glitch1501 wrote:oregon trail was a truely epic game, you just feel so bad when little karen gets cholera....
What, you dont kill your people off for fun!?
lol, the original DOS version of that game was awesome. Temember the hunting sequences with a black screen and random pixelated bushes and animals. Good times. Writing epitaphs is the best part too.
My favourite of them was the Amazon one actually. I'm certain Yukon was could never strike it rich! (did anyone ever get the huge strike that was on the back of the CD case? I think not.)
I can't remember if Africa Trail was before or after TLC, but I know
MayaQuest was MECC. Those ones weren't quite as good though, imo.
I remeber them all so well along with math blaster on the old 5.3" floppys.
Math Blaster!!! There was an old old version of that, but then they came out with
MB: In Search of Spot. That game was awesome. ^_^
(Is it just me, or do today's educational games suck in comparison? Either that or i'm just too old to enjoy.
Cast in the name of God, ye not guilty.
At the heart of mature [color=DarkOrchid]femininity is a freeing disposition to affirm, receive and nuture strength and leadership from worthy men in ways appropriate to a woman's differing relationships.
At the heart of mature masculinity is a sense of benevolent responsibility to lead, provide for and protect women in ways appropriate to a man's differing relationships.[/color]
Disclaimer: The comments of Lara, both on forum and chat, are random, unusual, and often sarcastic. Read with a pillar of salt. Thanks.