is a eat veggies and nuts and soy. I just don't eat potatoes,sugar and crazy amounts of grains.
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Postby Mave » Sat Feb 14, 2004 8:21 pm

hey Kite,

my, that's interesting! wait wait...first of all, please don't get offended by what I posted. My apologies to those successfully on the Atkin's diet... :hits_self I've heard so much bad press and even from my nutrition counterparts to warn others about it. Please let me use this thread as an opportunity to hear the other side.

I should have emphasized on "your diet plan depends on your body's responses." And I was worried for the younger ones. There's a possibility that the diet works on some people. Either ways, I'm opened to hear opinions from your side. Volt, be nice now. :P

I want to ask you intend to or have to keep the diet for the rest of your life? Or rather, you're absolutely comfortable with this eating lifestyle in the midst of US: Sugar Paradise [ :lol: ] ? I'm assumin based on your statement that you're allowed to eat polysaccharides like starch in grains. Am I right?
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Postby Shinja » Sat Feb 14, 2004 8:37 pm

i think diet is subjective to the area and culture in wich you were brought up, some people cant eat alot of meat just like soime people cant eat alot of shugar. personally i believe that you shouldnt eat too much of one thing, and get plenty of exercize.
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Postby Fsiphskilm » Sat Feb 14, 2004 8:47 pm

[quote="Mave"] Volt, be
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Postby Bobtheduck » Sat Feb 14, 2004 9:15 pm

cbwing0 wrote:Here's my advice on eating well and general nutrition:

1.Calories-It is important to watch the number of calories that you ingest in a give day. The number may surprise you, especially if you typically eat a lot. From there, you can think about cutting calories, especially in snacks and such. Whenever you are about to eat something, ask yourself "Why am I eating this?" If it is just out of habit, if it is mostly junkfood, and/or if you are not very hungry, then don't eat it. Of course, you also want to keep it above 2000, and probably closer to 2500+]

[size=84]3.Sleep-Are you getting enough sleep? Perhaps you only "need" 5-6 hours, or less. Well, why not try getting one or two hours more? This is especially important if you are doing some sort of exercise program. Include in this the fact that you should stop eating about 2-3 hours before you go to sleep.

4.Exercise-This is good for so many different reasons. Even as little as thirty minutes of semi-vigorous exercise each day can be enough. What this does not mean is that you do only cardio, or only weight training, although if you have to choose, definitely do weight training. Cardio exercise will decrease muscle mass if not coupled with weight training, making it even harder for you to lose weight. You might need to do less than you think. ;)

1. Hmm... Counting calories... My cookies are about 180 calories a piece, and milk is about the same per CUP but I never drink just one cup.

3. Sleep is one area I am definately weak in... It takes me so long to go to sleep...

4. 30 minutes of semi-strenuous workouts? Does Dancing to Afronova about 4 times count? Oh my word, that's strenuous... Otherwise, I can do about 20 light songs in neverending mode... As for weight training, will doing the aerobic excersise (dancing) lower my muscular strength in my legs because I have no way to weight train in my legs... I have no machines, and I don't feel like tying weights to my legs... Watch this movie なう。 It's legal, free... And it's more than its premise. It's not saying Fast Food is good food. Just watch it.
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Postby Bobtheduck » Sat Feb 14, 2004 9:52 pm

Kite wrote:Nutrionists don't know there head from a hole in the ground. I still eat grain. Heck my tortillas are grain. I eat veggies still. My chips are soy and flax. The problem is people think the atkins diet is mostly meat. Fact is a eat veggies and nuts and soy. I just don't eat potatoes,sugar and crazy amounts of grains.

Hmm... The anti-science-establishement movement. It's nice you don't put too much faith in the observations and calculations of mankind. If you did, you could be in big trouble. However, I think the atkins diet (avoiding carbs) is just a fad. You need all types of food. Carbs including sugars (and many people believe that we're missing important types of sugars), proteins, fats, vitamins, minerals, and fiber. I think the Atkins diet is yet another attempt at reaching immortality, even if not on the surface. I don't think everyone involved has those subconscious intentions, but that's the origins of it and many "lose weight fast" diets, and training regimens and nutrition regimens and whatever else. In my book (the one I am writing]And, in the "What Has the World Come To" section of the paper, some superfluous attorney has filed suit to outlaw Oreos in California - yes, Oreos! - because the transfatty acids in Oreos could also kill you if you ate your weight in such cookies. What would happen evidently is that you'd become one large zit... I won't go into details, but you can read about it on page A2, right next to the obituaries. [/quote]

WARNING: I have not read that entire article, but the event with the oreo suit was real. I dont' know what may be on that webpage, so don't look around...

