My husband and I really need prayer. We both just lost our jobs recently and are now diligently searching but can't seem to find anything. We lost our apartment right before I got fired due to hour cuts and if it weren't for his grandmother the three of us would not have a place to stay together. So that is a wonderful praise to be mentioned. She is allowing us to stay in her house until we find better living situations. Please pray for our job searches. My husband does contract work right now so we are getting by for now.
Also, my husband, daughter and I are all sick right now with different things. My little girl just got over chicken pox and now has a cold, my husband is choking on random foods again (he ended up in the ER getting an endoscopic procedure done just a little while ago because the same thing was happening on a more severe level) and I am dealing with my blood pressure dropping at random moments and causing me to faint or have vision black outs. So of course please pray for my family and myself for better health.
Please also pray for my marriage. We have had a few fights recently on a few small issues between us and I don't want these things to be the cause for anger between us.
Thanks guys!