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Biggest thrill/kick you've ever gotten out of a game?
PostPosted: Wed Jun 30, 2004 11:45 am
by Zilch
Ever done something in a game that just made you chuckle or have a sharp intake of breath?
Some of my (slightly morbid)favs include attaching plasma grenades to Grunts in Halo, setting monkeys on fire in Timesplitters 2(a feature a certain monkey-hating admin enjoys), using Bullet Time in Max Payne, the sheer joy of summoning Bahamut in any Final Fantasy game, throwing things around in Deus Ex: Invisible War, stealing weapons in Morrowind, and the feel of drving a Warthog, also in Halo.
PostPosted: Wed Jun 30, 2004 1:40 pm
by Mr_Anderson
i liked stick grenades on grunts, expesially when they run to the elites, or even better, killing hunters with needlers. i also got scared from chex quest II with the worms, my friends and I would screem when ever we heared one
PostPosted: Wed Jun 30, 2004 2:44 pm
by Bobtheduck
Hmm... I don't know if I should say one thing that comes to mind... Well, let's just say that I HATE escort missions, and it is a sick sort of pleasure to cap off the person you're supposed to be protecting... True, you lose the game, but it's just so satisfying to do it once... Or, you know, three or four times...
The only person I could never kill was Emma Emmerich from Sons of Liberty... She reminded me too much of someone I knew (a girl I liked, even.) It was fun to knock her over by walking by repeatedly, though.
It's also fun to stare at Meryl in Metal Gear Solid... She turns continually stronger shades of red, hehehe...
Another thing I love to do on the game Lemmings is to set the nuke and blow them all up... They just all put their hands on their cheeks and BOOM! Hahahahahaha It's fun.
It was fun to sneak into Potos in Secret of Mana, and to slip off the edge of the screen in Earthbound in saturn valley... All without using gameshark or any codes... Using cheats, I discovered that all of the maps are on one larger map on earthbound, and you can walk to any place in the game if you know where to go with the "Walk through walls" cheat on...
I must say, I got great satisfaction the day I finally beat Section Z... Unfortunately, Capcom had the lamest endings back then...
Hmm... It was satisfying to finally beat Metal Gear Solid... I remember saying to myself "That was the best movie I've ever seen." (I was mildly dellusional from staying up all night, but it is sorta ironic though)
Ooh, it's really fun to stand above the marines in Sons of Liberty and knock them all out with the darts... The'll sleep standing up, it's so funny! If you have enough darts, you can put everyone to sleep... I wouldn't doubt that you could hold them all up, too.
When a question is asked in a game that has only one "right answer" such as "Will you help me avenge my father's death?" I love saying "no" repeatedly just because I can. Also, I like insulting people when questions are asked in an RPG...
I think any game I can't mess around with isn't worth playing...
Using gameshark, I can make the dogs on Silent Hill not attack... It's fun, they chase after me, but they don't attack, and it's like they're cute pets. I wish I could get them to attack other enemies... I feel so guilty when I'm shooting and I accidentally kill one of the harmless zombie dogs...
PostPosted: Wed Jun 30, 2004 2:59 pm
by Saint Kevin
I have to say that the sword-fighting in the monkey island series was probably one of the coolest and most creative things I've ever seen.
Also, achieving some of the harder cheats (e.g. invincibilty) in Goldeneye gave me a sense of satisfaction, in addition to beating the game on 00 Agent difficulty.
Like people have said, Halo has a lot of great moments in it, but I don't think I ever got tired of getting melee kills in multiplayer.
PostPosted: Wed Jun 30, 2004 3:59 pm
by AngelSakura
The only videogame moment I could really say almost made me hyperventalate from laughing was in FFVII when [spoiler=FFVII]they had Cloud dress up like a girl. I almost cried, it was so funny. Of course, it was about 1 'o clock in the morning and I was probably not very alert, but funny is funny, and a got another laugh a couple minutes later when Don Corneo gave in so he didn't have to have his "parts" damaged...[/spoiler]
PostPosted: Wed Jun 30, 2004 4:00 pm
by HeavensTek
rushing a line of advancing mechs on Mechwarrior 4 (PC) with a sidewinder joystick and a sub hooked up to your speaker system.
summoning Bahamut......good one. nothing like grinning to yourself thinking "eat this"
multi-player bomberman
the opening theme to final fantasy tactics
hacking the crap out of Neverwinter Nights and ending up with a character with angel wings and spiked black armor, duel weilding vorpal axes.....death incarnate
there's a ton more too.....things like this are why i play games in the first place =)
PostPosted: Wed Jun 30, 2004 4:49 pm
by Debitt
- Zidane and Vivi's manly bonding in FF9...that was so slightly disturbing it was hilarious.
