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Street Fighter 4: Which platform has the best version?

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Street Fighter 4: Which platform has the best version?

Postby Riggidig » Sun Aug 30, 2009 6:22 am

I REALLY want to get me this game, but the only gaming systems I currently own is a PS2, and a PC that's NOWHERE near powerful enough to play it. As some of you know, my friend MAY be giving me her PS3 for my birthday in Jan, or if not I was originally thinking of getting me an Xbox 360 sometime early next year (I'm currently saving up for a 22" LCD TV after owning a 19" CRT TV for the last 7 years, so if it comes to that it'll have to wait).

That being said, do you guys reckon I should get it for one of the consoles or rather wait until I've upgraded my PC to something powerful enough to play it then get it?

Thanks in advance
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Postby Etoh*the*Greato » Sun Aug 30, 2009 7:11 am

The whole of the community here playing it seems to do so on the PS3. I play it on the 360 myself. The only real difference you're going to encounter is the controller you get stock with each console (the 360's Dpad is terrible) but is a moot point since most people will tell you to pick up the official controllers for the game anyway.
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Postby Riggidig » Sun Aug 30, 2009 8:17 am

I must admit, I've played about 15 min of the Xbox version and the controller wasn't THAT great (especially the d pad). Also I played Street Fighter Alpha 3 last night for the first time on the PS2 and didn't find the controller that bad (although my thumb got a bit sore after playing on the d pad, while the analogue stick didn't work for me really), so I take it that the PS3 version is more playbale off the bat if one were to play it without a joystick. Maybe a proper joystick IS the way to go with it though...
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Postby blkmage » Sun Aug 30, 2009 10:48 am

It really boils down to which platform the people you want to play it with have.
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Postby Riggidig » Sun Aug 30, 2009 2:19 pm

Well blkmage, the thing is I won't really have anyone to play it with offline :-( I have an ADSL connection with a monthly 1gb cap at home but I'm not sure how long that'll last for online use.
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Postby sdzero » Sun Aug 30, 2009 5:06 pm

Playing online with the Ps3 is free as well. :thumb:
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Postby Bobtheduck » Sat Sep 05, 2009 3:13 pm

sdzero (post: 1342815) wrote:Playing online with the Ps3 is free as well. :thumb:

This is true, but he said he has a bandwidth cap on his internet... Online gaming would blast through a 1 gig bandwidth cap in no time... So, yeah, online gaming isn't good when you have such a low cap. Watch this movie なう。 It's legal, free... And it's more than its premise. It's not saying Fast Food is good food. Just watch it.
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Postby Riggidig » Fri Sep 11, 2009 10:57 am

By the way, which platform's controller is more suited for this game do you guys reckon?
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Postby Bobtheduck » Fri Sep 11, 2009 1:11 pm

Riggidig (post: 1345119) wrote:By the way, which platform's controller is more suited for this game do you guys reckon?

If you're talking stock controllers, PS3. By far.

If you're including non-sony controllers, both systems have identical arcade sticks.

I, personally, don't like arcade sticks, but as Street Fighter is an Arcade game, it only makes sense to have things the closest to the original. I work better with D-pads, though. Watch this movie なう。 It's legal, free... And it's more than its premise. It's not saying Fast Food is good food. Just watch it.
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Postby ilikegir33 » Sat Sep 19, 2009 3:54 pm

I think the PS3 controller is way easier to use in a game like SF4.

If you get an arcade stick, get one by Hori. Although they have some sticker shock ($100 for a PS3 Real Arcade Pro.3 stick, for instance) they're worth it. You can just use the stick as is, or, if you're serious about getting the "real arcade feel", you can mod it with Sanwa/Seimitsu parts (which are used in actual Japanese arcades). Either way, Hori's sticks are the best.

I myself prefer arcade sticks to the D-pad.
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Postby Kkun » Sun Sep 20, 2009 12:02 am

ilikegir33 (post: 1346347) wrote:I think the PS3 controller is way easier to use in a game like SF4.

