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A serious question

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Postby Shadrack » Sun Sep 07, 2003 10:38 am

Ashley wrote:I can see this is quite the touchy thread.
I've heard your argument before Shadrack, and here's the best answer I can give.
You already know something about Christianity, obviously, because you're here. That's a good start, and eventually you'll have to decide whether this is the "religion for you" or not--in other words, will you accept Christ or not? But I encourage you to find out what you're accepting or rejecting and why, and that's not something you can have answered for you.
As to the "why Christianity", think on this:
All other religions in the world are based on what you can do to get to God: sacrifices, rules, etc. Christianity is about what God did to get to you. Secondly, say I'm wrong. Say everyone here is wrong. There really is no savior, Christ was not God, and there is no hell. Then what have we lost? If there is no savior, there is no reason to be saved, and when we die, we'll all just sit there. Fall asleep and never wake up. We've really lost nothing.
But say we are right. There really is a heaven and a hell and Christ was the only way. Well then, we've gained everything, and it is you the unbeliever that has lost all.

I hope this helps. If you have any specific questions you're more than welcome to pm me.
pascal's wager is incorrectly weighted. What if I believe in christ but it turns out god punishes christians in the afterlife? it doesn't work.
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Postby Straylight » Sun Sep 07, 2003 11:09 am

This thread is closed, and Shadrack, you are banned. Didn't you read the topic that is stickied at the top of the general forum?

Asher is also banned ... had the same IP address as Satsuki
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