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Princess maker

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Princess maker

Postby ThaKladd » Mon Mar 08, 2004 1:06 pm

Have someone tried Princess maker 2??

I have played it a long time and it is one of the best games ever made :)
I am kind of an expert... got almost 1300 points at the end and she became the queen ;)

You get a daughter from the Gods, who is 10 years when you start raising her. then you have to give her education, work, adventure and stuff like that. In the end you see how you have raised her...

There is PM3 and 4 in asian languages also, but only number 2 is translated to english(and also nr 1.5, but very bad translated).

get it here:

I think it's an ok game for christians to play... try it, and comment.
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Postby LorentzForce » Mon Mar 08, 2004 9:58 pm

Played, lots of times, and finished. Achieved everything from a kitchen chef to queen herself. Also played PM1. Haven't seen PM3 and 4 though...

Well, since I'm Korean, I can get the Korean versions and play, and especially because games like these are played by both Koreans AND Japanese, it's more than likely Japanese games are almost always translated into Korean.
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Postby Nightshade X » Tue Mar 09, 2004 11:57 pm

I love this game. I'm, like, addicted to it now. It's so cool.
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Postby HikariChan » Wed Mar 10, 2004 12:57 am

what type of game is this???
i do not understand^__^'
tell me plz!!:hug:

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Postby LorentzForce » Wed Mar 10, 2004 4:09 am

It's a game where you raise a daughter. She starts off at 9 or 10 (been ages since I played), then finishes when she becomes 18. Before she becomes 18, you must make her work at different businesses or educate her at school and blah blah to make her get a good profession at the end. Whatever she learns most, that's what she'll do.

Becoming a queen is the hardest, because you have make her good in nearly EVERYTHING. Difficult when money is scarce (which means you can't just make her schooled forever, she has to work, which has downsides)
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Postby ThaKladd » Wed Mar 10, 2004 4:11 am

The Game is about you, raising up your daughter.

if you follow the link I gave, you'll come to a page with a rewiev, picture and download.

The goal is to give your daughter the right experience, education, and a good life to end up the best way possible. there are 74 different kind of endings in the game.

School cost money, and you have to earn it by sending your daughter to work. in work, and in school, and by fighting you get experiense and rise your different skills. In the end theese skill points determins your proffession. Are you good in everything, you'll have bigger chance becoming thye queen... but then you must have very good in allmost everything.
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Postby Benu » Wed Mar 10, 2004 11:00 am

I've been wanting too download this game but I don't want to get in trouble because even though it's abandonware, abandonware is not legal from what I've heard. It's just like downloading Mp3's and Roms you don't own.
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Postby HikariChan » Wed Mar 10, 2004 11:33 am

that sounds neat!
i'll try n play it sometime:jump:

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Postby ThaKladd » Wed Mar 10, 2004 12:31 pm

Benu, you are right - abandonware is not legal - exept if the maker of the game have given you spesific permission to have it on your web page. But then again.... it's almost impsossible to find a abandonware in a store because they are not sold more...

The thing about Princess maker is that it was never released in stores, and never completed(so the version is a beta). - so you can not find it as far as I know, without downloading it, or buying it on other languages than english.

So it is a moral question - but whatever you choose to do, to download it or not, there is no company that could win or loose enything anyway. most companies does not even care about their very old games(abandonware) - and they don't care if you download it - and, I think, it's all about lazyness not to releas the older games as freeware....

It is good to be strict. God bless you :)
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Postby Benu » Wed Mar 10, 2004 3:50 pm

Yea I may try it because it seems the company has no interest in it anymore. Plus the underdogs is not like other abandonware sites that keep games the company or the ISDA doesn't want to be distributed like that. I just like do my research before downloading something such as abandonware.
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Postby madphilb » Wed Mar 10, 2004 6:10 pm

The Underdogs seem to be very reasonable, they have removed things in the past that the authors or publishers have asked be taken down, and they often link to sites that still sell the software if it's still available.

For some people their own morals may not allow them to use the software, and that's cool, we should never ask someone to do something that they don't feel is right to do.

It's always good to know the truth and question these things. Shows you're aware of consequences of your actions and that you answer to someone higher than even the lawers :thumb:

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