- Ryuudo's commentary in Grandia II. I especially appreciated "I'm sorry, you're not being vague enough for me, please try and be a little less specific."
- Watching my brother play his acolyte on Ragnarok Online. He got killed by a hunterfly that later turned around and pooped on his body.
- Super Smash Brothers Melee: Link (my brother) vs. Ganondorf (the computer). My brother let an arrow loose at the comp. player right as Ganondorf picked up his leg to do that charge kick...thing. The arrow hit in an interesting spot. We were in stitches for quite a while.
- The deadly competition they promote in Zelda: Legend of the Four Swords. Enough said.
PostPosted: Wed Jun 30, 2004 6:59 pm
by madphilb
I got an odd satisfaction in tasering people to the point of bursting into flames when I played the beginning of Siphon Filter on the PSOne...
There are a few "Whoa" moments in Myst 3: Exile....
Taking note of two NPCs in Half-Life actually making comments back and forth to each other (one asked a question and the other answered, to which the 3rd made a reply)...
The trial in Chrono Trigger (never seen that sort of thing done before, esp on a 16bit system)...
Several places in Beyond: Good and Evil.... esp the 1st battle when it goes into a nice dramatic slow-mo scene.... real big screen epic feel to it...
Watching the whole twisted story that is MGS2 unfold...
Seeing how the things I did and did not do effected the ending of Arcanum.
Will post more when I think of them
PostPosted: Wed Jun 30, 2004 7:17 pm
by Htom Sirveaux
Oh, MGS2 is full of 'em. I like smacking the hostages around in the Shell 1 Core. Oh, and making that one woman in there get scared and soil herself. I also like all the creative kill methods in LoK: Soul Reaver. And in Ratchet & Clank, I use the Morph-o-Ray on groups of small enemies, then switch to the Suck Cannon and fill it up. Later I can use it to shoot chickens at enemies!
PostPosted: Wed Jun 30, 2004 8:27 pm
by Fsiphskilm
PostPosted: Thu Jul 01, 2004 12:26 pm
by uc pseudonym
My list is not too long. These are more things that made me chuckle than take a deep breath, but it works.
A moment in FFX when the person's mouth doesn't move but you hear a voice anyway.
The opening from Zero Wing.
Playing Myst for the first time.
Fighting the Wraith King in Gauntlet Legends: Dark Legacy. Effective use of special effects (creepy world overall).
PostPosted: Thu Jul 01, 2004 12:36 pm
by SilverFang
mixing a wort hog with many explosives and my body, in halo.
PostPosted: Thu Jul 01, 2004 1:44 pm
by Zilch
Another one I just remembered...
In Half-Life, I was dragging a scientist along so he could open a door for me. I took a wrong turn and ran into a corner with a vent above me. As I looked up, semi-realistic organs rained down from the vent above. Something about the way the scientist said "Interesting..." cracked me and my friend up...
How could I have forgotten Vivi and Zidane's bonding? Me and my sister lost it at that part...
PostPosted: Thu Jul 01, 2004 1:46 pm
by emoanimechild
in ratchet and clank going commando theres a weapon that turns small enemies into sheep, I thought that was pretty funny. I get a kick from suikoden III's graphics. They look good from the theme song but when you play it's way different. (of course that doesn't affect how goood the game is) I got a lot of thrills from ff games, summoning anima and using him against seymour was cool. Also theres an amusment park in ffVII I think its called the gold saucer that was fun to. oh and riding chocobos is always fun. I guess i get a lot of kicks out of games, hard to name the biggest.
PostPosted: Thu Jul 01, 2004 2:34 pm
by Master Kenzo
Hmm...when I play Half Life (or Opposing Force)...I try to die in every way possible...falling in pits, drowning...I especially like long falls.
Once, when I was in the second level...there's these scientists falling down the elevator shaft...I stepped on the platform, looked down and laughed at them. A split second later...I fell into the shaft and died. "AHH *crunch* beeeeeeeeeep *monster growl*" My and my friend were laughing REALLY hard.
And in Roller Coaster Tycoon...I prefer launching EMPTY coasters...I'm not sadistic.
In any online game, killing your teammates...although I don't do it often.
