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A Prayer For My Dad & My Cat

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A Prayer For My Dad & My Cat

Postby TopazRaven » Tue Nov 23, 2010 1:42 pm

Arg, the past few days have been a bit crazy. I feel a bit embarrassed, but would you guys and girls mind praying for me and my family? :angel:

First things first, my dad called me on Sunday night and told me he was in the hospital so me and my mom went down to see him, but she ended up stressing out because it was really dark and she has a hard time seeing at night. I really need to get my driver's liscence. Anyway, it turns out a month ago he fell and cut his leg on some glass. He took care of it himself and put neosporin on it. Guess what? He's apparantly allergic to neosporin. So the cut became infected and the infection spread all throughout his leg. They wanted him to stay in the hospital for a week, but he can't afford to be out of work and his boss was already mad he had to go. Just pray that he takes care of it and the infection gets better soon please. My dad is so clumusy and I really don't think he takes care of himself the best he could be.

Next I need a prayer for my cat Creamcicle. Well, it's a long story with him. To put it simply I had him the first five years of his life, but we had to give him up because we have to many cats and can't afford to take care of them all. We originally only had two cats, but about three years ago we made the mistake of taking in two pregnant stray cats. Everyone in the neighborhood said they would take a kitten once they where born. We should have known better. We had as many as 13 cats at one time. The one female kept getting out before we could get her fixed and would come back pregnant. Eventually my mom couldn't handle it anymore and we ended up taking the two mother cats to the animal shelter. We felt so bad about it. We managed to find homes for 5 of the kittens on our own through family, friends and once through an adoption agency. We are now down to 7 cats and my mom has decided we can only afford to keep 4 or 5. We where going to keep Creamcicle, but to put it simply, he dispises the other cats. He would fight quite violently with the other males to the point he would have bloody scratches on his face and he also would urinate and poop all over the place. To say the least our carpets was ruined.

We decided it wasn't fair to keep him if he didn't want to be with the other cats, yet we didn't want to have to get rid of all the other cats either. Plus he was driving my mom crazy with all the spraying. We where having such a hard time finding homes. We ended up taking him to a non-kill shelter and the best thing is we volunteer there ever Sunday so we get to see him still! Creamcicle did get adopted, but he stopped eating and starting acting afraid of the people so they brought him back. Not to mention they had four other cats and the whole point of us giving him up was so that he could be a single cat or with just one other cat and that would have to be a female. So he lost a ton of weight. He went from being a 17-pound cat to about 10 pounds. So we took him to the vet and he has an infection in both of his ears and one of his teeth. To put it simply, he's back at the house until he gets better so we can properly moniter his medication. Me and my mother already feel bad for giving him up. I don't know if we're gonna be able to take him back again once his better. They also took a blood test to make sure nothing else is wrong with him. One of the cats of the person who adopted him died from a large mass in their stomach. Just pray his blood test comes back clean for me. I'm really hoping and praying nothing ends up being wrong with him. Wow...that really was long.

Last of all, if you don't mind, give a little prayer for me. I'm a bit confused in my faith right now. I, of course love God and believe in Jesus as my savior, but er...I don't know. There are times when I find myself disagreeing with the bible as I read it in some ways and that's pretty dangerous stuff right there isn't it? I'm also always worried about being doomed to hell and then I wonder if my family and friends will go to hell and well, I'm a mess. I seriously need to be on medicine because I worry about EVERYTHING! To the point where I make myself sick. My mom and best friend both think I need therapy. I'm beginning to agree with them.
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Postby Tsukuyomi » Tue Nov 23, 2010 2:00 pm

I'll be praying ^^ I hope your dad's recovers ^^ He really should get that taken cared of.
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Postby TopazRaven » Tue Nov 23, 2010 2:04 pm

Thank you. Well they gave him medicine. Hopefully he'll keep it clean and remember to take the antibiotics. He works for a garage/garbage company. Not the cleanest of working enviornments unfortunatly.
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Postby Atria35 » Tue Nov 23, 2010 3:18 pm

Definitely praying for both your cat and dad. I hope they both get better soon (and your cat finds a good family to adopt him).
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Postby TopazRaven » Wed Nov 24, 2010 2:36 pm

Well, bad news for my cat. His blood test came back and apparantly his liver isn't working correctly.
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Postby Atria35 » Wed Nov 24, 2010 2:40 pm

^ Oh, no. I'm so sorry! I'll pray that God helps him heal, if possible.

And still praying for your dad.
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Postby TopazRaven » Wed Nov 24, 2010 5:03 pm

Thank you so much. His liver might not be working since he refuses to eat. We have to force feed him at the moment sadly. My mom thinks we should wait until he's a little better before putting him through more test. If he does have a liver disease then he's pretty much done for.

As for my Dad, I'm hoping he gets better to. His foot was swelled up pretty bad yesterday. I wish he hadn't left the hospital.
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Postby armeck » Wed Nov 24, 2010 9:40 pm

yeah i'll definitely pray
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Postby Yuki-Anne » Wed Nov 24, 2010 10:19 pm

I'll pray.
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