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who here wanted to be a priest/nun?

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who here wanted to be a priest/nun?

Postby supa dupa ninja » Sun Sep 14, 2003 1:20 am

back when I was little, I dreamed of becoming a priest.
I considered "getting married to the lord" is the closest I will ever be to God. but now that I'm a teenager, I'm facing other things in life that I want to do (i.e get a girlfreind, go to college, get a job that'll make me rich) in other words im in limbo. :dizzy:
this is driving me nuts! I've been wrestling with my conscience and needs, should I go for It or live like a normal person?
and is there other people just like me in these forum? or am I just weird?
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Postby LorentzForce » Sun Sep 14, 2003 2:02 am

who said you HAD to be single to be a 'preacher' of some kind? be a missionary, see the world, and still be married and live a 'normal' life. AND you get to tell what Christianity to the world. how's that for a life?

but for me, all i wanted to do since i got my first gaming console was to make games. so, my life was once to learning GW-BASIC and using DOS efficiently. now, with the backup knowledge in computing, all i can do now is do computers. aww... which isn't bad, i have to say. all i have to do is figure out how to live my life to alter computers to do God's work... hmm... something more significant that a forum... like a publically available game where everyone in that era of time will play it once or twice...
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Postby MillyFan » Sun Sep 14, 2003 2:17 am

LOL, with the title of this thread, I see a war on the horizon ~.^

Seriously, I don't want to get married. From a man's perspective, sure, you can have it all, but as a woman, it's a choice. If you get married, you're obligated to have children and then to stay at home and raise them properly. To me, it's as simple as that.

Thing is, I'm not good enough for that highest of callings. I'm not a very submissive type of person, spending my life in one tiny section of the world would drive me absolutely stir-crazy, as would giving up the life that I could have just to make one person (other than God) happy.

So I've chosen to be single, although as a Protestant I can't really be a nun ~.^ Besides I would not be your average one anyway ~.^ but I have decided not to get involved with men romantically. There's just too much baggage, too many responsibilities that I would never be good enough to fully keep, and that's not the kind of life I believe that I'm being called to or that I even want.

Thanks to doukeshi03 from otakuboards for the banner!

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Postby Technomancer » Sun Sep 14, 2003 5:06 am

First, I don't want this to turn into a debate about celibacy.

Given the nature of this thread I'll assume you're Catholic (if you're protestant, then celibacy is not really required). I'd really recommend talking to some priests, or going on-line, perhaps to Catholic Community Forums and ask there. If in the end you feel that the priesthood is not for you, there are also numerous Catholic lay organizations that you can work with.

You're still young and in the process of realizing who you are, so there's still time yet before any decisions need to be made. You also need to ask yourself why you want all those other things. Keep in mind that most of the priests I've known have all had university degrees (I think it may actually be a requirement for the Jesuits), nor is the vow of poverty required for all orders. Also, I haven't read them, but some of Fr. Andrew Greeley's books are written as his personal reflections on his experiences as a parish priest in Chicago (Fr. Greeley is also a well-known theologian and has a Ph.D in sociology).
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Postby Gremio » Sun Sep 14, 2003 6:33 am

If you feel G-d leading you in that path then by all means go for it. Bear in mind that you dont have to go into the ministry to be used by G-d, he has individual plans for each of us and can use us in our own way.
On the matter about love from my own personal experience ive found that its something that happens, and when it happens you cant deny nor remove the feeling. Then again since I believe G-d is in control of everything it happens according to his will.

Why dont you ask G-d yourself what path to take? If you feel led to the ministry then go for it, if not take heart in the fact that G-d can and will use you to reach and save others.