Homeworld has always been a "wow" game for me though...everything is on a huge scale...amazing the detail.
PostPosted: Thu Jul 01, 2004 8:23 pm
by TheMelodyMaker
For a programmer to get one's own game to actually work is always a big thrill.
PostPosted: Thu Jul 01, 2004 8:52 pm
by Saint Kevin
Playing Hitman 2 and trying (over and over) to beat a level (er, kill a target or three) without being detected and without blasting the heck out of everyone. Stealth is awesome.
Oh yeah, how could I forget trying to collect all of the dog tags in the Metal Gear Solid games.
Clubbing people off of their motorcycles for the very first time in Road Rash for the Genesis.
Winning races in Extreme G 2 almost exclusively by blowing up the competition.
General Chaos, 'nuff said.
PostPosted: Fri Jul 02, 2004 11:02 am
by kaji
ings I get a kick out of… Hmm.
Punching Hunters to death. (Those big dumb oafs. ^^ )
Getting the Warthog on top of the bunker in Blood Gulch.
Taking Ghosts/Banshees/ and Warthogs into corridors and buildings.
Attaching Plasma grenades to… anything.
The Scorpion Heavy Battle Tank.
Wsummon-Quadramagic-Bahamut Zero. (just sit back and watch the 6 minute show)
Choco-Mog (when the big Chocobo drops on them… LOL that’s just great, he fell right on them, SQUISH!!!
Suikoden III:
Mel, Belle and Banky in the bath house…
The Goldbrick Gang Boss.
Shooting the Vulcan Raven toy, and it growls and starts shooting little pellets, I mean, what the heck is that thing!?
Shooting Seagulls until Rose gets really mad.
Doing 200 Pull-ups to get ‘stronger’
Beating up EE until Otacon gets really mad.
Trying to shoot Solid Snake… (Geeze, does that guy ever sleep?)
Tekken Tag Tournament:
Committing suicide with Yoshimitsu.
Committing suicide with Yoshimitsu while you simultaneously kill your opponent.
PostPosted: Fri Jul 02, 2004 12:00 pm
by AngelSakura
I just remembered some more...
Digimon Rumble Arena
Me and my brother like to go in the ice level and practice "diving" lol
Zoo Tycoon
Building a park full of dangerous animals, setting the price dirt cheap, then blocking the door and letting the animals loose
Super Smash Bros. Melee
My brother thinks Ganon's one "lift-o-leg" attack is hilarious
PostPosted: Fri Jul 02, 2004 4:11 pm
by Psycho Ann
Sim City, Zoo Tycoon (same here Angel Sakura!) just anything where you build and have the potential to create disasters >:D I remember playing the first Sim City and set ALL the disaster options on at once (fire, flood, tornado, Godzilla, earthquake, etc).
FFVII, when I breed two chocobos and a different colored one pops up! Success!
Stepping on/shooting off a zombie's head in RE. XD
Having Harry run into walls, fall off porches, and side-step left and right as if he's dancing in SH1.
Prince of Persia (Shadows of Time (?)), man, I never laughed SO HARD into 5 minutes of a game. Those slow-motion-ala-Matrix moves are just PRICELESS--I couldn't even see straight XD XD
Crazy Taxi, avoiding on-coming traffic by inches just makes me giddy. XD
PostPosted: Fri Jul 02, 2004 7:00 pm
by Zilch
Another Halo moment:
In Blood Gulch, my youth pastor has a habit of sniping from the cliffsides. My biggest joy is driving a Warthog ON THE CLIFFSIDE and barreling him over. Gwaha.
PostPosted: Fri Jul 02, 2004 7:26 pm
by Raiden no Kishi
My first Killing Spree...and melee killing a dude with the FLAG.
Squall's escape from the X-ATM-092 (sp?) (the four-legged spider robot) in FF8
Beating Lego Racers by a nose...literally.
Montblanc's line "You sure are a keen observer of the obvious, kupo!" from FFTA
PostPosted: Fri Jul 02, 2004 7:40 pm
by emoanimechild
at the end of star wars rebel strike there are some really funny bloopers.
PostPosted: Fri Jul 02, 2004 7:41 pm
by emoanimechild
i liked playing ico and prince of persia it was funny to see how unrealisticailly far they could jump.
Whenever ico fell off the castle wall the controller would vibrate once for when he hit the ground. I thought that was interesting, and kinda funny though. Oh and while I'm talking about it sly cooper and ratchet would make funny expressions whenever they fell off a cliffs or drowned.
