Postby Nate » Wed Nov 10, 2010 8:14 pm
I'm bumping this thread because I found something out recently.
Super Mario Crossover got updated to version 1.1.
There's a LOT of changes, pretty much all of them good. The biggest changes:
1. A new character, Ryu Hayabusa from Ninja Gaiden. This makes the character select screen look a bit different...and also, they added a "random" option (select the question block).
2. Difficulty settings, as well as when you start a new game, the ability to pick whether you want to be able to pick characters between levels, or just pick one character for the whole game.
3. More music! As you recall, there was still a lot of Mario music such as when you got an star, or at the beginning of worlds like 1-2 or 2-2. The new version has pretty much entirely replaced ALL music with character specific music. For example, for Mega Man, the invincibility music is now the Mega Man 2 opening theme, and the music that plays before the pipe in worlds like 1-2 is the Boss Select music from Mega Man 1. Not only that, but more tracks have been added for more variety. The underwater worlds for Mega Man, for example, are now Bubble Man's music, and the bonus cloud levels up the beanstalk now use Air Man's music. Also the "night" levels (World 3) use the famous Wily Castle theme from Mega Man 2.
4. Some characters have changed appearance or play style. Mega Man, for example, had his jumping height decreased and can't jump over a lot of higher obstacles. So now, higher jumps require Mega Man to use Rush Coil (C button). Likewise, Simon's jump mercifully got changed so that you can now change direction after jumping (and he even still keeps the double jump). Samus now can duck down and shoot instead of just going straight to Morph Ball form when you press down. They also changed it so "Zero Suit Samus" is the sprite for the weak form, but this is only a cosmetic change.
Also, you can change options for Simon's jump and the Samus crouch so that they revert back to the 1.0 controls.
Anyway it's still a lot of fun and these new changes make it even better.
Ezekiel 23:20