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Postby shooraijin » Sun Sep 14, 2003 8:41 am

I'd considered going to seminary when I was younger, and a number of people thought I should, but I think God, as usual, put me on the course on which I was most useful to Him (and which, by the way, I like doing as well :) ).
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Postby supa dupa ninja » Sun Sep 14, 2003 11:18 am

yes I am catholic. the problem is I'm afraid of getting married and have children, but still I long for the company of the opposite sex. yet I wan't to serve the lord. I'm still young but pretty confused.
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Postby Mithrandir » Sun Sep 14, 2003 8:43 pm

OK. Let me state right out that I thought I would spend my life as a children's pastor. I prep-ed for it from the beginning of my time growin up until I hit college. Then I had a trail run at it at a church with a lady I had served under previously.

After a while, I learned I was not destined for a great many things. In fact, I learned some startling thing from God during that time. *sigh*

Don't is SUCK when what you wanted to do all your life is just dashed away from you?!? Anyway, I just have to respond here:

1. Do you feel CALLED?!? If you feel like you might should do this, because, you know, God is cool and all, and he saved you, and stuff? If this is your mindset, PLEASE re-evaluate!!! You should ONLY go into full time ministry if you ARE 100% CONVINCED THAT GOD WANTS YOU THERE AND NO WHERE ELSE!!! I cannot emphisise that strongly enough! Sorry if the shouting offends you, but I REALLY do feel that way.

If you can pinpoint a specific time where you were called, the GO FOR IT! Do whatever it takes to get to the point where you are cool with God and doing what you need to do. If that means not getting married, then factor not getting married into any decisions you make. I won't persue that line of thought any further, but please get counsiling from a pastor/priest in your local church before embarking on ANY journey of a life time.

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Postby EireWolf » Mon Sep 15, 2003 4:44 pm

MillyFan wrote:Seriously, I don't want to get married. From a man's perspective, sure, you can have it all, but as a woman, it's a choice. If you get married, you're obligated to have children and then to stay at home and raise them properly. To me, it's as simple as that.

:eyebrow: Obliga-wha?? I'm married, and I've chosen not to have children. It's definitely something one should talk about with one's mate before even thinking about marriage, but please don't think that all married women are obligated to have children. A mommy I am not... although I completely respect all who are (especially mine!).

However, I totally respect your decision not to get married. Some people are called to a single life, and serve God better that way. So... follow your calling! :thumb:
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my two cents

Postby _bluerose_ » Mon Sep 15, 2003 4:59 pm

I just wanted to throw in a few things (sorry if it's been covered I didn't read ever reply, but I also wanted to put how I felt on whoever did cover it).

First off, I have also thought about this. Being like a nun...I even thought it might be my calling. But I don't know, I think I would be mad at myself for making such a vow then not wanting to be committed all the time. So no you are no crazy, I think a lot of ppl go thru that.

I also wanted to say that if you are going to be committed there is no going back, so you can't say that yea I'm going to make this vow then turn around. That is worst than the first. Think about how God would see you.

(covered by MillyFan) Next: Just b/c you marry, you aren't OBLIGATED to have kids. I don't know where that came from. There are tons of working women this day and age. I may be misreading, but come on to the 21st century. You can have kids and work, there are tons of dads staying home nowadays, or just not have kids.

(covered by oldphilosopher) Also: Please never say you are not worthy. Isn't that what Jesus died for us for? God has different callings on us, this is definite. Perhaps it's not your calling, but um, worthiness? What makes someone else more worthy? If it's your calling go for it, whatever it is! Teaching, Preaching, Healing, Writing, Drawing. God will help you if you are doing it according to His will.

Lastly: We should be pure in any relationship we have, no matter if it's with a friend, a bf, or a husband. Purity isn't just something to have while in meditation, it is apart of our daily walk.

Ok, now I feels better.

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Postby EireWolf » Mon Sep 15, 2003 5:12 pm

_bluerose_ wrote:(covered by oldphilosopher) Also: Please never say you are not worthy. Isn't that what Jesus died for us for? God has different callings on us, this is definite. Perhaps it's not your calling, but um, worthiness? What makes someone else more worthy? If it's your calling go for it, whatever it is! Teaching, Preaching, Healing, Writing, Drawing. God will help you if you are doing it according to His will.

