LorentzForce wrote:of course it is, don't you realise that most of the 'unbelivers' had the chance to see what God is like, and the chances could have meant that God would have allowed them to Christians?
for example, if you're not a Christian which i think so, look at you. you have the chance to become a Christian, and attempt to become one, through prayer and trying to contact God. but you clearly don't. isn't that ignorance? isn't that sin?
Jesus is there because no one will ever get out of sinning. Jesus sacrificed Himself for people. He died for us. there is no any other way of going to heaven. or else, can you honest say that you have never sinned in God's eyes?
or do you think you're not sinning by following your 'human' conscience?
Shadrack wrote:but if I feel no pull from the holy spirit, then why should I be condemned for not believing in christ? you just told me that I can't choose to be christian. only the holy spirit can make me one if it comes to me
LorentzForce wrote:all i can ask is, have to tried? have to tried and trembled so much that you bleed from your eyes from crying too much, praying to God so He can accept you? have to been shaken up so much that you'd feel like mangling yourself just so God can answer you? have you been rolling around, asking for that gift that everyone so wants?
again, have you tried?
LorentzForce wrote:it seems quite right to me. afterall, they DO know what Christianity is. why leave it at the bottom of the pile?
again, you cannot choose any other religion and worship them if you are a Christian. not like anything else will change a Christian's mind anyway. but i know that learning other cultures is good for you.
anyways, i will ask again. have to tried?
it's fortunate for the already Christians because we received and understood the gift so easily. that, I thank God for it. i didn't have to roll around outside to get the gift. phew
shooraijin wrote:> I need to look at each one and examine it to see if it calls to me.
Let's run with that and say that you find one that "calls to you."
1) What do you call "calling"?
2) What will you do if, assuming you can answer #1, you get such a signal?
3) Are you prepared to make that commitment for the rest of your existence? And be careful saying yes.
If the calling #1 were true, and you choose to make a lifelong commitment to whatever made your calling obvious #2, there should be no problem with #3.
LorentzForce wrote:see? you're ignoring it already. you already know about Christianity, but is just rejecting it simply because you can't be bothered to try. simply because you're lazy. simply because you _think_ that there are other religions out there that can be true. why would any other religion that forces you to give up something be worthwhile to do BEFORE you pray to God?
again, you have not tried. you're assuming you're important in this world, but really, you aren't. to God you're important, but that's for God to decide to let you in Heaven or not, not yours.
shooraijin wrote:> what if the list is so long I never get to have christianity call to me?
You're advancing the old 'what about those people who have never heard of Christ' argument. The Bible is silent on what happens, except for some verses in Hebrews that may or may not have anything to say. I personally believe that there's special dispensation for these people, but I don't have any grounding for it, and I won't go further.
It's immaterial to your question in any event. God *has* made Himself known to you, even if you don't think He has. You wouldn't be asking these questions if you weren't aware of Christianity and of what Christ offers, right? You don't think that's the beginnings of a call, right there? That's the whole point of evangelism, after all.
And here's a heretical point for you to consider. I don't like the reasoning behind it, but you might roll this around in your head and see what you come up with. Every religion considers Christianity an equally valid path to God, as every other religion makes no argument of exclusivity. Hinduism doesn't care. It's the same god in Judaism. Shintoism, Buddhism ... do the right things and you're golden, nee? Even hypertheistic religions such as Islam are based on the God of Abraham, nee? If so, why *not* believe in Christianity? We're the only ones saying Christ is the only way to salvation. If we're wrong, you'd be okay anyway, right?
As a Christian, I find that kind of reasoning to be arguing from the wrong side of the equation, but since you asked about Christianity relative to other religions, what do *you* think?
Shadrack wrote:but by that logic I could choose to be about a hundred different eastern religions and have 100x the coverage
shooraijin wrote:> but by that logic I could choose to be about a hundred different eastern religions and have 100x the coverage
Read what I wrote. What is so different about Christianity that we state Jesus is the only way, and everyone else says Christianity is another way to God, too? What makes us special? Why *not* Christ?
LorentzForce wrote:arrogant? more like confident.
and why do i, personnally, say that Christianity is right? because i have experienced it. i have received the good parts of it. as far as i know, there aren't any religion out there that gives so much freedom and joy as Christianity. take it from someone who had his mother country rebelling in the last century, and is still the only divided country in the world.
and as i said, only God will choose whether you'll be a follower of God or not. you can't just barge in and say "I'm a Christian now!!!!111" and become a Christian instantly. so in turn, you're just losing yourself more and more chances.
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