If you get an arcade stick, get one by Hori. Although they have some sticker shock ($100 for a PS3 Real Arcade Pro.3 stick, for instance) they're worth it. You can just use the stick as is, or, if you're serious about getting the "real arcade feel", you can mod it with Sanwa/Seimitsu parts (which are used in actual Japanese arcades). Either way, Hori's sticks are the best.

I myself prefer arcade sticks to the D-pad.

Good man. Having played fighting games in the arcade when I was in high school and just recently getting back into having an arcade stick, I am SOLD on the benefits of an arcade stick over a controller. I have the Tournament Edition Fight Stick by MadCatz (made with Sanwa parts) and it's phenomenal. It still works beautifull after a month (which was something I could not say about other sticks I've had, like the piece of crap Pelican had for the PS2). A stick is always the way to go for a fighting game, but if you have to play with a controller, the PS3 or something like it is probably currently the best way to go.
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Postby GrubbTheFragger » Tue Sep 22, 2009 8:18 am

i hate the xbox dpad but adore this game XD. So I say whatever just go get the game
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Postby Etoh*the*Greato » Tue Sep 22, 2009 8:40 am

So much animosity for that D-Pad right now...

The Hori wired controller evidently has a decent one, but it's kind of expensiveish.
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Postby Riggidig » Fri Sep 25, 2009 2:38 pm

I don't really understand why, after the Sega Saturn, controllers don't have 6 button layouts as the standard anymore. Those were AWESOME. Guess us fighting game fans are the minority or they try to milk us for extra cash to shelf out for these expensive controllers :-(
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Postby Etoh*the*Greato » Fri Sep 25, 2009 2:45 pm

The extra buttons ended up moving to the shoulders for ease of access. Not ideal for fighting games, but...
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Postby sdzero » Sat Sep 26, 2009 2:15 am

Street Fighter 4 Rumor Update! :thumb:

"The rumors for the Street Fighter 4 upgrade have been picking up steam with the Tokyo Game Show currently taking place.

The game is now being called 'Super Street Fighter 4' in most circles. Here's a bulleted rundown of the stuff that's being rumored. Get your salt shaker out and keep a steady supply coming — because the list you read below is confirmed in no way, shape or form.

•The previously leaked characters are all said to be in the game. Dee Jay, T. Hawk, Dudley, Ibuki, Makoto, Adon, Cody and Guy. The new characters are rumored to be:
◦Hakan - An Arabic grappler obsessed with oil.
◦Juri - Evil Asian girl fighter working for Seth.
•All characters will have two Ultras. They will both be available at one time, not selectable like with Third Strike's Super Arts. The commands to execute your Ultras do not overlap.
◦It sounds like the characters from Third Strike are set up with their prior Super Arts. They had three in that game, so one will be their Super and the other two their Ultras.
◦Gen has four Ultras because of his two fighting styles. One of these is said to be an Air Ultra.
◦All characters still have one Super, except Sakura who apparently has a Shinkuu Hadoken (Super Fireball) as well.
•Some characters will have Air Ultras.
•The Bonus Stages will be returning.
•This will be an exclusive arcade release at least for a few months.
•An official announcement is said to be coming at the Tokyo Game Show and on the Japanese Street Fighter 4 blog soon.
•Expect the return of the many familiar Supers, and a few new ones like Metsu Shoryuken. You'll see the return of Chun-Li's Kikosho (Super Fireball), Gouken's Denjin, Sagat's Tiger Cannon (Super Fireball).
•Ibuki has a run command.
•Guile has his Sonic Hurricane move from Marvel vs. Capcom 2.
•Dudley has his Chain combos from Third Strike, plus one additional Chain combo.
•Cody is the only character with an Alpha Counter and he still has his knife. He supposedly needs his knife to perform one of his Ultras.
•Rufus can cancel-break the last hit of his Spectacle Romance, or the launch kick of Space Opera Symphony.
•Guy has his Chain combos.
•Makoto has her Tanden Renki Super from Third Strike.
•Zangief is said to have a 720 degree motion Air Ultra called the Siberian Blizzard.
•The game takes place one year after Street Fighter 4.
•Dudley was searching for his car in Third Strike, in this game he's searching for a rose.
•T. Hawk's storyline involves him protecting Juni or Juli.
•Dhalsim's new Ultra is called the Yoga Shangri'la.
•There's a new gameplay system called Tadan Saving, the phrase implies a multi-hitting or multiple-level Focus Attack.
•The console characters are all said to be added to the upcoming arcade release, with the possible exceptions of Seth and Gouken."

