Bobtheduck wrote:Well, it's much easier to handle non-christians bashing us... It's harder when Christians troll boards like this saying we're all watching porn and we're going to hell...
I'd actually like to ask that links like this wouldn't be posted in the future for a number of reasons:
1. It makes us look just like them. Post a link followed by numerous anti-link replies.
2. Too tempting for not as strong Christians to fight back instead of turning the other cheek
3. Only gets all of us riled up
So in the future guys, if you come across a site like this, pm/email me about it. I appriciate the info, but not at the risk of the forum's reputation or the walk of other members, kay?
MasterDias wrote:It's really not suprising that we would attract that kind of attention. It's not the last time it's going to happen either.
madphilb wrote:I'm not sure what's worse... Christians peaking into the world and getting upset that it's what it is (I've been guilty of this) or the world peaking into ours and getting upset at us (usually out of as much ignorance about us as we have about them).
Ashley wrote: I'd actually like to ask that links like this wouldn't be posted in the future for a number of reasons:
1. It makes us look just like them. Post a link followed by numerous anti-link replies.
2. Too tempting for not as strong Christians to fight back instead of turning the other cheek
3. Only gets all of us riled up
people who wouldn't believe the sky was blue if it was a Christian telling them
DanekJovax wrote: "Jesus saves... He shoots, He scores!"
uc pseudonym wrote: Had to post that last one.
Jesus Christ wrote:And I will be with you always, even to the end of the age.
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