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Why Far Cry is the best game *warning violence*

PostPosted: Fri Aug 13, 2004 9:26 pm
by Chazz
I'll let the screen shots do the talking. I took these using a radeon 9800 Pro 256mb, AMD ATHLON XP 2400+ and 512 RAM. Also, so they'd fit, I shrunk the pictures so now they kind of look like crap. Oh well.

need proof of the 9800 pro?
image 1.

image 2: Look at that picture. I was pretty sure the one on the left was a girl, because a man wouldn't wear pants that high unless he was gay or someone's father. or both. And she's got a gun. How is that not cool?

image 3: Look at Jack. He's got a five o'clock shadow AND a walkie talkie think. Hardcore.

image 4: Look at those water effects. That's realtime, baby. None of that Silent Hill prerendered crap.

image 5: *violence* look at that guy. he's getting freakin' shot in the face. Ow.


5's my limit?
i'll post more later of something.

PostPosted: Fri Aug 13, 2004 9:30 pm
by glitch1501
farcry does have great graphics, i love it
there is a mod out that lets you play farcry coop, im gonna test it out sometime

PostPosted: Fri Aug 13, 2004 9:33 pm
by Chazz

image 6: with an INSANE draw distance of 1.2 km, you can see really far with your binoculars, or a sniper rifle. Like, really, really far.

image 7: when you shoot people, they leave like, bullet holes. And it's all like, bloody and such. Gross, but still incredibly cool. Ubisoft's attention to detail in this game is spectacular.

image 8: It's kind of hard to see, but the lighting effects in Far Cry rival those of Doom 3. In-cred-ib-le.

image 9: *violence* another guy getting shot it the face. Somehow extremely satisfying.

And that's all for now.
I urge you to buy this game.
It's awesome.

PostPosted: Fri Aug 13, 2004 9:34 pm
by Chazz
somebody find it and post the link
like right now

PostPosted: Sat Aug 14, 2004 8:50 pm
by Zedian
:Drools: That is so amazing looking, I never knew FarCry was such a work of art. I need to put aside Battlefield 1942 and Unreal Tournament, and hold Doom 3 off for another month. Because that game is sweet looking, then again you got the ATI Radieon 9800. By the way, what type of processor and chip set did you plug that video card into?

PostPosted: Sun Aug 15, 2004 1:01 pm
by Lobo
pretty cool graphics but i have seen better like doom 3 and americas army

PostPosted: Sun Aug 15, 2004 4:06 pm
by Yojimbo
America's Army runs on a modified Unreal engine it's not anywhere close to Crytek's.

PostPosted: Sun Aug 15, 2004 5:37 pm
by ZiP
Halo on PC has some advanced graphs as well,

PostPosted: Sun Aug 15, 2004 6:32 pm
by glitch1501

theres the link for farcry coop

PostPosted: Sun Aug 15, 2004 6:57 pm
by Slater
I don't care what the best game is. I just care weather of not the game is good... and this... looks awesome.