Of course, maybe if we all gave a portion of our food to starving people, we wouldn't be so fat? No... Communism doesn't work. But charitable giving does... Watch this movie なう。 It's legal, free... And it's more than its premise. It's not saying Fast Food is good food. Just watch it.
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Postby Saint Kevin » Sat Feb 14, 2004 10:12 pm

I agree that the most important thing about a diet is self-control and long-term change of eating habits. Exercise is also the number one predictor of weight-loss program success. Starting slow is important as well, as small victorues can spur us on to persevere. Giving up soda for a week or a month, hitting the track 2 or three times a week, even just taking a nice walk a few times a week are all simple examples of small changes you can nake in your earing and exercise habits. You won't see any immediate results from this of course, but if consistently applied (or more aggressively applied), you can see results. Food for thought.
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Postby andyroo » Sat Feb 14, 2004 10:48 pm

I've seen the Atkin's diet only work well in the short term and never in the long term. I don't think that most people think in both short and long terms, only one or the other. I agree, like others here, with the excercise and balanced eating. I also agree with that certain foods varie for other people also maybe depending on a person's health. Some have allergic reactions to food which would certainly limit their diet.
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Postby ShiroiHikari » Sat Feb 14, 2004 11:12 pm

I think this is just a fad...I'm not fond of fad diets. Like someone else in the thread said, we should try to have a balanced diet. And what works for some doesn't work for all.

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Postby LorentzForce » Sat Feb 14, 2004 11:54 pm

something that should be easy to do; stand around all day. don't sit down unless it hurts. you'll realise soon enough how much energy just standing around takes.
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Postby Kite » Sun Feb 15, 2004 1:15 pm

Hmm... The anti-science-establishement movement. It's nice you don't put too much faith in the observations and calculations of mankind. If you did, you could be in big trouble. However, I think the atkins diet (avoiding carbs) is just a fad. You need all types of food. Carbs including sugars (and many people believe that we're missing important types of sugars), proteins, fats, vitamins, minerals, and fiber
Iam pro science but the fact is most nutrintists aren't pure scientists. You can see them in the back of a health food store. And boy do I eat alot of fiber right now. Iam doing to lose weight. Though later in the diet you can add carbs back in. I might end up just not eating white flower and sugar.
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Postby Rashiir » Sun Feb 15, 2004 1:50 pm

I have a friend on Atkin's. We constantly try to get her to change to a healthier diet:

"The whole point of losing weight is to be healthier, right?"
"You might lose weight, but you're gonna have a heart attack when you're 25."

She's actually not too bad though... She doesn't eat that much meat, just no carbs either...
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Postby madphilb » Sun Feb 15, 2004 6:14 pm

My standard reply for years (going back, what, at least 4-5) about "but I'm losing weight on it" thing is this:

"You can lose weight by having a tape worm, doesn't make it healthy."

Along this line, today's (Sunday Feb 15, 2004) Marvin comic strip features two older ment talking, the one telling the other about going on that "Fadkins" diet, eating steak for breakfast, lunch, and dinner.... when asked how much he lost the guy replied "about half my life savings." ;)

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Postby Shinja » Sun Feb 15, 2004 6:32 pm

so where can i get this "tape worm"?
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Postby cbwing0 » Sun Feb 15, 2004 7:24 pm

madphilb wrote:My standard reply for years (going back, what, at least 4-5) about "but I'm losing weight on it" thing is this:

"You can lose weight by having a tape worm, doesn't make it healthy."

I agree. The confusion comes when people equate health with fitness. You can be thin, muscular, etc., yet grossly unhealty. Conversely, you can he somewhat out of shape and still be healthy. That is why it is important to combine nutrition, exercise, and sleep to achieve both health and fitness.
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Postby Rev. Doc » Mon Feb 16, 2004 6:54 am

I have followed the low carb plan for over 8 months now. I have lost over 100 pounds, my blood pressure is down, my bad cholesterol level is down, my blood sugar level is down, and I have more energy than I have had in years. I am no longer hungry between meals and I have eaten more veggies with Atkins than any other plan.

