This is a little pre-mature but I figured I'd make this thread in case anyone wants to come in here and do the same. I just want to extend my thanks to all the mods who've served on this site over the years. I know for myself, CAA has been a pretty significant part of my life. I've met a number of my closest friends on here and have my fair share of great memories tied to this board. Its crazy to think that I've been a part of CAA for over 20 years at this point and that its been around for the latter half of my adolescence and the entirety of my adulthood. None of that would have happened without the hard work of all you mods over the years so truly, from the depths of my heart, thank you.
I want to also give a special thank you to Mith for everything he's done over the years. I know you've done a lot behind the scenes to keep things running over the years and I just want to let you know that I noticed and appreciate it.
I'm not really considering this a goodbye for numerous reasons...though now that I think about it that kind of ruins the title of this thread. But hey, I have to make every reference I can before the site shuts down in this form so might as well.