PostPosted: Fri Jul 02, 2004 9:02 pm
by *Hope*
Okay, here's the offical list:
Drinking Poe's on Zelda. (once it healed me O_O)
Drowning ppl and launching them off rides on Rollar Coaster Tycoon
Feeding ppl to animals on Zoo Tycoon
Being a robot and having only fire weapons on Timesplitters 2 (for those of you who don't know, robots can't be started on fire)
Purposely getting fouls on sports games
Upgrading all your stats and then stealing everything in sight on Morrowind
Driving Ghosts and Tanks through narrow passageways on Halo
Jumping off the Ravine in James Bond
Pointing the photon cannon at the ground and propelling yourself upwards on James Bond
Killing the person your supposed to escort on escort missions
Getting darkside points on Knights of the Old Republic
Launching Nuclear bombs on Rise of Nations (the whole screen goes white... its pure bliss!!!
PostPosted: Fri Jul 02, 2004 10:12 pm
by Fsiphskilm
[quote="Zilch"]Anotever you are...
PostPosted: Fri Jul 02, 2004 10:28 pm
by Chazz
POSTAL 2:going through without killing anyone.
(it IS possible)
using the infinite cats cheat and shooting the machine gun into the air and then having it rain down exploding cats... it doesn't get much better than that. seriosuly.
being able to pee on stuff. i am not kidding. this game is hardcore.
Mechwarrior 4: Mercenaries doing a DFA (death from above, meaning landing your mech on top of another mech and pretty much killing it in one hit. very very very difficult to do) Mechwarrior 4: Mercenaries
Animal Crossing: hitting people with the net until they threaten to kill you.
Pissing off resetti by reseting the game so many times that his brother comes
Paperboy (NES): getting hit by the lady with the knife, then by the tornado, then by the lawnmower, then by the dog, all in one combo. and getting that great crash sound every time. ahhh...
Pretty much every single part of Paper Mario
being able to use the super scope AND THE MOUSE in Tinstar
Suikoden 2 when Nanami gets shot with those arrows... I almost cried... Almost. I was like, what THEE?? She can go through the entire game and get smacked up by pretty much every enemy in the game, the dies after getting hit by a few arrows??? WHAT?
Killing those dogs that follow you around in metal gear solid: the twin snakes... and that puppy that no matter how many times you drill it in the head with the sniper rifle, it comes back and has the little heart over it's head. Sick. Siiiiiick.
The blood stains in Perfect Dark, and the stuff the enemies say. and Elvis's voice. Stupid little alien.
Playing the tickle the cat game in WarioWare Mega Party Game$ (gcn)
and the sniff the booger game
and the escape from the falling booger game
and the shake hands with the collie game
side note: mona is hot.
The end of earthbound when you're fighting giygas... I didn't catch the subtlety of it the first time i played... but the stuff he says when you're killing him is really creepy. really really creepy.
the final one: i saw a kid at gamestop buying a copy of halo and a PC gamepad... poor kid. probably has it on the xbox and don't play PC first person shooters. kids, first person shooters need a mouse and a keyboard.
PostPosted: Sat Jul 03, 2004 3:07 pm
by AngelSakura
My best friend said she was once playing Animal Crossing, set the shovel, and ran into Freckles the duck at the beach. She then whacked Freckles in the back of the head and killed her.
PostPosted: Sat Jul 03, 2004 6:43 pm
by Namu
In MGS2, when the Colonel kept calling you over and over in Arsenal Gear. Some of the things he said were so funny. *loves how he says "I need Scissors! 61!" with that crazy tone of voice*
I also like putting all the marines to sleep in the room with Metal Gear. I still don't know why the Commandant doesn't realize that nobody's listening to him, and that they're on the ground, sleeping...maybe he's horribly nearsighted.
Shooting a guard in the left arm, right leg, and their phone is pretty good. They can't call for help, so they limp to the nearest door. They look like zombies!
I love it in the Sims, when a fire starts. I love how they just stand there and start yelling and flailing their arms, instead of getting as far away from the room as possible and calling someone, like a fireman. XD....
All my other favorites were mentioned, especially the FFVII one. Yay.
PostPosted: Sat Jul 03, 2004 8:13 pm
by Psycho Ann
How could I forgot my biggest trill ever in PC gaming... head-shots. Man, CS, Unreal, whatever FPS game... head-shots are my ultimate goal! <-- sniper freak