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Unlimted SaGa (I want Your Opinion)

PostPosted: Sat Dec 31, 2005 7:42 am
by Tommy
Okay, I spent 5$ on this game yesterday and once again, UNDERRATED!

Romancing SaGa is 10000000x better but this game is quite fun. Allow me to give a random review.

Graphics: They are pretty. Best sprites ever.
Gameplay: The Gameboard thing is fun!!! I hate how you can`t escae enimies.
Battle System: Fun but why am I still fighting when I have 0 HP. Do you have to loose all LP too? I hate how you make ombos ith enimies.
Music: perfect.
Overall: 6 out of 10

Tell me why it`s hated.

PostPosted: Sat Dec 31, 2005 8:14 am
by Destroyer2000
Wait...isn't that the game where the Sprite's heads are insanely huge and obese?

PostPosted: Sat Dec 31, 2005 9:25 am
by Nate
Tom Dincht wrote:Tell me why it`s hated.

The voice acting is horrendous, the "game board" system of movement is total garbage, and the AI is stupid (so stupid that the enemy won't attack you if you don't attack it).

On the plus side, the music is nice. That's about it.

PostPosted: Sat Dec 31, 2005 2:03 pm
by Tommy
First of all, I get attacked by the enemy without attacking it.

Actually, Destroyer2000, in Romancing Saga the "3D" characters have huge heads, there is no gameboard system, and the battle system is much more awesome.

First of all, I never attack the enemy on the Game Board. The Game Board isn`t garbage it`s just different. I can understand that Nate wouldn`t like it but I think he would really like Romancing SaGa. Seriously, Kaemmerite it`s worth a rent at least.

My friend who hates RPGs came over and tried Romancing SaGa assumming he was going to hate it. He gave it a try and he is literally selling his Gamecube (which he doesn`t like anyways) and all of his games so he can snag a PS2 and a copy of RS.
There is a point to it. The SaGa series made a dramatic change for the good this year.

Ultimate SaGa in one word to me is: Okay.

Even though that`s two words.

Don`t be surprized Kae, I love every RPG in existance.

(I don`t think I`d like Breath of Fire V though)

EDIT: Forgot to add this.
Destroyer20000, check out these sprites and how realistic they are. Most beautifully drawn sprites ever:

(Copy and Paste in Adress) ... saga-3.jpg ... saga-2.jpg ... saga-1.jpg

Just try RS.