I have read the material, which many people who don't understand it haven't, and it made sense.

My advice, if you don't like the diet or if you disagree with it, don't utilize it. Use what works for you, but allow me to use what works for me. True I may die from a heart attack tomorrow. But it will most likey be from 36 years of obesity not from Atkins. I may also die from cancer or a thousand other things. It's an unfortunate reality. But at least now I can feel good on my way out and into eternity. Now if you will excuse me, I'm going to have a stick of butter for my mid-morning snack.
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Postby Kite » Mon Feb 16, 2004 12:22 pm

Yeah I have used it for a while and have lost 40 and been fitter than ever. I eat a ton of salad and low-carb veggies to. Even had some sweet potatoe. Not yams though. There is a diffrence.
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Postby Bobtheduck » Mon Feb 16, 2004 1:01 pm

The thing about the sugars is that some docotrs feel that we're not getting ENOUGH of the RIGHT KIND of sugars... Eating Fruits and Vegetables will help remedy this, but if you cut out the sugars you've been gettin excessively in order to get the sugars you've been leaving out, that sorta puts you in the same place as before. You're still missing some of the sugars that your body needs.

I guess we won't know what the real meaning to the Atkins diet is for a few years. I just wish it weren't doing damage to an entire industry, and one that I depend on. Not only that, but I can't help but cringe when I read things like this:

Christian University Newspaper wrote: "Man cannot live on bread alone." Was Jesus talking about the Atkins Diet?

Statements like that, and the health lectures that are taught on preaching programs on TBN bug me to no end.

I myself am on the holiest of diets. Nyah :P . Holier than thy diet, that's for sure. :evil: Watch this movie なう。 It's legal, free... And it's more than its premise. It's not saying Fast Food is good food. Just watch it.
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Postby Mave » Mon Feb 16, 2004 2:31 pm

Hmm...after seeing the philosophy behind the diet, I've got to say that I do follow a "much milder" version of Atkin's diet method to lose weight. Maybe some of you do too.

I cut down (not completely cut out) on rice or noodles and replace with lotsa vegetables, grains or tofu. I don't do anything about my meat diet, it remains the same (I'm a white meat fan so it helps). I cut down on my oil consumption but not completely coz you need fat (some vitamins are oil soluble and I'm pretty sure fat supports other nutrition biometabolism). I've mostly cooked my food using olive oil or no oil even (panfried, steam and boil). It's not difficult coz I LOVE fruits and vegetables and too much oil makes me gack...>_<

I do lose some weight with this method. I just don't advocate the Atkin's method that tells you to eats lotsa protein or meat and fat coz it doesn't work for me. I've tried that. I don't think researchers haven't cleared up the issue on ketosis or has adequate scientific tests on this diet. I shall wait for more information to come along the way.

I lost weight when I came to U.S coz I couldn't take in the dorm food, pizza, meat and cheese stuff. I'm currently 153 cm and weigh 113 lbs. Technically, I'm normal (Yippee!!) But I was 'big' by my Asian culture standards and was teased terribly. Once every now and then, I get this urge to lose even more weight. 0.o But I have to whack myself and say, "I'm fine the way I am."

Hey, ShooRaijin, could you pls direct me to some scientific tests on this that you mentioned earlier? I'm interested to see what the experimental design is.

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Postby Fsiphskilm » Mon Feb 16, 2004 3:32 pm

[quote="Shinja"]so where
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Postby shooraijin » Mon Feb 16, 2004 4:25 pm

Here's the abstract.

The full text is available for purchase (or your school may have a subscription already). It's in the New England Journal of Medicine.

Please note in particular it has a sample size of only 63 (not necessarily a good population cross-section), and notes a high attrition rate. Also, the study terminated after only one year, so there's no analysis over whether this actually reduces one's relative risk ratio for, say, heart attacks/coronary artery disease or diabetes, for example. Nevertheless, some of the preliminary results were surprisingly encouraging. As far as I know, this is the first peer-reviewed study of its kind (I have the full article somewhere in my office).
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Postby Fsiphskilm » Mon Feb 16, 2004 5:01 pm

(shooraijin, here's a more
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