I agree with what you said, bluerose, but I think you misunderstood oldphilosopher. He never said he felt unworthy. He said he "was not destined for a great many things," and that God taught him many things in that time in his life -- difficult things. I don't think it was a question of worthiness at all.

So... anyway.... uh... :lick: hehehe!
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Postby _bluerose_ » Mon Sep 15, 2003 7:25 pm

Hey thankies! I appreciate your comment. Actually I wasn't talking about him on that point. He covered the "callings" point that I made....I was re-inforcing. I was actually answering MillyFan on her statement of
Thing is, I'm not good enough for that highest of callings.
I'm not quite sure what she meant, but I don't think anyone is good enough, it's not about being worthy it's about what God called you to. We have to sacrifice. So um, yea. :sweat:

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Postby MasterDias » Mon Sep 15, 2003 7:47 pm

Do whatever God calls you to do but I will echo Oldphilosopher when I say that you should definetly make sure you're actually called before you do anything rash. Maybe God has something else in mind for you to do...
You sound like you're still pretty young so you shouldn't have to make an instant decision.
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Postby MillyFan » Mon Sep 15, 2003 7:50 pm

What I mean by that is that I'm just not the "motherly" type. I'm definitely not your "Focus On The Family paragon of a woman and mother," I'm not protective enough, and I don't like being around little kids for long amounts of time.

LOL, I think I'd make a somewhat OK aunt or cousin or godparent or something, just not a wife and mother because that is too high of a calling for someone like me.

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Postby Bobtheduck » Mon Sep 15, 2003 9:29 pm

Hmm... You're not protective enough? Well, that comes when you have the kids, and not usually before... At least, that's the way it is for men... I'd assume that the "maternal instinct" would be EVEN STRONGER (men tend to be more protective of their daughters) than whatever protective nature comes from being a father... So, yeah, I know so many guys who were not protective until they had kids... Having a kid forces a level of maturity on you, as does getting married in the first place... Now, that is NO reason to get married or have kids, but not having it allready is also no reason to avoid it.

However, not all people are meant to get married. If you are honestly not interested, you may very well be one of the people who aren't supposed to get married. I don't believe God would put a matrimonial desire in someone who isn't supposed to get married, but i know people who have no such desire. They don't have any strong attraction to the opposite sex (or the same sex, thank you very much...) and are satisfied being on their own and don't seek that support. Paul was one of them. Paul didn't ever get married. Peter, on the other hand, did get married... And there were many women that didn't get married, but many who did who were in the service of Jesus in the early days of the Church... So, honestly, there is nothing wrong either way. I think you probably know which side you're on, though. Just don't take the pushing of your peers in either direction as the "will of the Lord" Watch this movie なう。 It's legal, free... And it's more than its premise. It's not saying Fast Food is good food. Just watch it.
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Postby Ammaranth » Wed Sep 17, 2003 11:17 pm

One thing that I think should really be pointed out, as it could help all of us avoid getting into trouble, is that Jesus Himself spoke against swearing. Oaths are by their very nature troublesome, and in my opinion are better off avoided. Although Paul very clearly spoke in favor of a celibate lifestyle, it was not a requirement for priests in the early Christian Church. In fact, if memory serves me correctly, celibacy was not mandated for the priesthood until around 1200 A.D. (feel free to correct my dates if anyone has better info on this) There is some talk of removing the celibacy requirement, though this is an idea which has been mentioned for years, and I don't know if the Catholic Church will ever go for it.
At present, the requirement remains, so if you want to be a priest in your native denomination, celibacy is required. But the most important thing, as others have already said, is to make sure you are being led by God in whatever decision you make. If God's plan for you is a celibate life, He is certainly willing and able to let you know, and when it comes to such a big decision as this, I am sure He will make sure you get all the reassurance and re-enforcement you need. Just ask; he'll guide you. Then again, there are also lots of ways to minister without being celibate. If that is your calling, he will guide you there, too.

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