I do not have much to say, but if these rumors are true then...then...:dance:
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Postby Riggidig » Sun Sep 27, 2009 1:19 am

[quote="sdzero"]Street Fighter 4 Rumor Update! :thumb:

"The rumors for the Street Fighter 4 upgrade have been picking up steam with the Tokyo Game Show currently taking place.

The game is now being called 'Super Street Fighter 4' in most circles. Here's a bulleted rundown of the stuff that's being rumored. Get your salt shaker out and keep a steady supply coming —]
Oh ho ho, CapCom, you sneaks. Bringing out an updated version of a game: Who would have thought? /sarcasm

So I guess by the time I have a PS3/XBOX 360/Powerful Enough PC this new version should be available.

So what do you reckon this updated version will be called anyway? My guess is "Street Fighter 4: MO' MONEY FO' US, SUCKAS"
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Postby sdzero » Sun Sep 27, 2009 11:32 pm

Offical New Street Fighter 4 teaser trailer!!! :wow!:

Could anybody see anything in that teaser? :eyebrow:
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Postby Kkun » Mon Sep 28, 2009 6:26 am

I saw nothing.

All I know is I am stoked.
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Postby Etoh*the*Greato » Mon Sep 28, 2009 6:28 am

Better sell my copy fast before it can't sell for anything more, then.

It would be nice if they updated the previous version of Street Fighter to work in multiplayer versus this new version. Maybe you just couldn't access the extra characters.
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Postby Zyborg22 » Mon Sep 28, 2009 4:10 pm

I wish they'd make all of the new characters and updates available as downloadable content instead of making us shell out another $60. That seems like a lot of stuff, though, so maybe they can't.

At the very least, they should let us carry over our save data from the original Street Fighter 4. If they don't, I'll be very disappointed.

Aside from those gripes, the new content sounds good.
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Postby sdzero » Tue Sep 29, 2009 12:07 am

Etoh*the*Greato (post: 1347854) wrote:Better sell my copy fast before it can't sell for anything more, then.

It would be nice if they updated the previous version of Street Fighter to work in multiplayer versus this new version. Maybe you just couldn't access the extra characters.
Super Street Fighter 4 Interview with Yoshinori Ono

I would not toss my copy of the game so hastily. According to a new interview there is something extra if you keep it.
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Postby Riggidig » Tue Sep 29, 2009 4:06 am

You all know that his means they'll probably release Super Street Fighter 4 Turbo with even MORE updates, right? :lol:
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Postby Riggidig » Tue Sep 29, 2009 4:13 am

Zyborg22 wrote:I wish they'd make all of the new characters and updates available as downloadable content instead of making us shell out another $60. That seems like a lot of stuff, though, so maybe they can't.

At the very least, they should let us carry over our save data from the original Street Fighter 4. If they don't, I'll be very disappointed.

Aside from those gripes, the new content sounds good.

According to sources the game won't go at full retail price and those that have the original Street Fighter 4 will be able to unlock/download extra content for the game.

Either way, if I get either an XBOX 360/PS3 in the next couple of months, before Super Street Fighter 4 comes out, I would actually consider getting me the original game, cause the price will probably drop MAJORLY as the release date of the new one comes closer.
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Postby Bobtheduck » Tue Sep 29, 2009 8:52 am

Super Street Fighter 4 Hyperstone heist Turbo Graphics PS360.

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